Alright y'all. Let's talk ending. Thoughts? Feelings? Tears? No tears?
-should the ending be classified as sad or happy?
-is the ending satisfying?
-should Mr. Peterson have written more?
-do we want another sequel (even though we know we can't have one) or do we find it complete?
-above all... do we think the water from the well works?? and if so, how/why??
My opinion, as recently expressed on a Facebook post from the WFS addressing the same issue...
Janner lives, the epilogue hints too strongly for it to be otherwise. Andrew Peterson didn't want to make Janner a "Christ character" and hence his illusions to it, and not outright portrayal.
Plus, in Andrew Peterson's newest (released) book, he is quoted to have said,
*And I use my Oskar Reteep accent here😂*
"If you're asking whether I'll write about what happened AFTER the epilogue of The Warden and the Wolf King, the answer is a definite no. The canon is closed. I have my reasons, some of which are literary and some of which are theological, and they boil down to this: whatever hope or longing might have woken in you when you finished the book is far better than anything I might have written."
Andrew Peterson, Preface, Seven Thrilling Stories from the World of Aerwiar (2016)
So... that being said,
What do you think Janner wore at his wedding with Sara Cobbler? LOL