I think I'm going to miss it because we'll be traveling. Otherwise I would. I've never actually joined the chat:) If I do, it will be on Angel, because I don't have a Youtube account.
Oh! Okay, I understood that it would be like watching the second draft and kind of doing a live Guild feedback on it or something. Lol but who knows, Iāve been distracted lately.
Iām the same name across all platforms!!! š
Hm. I think I'll be on youtube
I am"Ahumanbeing" if anyone wants to know :D
ohhh! Ill be there! (I'm Celestie winters on youtube!) thanks for telling us! I didn't know they were having a livestream!
imma be watching in secret probably. I hope to se you all there! (I'm Rachel Blackburn on all my platforms, so you all will know it's me)
I think I'm going to miss it because we'll be traveling. Otherwise I would. I've never actually joined the chat:) If I do, it will be on Angel, because I don't have a Youtube account.
I need to know where/when it's happening. Specific time
I hope me! But not quite sure.
You joining on YouTube or on Angel?
Unfortunately, I have Rangers and MPact girls that day. :(