I love looking up memes and finding one that seems to match with how a character in a fictional story deals with things. Can you relate?
NOTE: if something reminds you of a character that hasn't been revealed in book 1 at around chapter 37, please don't spoil anything.
SECOND NOTE: Post contains some moderate spoilers of book 1.

Who does that sound like?

The chaotic energy.

Sounds like a certain fang in book 1.

Since it seems like Tink is eating EVERY two chapters.

(The logo in the corner says Pun Hub, for those concerned) again, Tink is always out for food.

How the Fangs feel, particularly Slarb. Poor Vop.

"Bruh, why you mad? Cause my krutch says 'lizard kicker' and yours don't?" -Leeli

"Tink, do not touch my food. I have 7 shrimp and 4,362 rice." -Janner

While Janner has his thoughts on the secrets of the adults in his life, here is what is on Tink's mind most of the time.

Peet cooking for the Igiby children in his tree house.

Sometimes you need to stretch the THAGS book reports.
Those are some few I had, do you have any? Feel free to drop them below keeping in mind the posted notes!
The first one sounds like Jannerš¤£