I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist the opportunity😁😁😆😆
This is brilliant! 😂
I am most definitely and certainly pleased by your pleasedness… about the said meme
In the words of Ponchum McPonchbelly, “Tis a masterpiece!”
“Thank you, thank you” *Bows with a flourish*
I'm slightly creeped out by the last one lol 😅
The last one is kind of weird.
Do you not know Admeral Akbars most famous line in all of SW?
Haha! 😆😆
It was simply to great of an opportunity to miss!😅🤣😂
Three different stories and he combined into one meme! No copyright law in the universe will stop him!
Haha! Yup!😅😂🤣
From my little brother (he really wanted to comment. hehe):
Howdy Ho!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, Oskar is the best character.
Oskar is cool.
Tell your little brother I agree with him! 😁😁
I say that’s a good one!! 😂😂
This is brilliant! 😂
In the words of Ponchum McPonchbelly, “Tis a masterpiece!”
I'm slightly creeped out by the last one lol 😅
Haha! 😆😆
Three different stories and he combined into one meme! No copyright law in the universe will stop him!
I say that’s a good one!! 😂😂