No, I don't mean whether you think Janner comes back or not. What do you think happens with the first well? Assuming Kal is able to find it again without his wolf senses, what will he do with the well after he throws water on Janner? Before the fall of Anyara, Dwane and Gladys had guarded the first well and used the water to heal and restore, and without meaning to, had lived longer than anyone else. Will Kal distribute the water to the sick and injured? Will he keep it hidden, or make its location public knowledge? Why was the well hidden (before it was lost) in the first place, and do those reasons still apply? And the big question: will Kal live forever because of the first well? Dwane and Gladys lived for centuries because of the water, and only died because of their son's treachery. Because if Kal lives forever, he'll never see his father again. And if the water doesn't bring Janner back, he'll never see his brother again, either.
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For reasons I will not be getting into now I do believe janner will not be brought back and is dead. This is a theory I have, and I may have some evidence from the books.