Hi there, I was rereading The Warden and the Wolf King when I came across something puzzling. at the beginning of chapter 96 (page 488), it says
“…marked the first day of the Fifth Epoch…”

Shouldn’t it be the Fourth Epoch? The books take place during the Third Epoch, as is shown on the “Permission to Hoe Garden” form in the appendix of book 1.

Is this an error in the book, or is there a reason that the Fourth Epoch got skipped over that I’m not aware of?
Okay, clarification because this has bugged me for forever:
The forms are wrong. How do I know it’s the forms? Well, several times, supposed authors from “long ago” have written books in the 3rd epoch that wouldn’t have been written until a few hundred years after the story, if the forms are correct. Therefore, they live in the 4th epoch, and the forms are incorrect, while the authors were in fact long ago.
Maybe the books passed an Epcoch or something. 🤷♀️
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Weird, I hadn't noticed that! It's guess it's a typo or something. 🤔
Wow. I don't think I had noticed that.
wow! i never noticed that.... that's very observant of you!
Hmmm, well on the Wingfeather Saga fandom website, it shows that the kids were born in the fourth epoch
It's probably a typo. I'll have to check my version. Do you have the old or new books?