I thought of this while playing games with my family this weekend:
If the characters of the Wingfeather Saga had a game night, what board games or card games do you think would be their favorites, and why? (Remember to keep all games TTH appropriate).
For example, I think Janner would enjoy Balderdash (have any of you played it? It's fun and hilarious) because it has to do with obscure words that you have to anonymously make a definition up for. You get points both for guessing the correct one and for writing a definition that others think is the correct one. The ability to adjust your writing style to sound like the real answer helps you write convincing definitions, and a broad vocabulary and knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and root words helps you guess more accurately (knowing something about the other players and paying attention to what they choose helps with this too).
Anyone ever play taco cat goat cheese pizza? I play it all the time with my friends! (I’m back from my sudden disappearance by the way…)
Oskar and Tink would probably like games with food themes, like Sushi Go or Ramen Fury. But they would get distracted from the game and want real food. 😅
Peet would love quelf!
Hm. I actually don't think Tink would want to do a board game. I think Podo would enjoy playing games like Risk and Settlers of Catan. I think Leeli would rather do a puzzle than a board game. And Nia would just enjoy being with her family. Janner would like Scrabble. Sara Cobbler would like word games too, and I think she'd like Scategories. Artham (not crazy) would like word games too.
(I love Balderdash!!! I just can't ever get anyone to play it with me!) Janner and Nia would like word games (Balderdash, Scrabble, Boggle, etc.) Kalmar would be excellent at Pictionary (he could draw anything and he would also be really good at figuring out what everyone else's poor drawings were) and Leeli would be great at any game that involved humming a melody and everyone else guessing what the song was, but she'd get frustrated at everyone else's pathetic attempts. And then she'd try not to show how frustrated she was with everyone - especially with her mom.
And I think everyone would love playing Spoons. And I think Nia would be really good at it and way more competitive than anyone would expect!
You might expect Oskar to be good at word games, too, but I think he would actually be very easily distracted and would go off on long tangents about obscure quotes and forget he was playing a game. He might not get invited to very many game nights.