Ya'll I was beginning to do some research in TWatWK for my fanfic. I was flipping through the pages and for some reason, I stopped at the poem at the beginning. (It's by George MacDonald) So I started to read it-like, really read it. While I read the poem, the ending was very fresh in my brain-as I've been thinking about it recently.
So... was I the only one who didn't see how perfectly that reflects the ending of the Wingfeather Saga?
"I dreamed of a song--I heard it sung;
In the ear of my soul its strange notes rung.
What were its words I could not tell,
Only the voice I heard right well.
A voice with a wild melodious cry
Reaching and longing afar and high.
Sorrowful triumph, and hopeful strife,
Gainful death, and new-born life."
I guess I'm the odd one out who got super excited about the GEORGE MACDONALD poem the first time through! 😂
I'm a George Macdonald fan. 😊 I'm also jealous of Andrew Peterson because he got to go to a used bookstore in the UK and buy a first edition George MacDonald poetry book!