I'm wondering what you guys think about if The Wingfeather Saga tv series was chosen to be a live-action tv series instead of being animated. Being animated, the show is more likely to have a wider age range for watchers. (And I looooove the animation) But do you think the show would've worked in live action? If so, the show might've had to have a higher budget, and might be darker (hopefully still retaining the same humor and mood of the books). What are your thoughts? Would you guys rather the tv show been in live-action or animation (as it is)? Would a live-action version even have worked?

Yeah, live action... wouldn't work, I think. You couldn't give it as much magic without a HUGE CGI budget.
It would not maintain the same humor or mood of the books.
I think animation was a good choice. But I think live action would be pretty good too.
Now that I think of it more, I think animation was a better choice. https://www.facebook.com/WingfeatherSaga/videos/livestream-recap-our-creators-are-bringing-the-wingfeather-saga-to-life-in-a-sty/530435018896904/
I think live-action would be awesome, especially if it had the same cinematic quality as Rings of Power, but at this stage animation is the wiser choice. Not just for cost reasons. In live-action they'd have to be constantly filming to keep the kids the same age. Also Tink's [SPOILER] would probably be better in animation
I think the kind of story WFS is would not do well as a live action movie. LOTR is a darker and more mature story than WFS, and is pretty much humorless. WFS is a happier story oriented toward younger people.