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Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Jun 09, 2024
In Crafts and Creations
So I recently had a conversation on here where I mentioned my OC Rose, and I realized I’ve never actually posted about her! 😱She was in my old fanfiction quest for the crystals, but I never actually showed people what she looked like! (Rose is actually one of my favorite characters I’ve ever created! Probably because she’s based on me a tiny bit!) So here she is and her bio!😄 Did I spend an hour and a half drawing this? Maybe….Worth it!🥳. I know her hands look terrible! I can draw them. I just really hate doing it so… 🎨Bio🎨 Full name: Rosalina Storm (Now you know why my name is Rosalina🙂) Species: Elf🧝🏻‍♀️ Age: 12 Best friend/crush❤️😏: Kalmar Fav hobbies: painting, singing, being in nature🎨 Home: the emerald forest (place in my fanfic) Family: Emily (little sister), Sophia (older sister) Lilly (mom), and James (dad) Loves: Adventures, animals, art, surprises, mysteries, dragons🐉 Hates: spiders, Queen Opal (my other oc she’s a villain), math, homework, being late, being stuck in the same place for the rest of her life. Job: is an apprentice to Mr. stars the wizard🧙‍♂️ Power: she has one, I just haven’t decided what probably something nature related🌸 Now you’re probably like great, but how does she know the Wingfeathers? Well let me tell you!😁 You see in my fanfic the wingfeathers go on another crazy adventure to a few different realms. I created one being the Emerald forest, which is where Rose lives. She shows them around and she in Kalmar quickly become come friends! In a newer version that I’m working on, there’s this whole scene where Rose and Kal explore this emerald forest, and have a lot of fun and do things like flying on phoenixes or painting, beautiful fantasy landscape in front of their eyes. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ I never know how to close these things so I guess bye!🩷✨ (Have you possibly picked up on the fact that I’m obsessed with emojis?😂🤣✨)
✨Rose✨ content media
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Apr 19, 2024
In Crafts and Creations
Disclaimer:I did NOT draw this content! I used a platform called canva and Ai to make it. The text is mine though) Ookay so I have been inspired by Wingfeather to write my own fantasy series! ( that I intend on publishing!) And I’ve been working on it for awhile, but I just finished writing it! (Now it’s in editing) But I have made a book cover design and wated to know what you guys think! I also made the back of the book!✨ Oh! I should probably tell you what it’s called… ✨Legacy and the Seven Keys!✨ (Also, Celestie Winters is my pen name) Now for the covers: So tell me what you think! Like would you actually read this? (Be honest.)Or, is there anything you think I should change? That sort of thing.
I need your guy’s honest opinion! content media
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Apr 12, 2024
In Crafts and Creations
Yay! Can’t believe I finished this! Okay so in case you didn’t know I like to animate and 3d model stuff and I’m turning my WFS fanfic into an animated tv show! But I haven’t had anything to show people…yet! Thwaps near and far, from Skree and Dang, from Torrborro and Anniera. I present to you: my Disney-style Janner and Sara!✨✨✨ ✨So they can move I just have to make them and they also have voice actors! Who are some of my friends, and they weirdly sound axactly like the real actors! So yea! Hope you like them! I made the rest of the family but their not 100% done yet. when they are, I’ll show you guys!✨
✨A Surprise that I’ve been working on for months..✨ content media
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Apr 11, 2024
In The Warden and the Wolf King
Ookay so I may have taken on a huge WFS fan creation task and need some help…thus my question: What do you guys thing Castle Rysen looks like when they go to it in book 4? I can’t really picture what it looks like all destroyed..Also I don’t really think the books did a great job describing just how destroyed it was, like we know that the Fane of Fire was fine and in the epilogue they have a basement like place. But is it like half built? Or is it just burned? I do however have a pretty good idea of what it looked like before the attack ( which I made a cool Lego project on that that I’ll share later!) So what do you guys think?
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Apr 09, 2024
In Crafts and Creations
Hello! So I finally took the time to sign my iPad in to thwaps so now I can post pics and stuff! I drew this before the premiere based off Janner and Sara’s actors red carpet outfits!😁 I thought it’d be fun to draw Janner and Sara is if they themselves were on the red carpet! (Note I was going off memory cuz my power was out when I drew this, so Janner’s outfit isn’t exactly right) Hope you like it!🩷
My over due fan art✨ content media
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Feb 12, 2024
In Wingfeather Saga Discussion
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! I've seen all the sneak peek posts they've put up this week and just AHH! 😀😁😁 Okay enough of me going bonkers😋 What are you guys most excited for in season 2? And do you think Kal will turn into a fang?? 😁😁!!!!! Count down: 1 day, 5 hours, 25 minutes, 16 seconds...Heh. Little excited😂😁😅
Season 2 trailer tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! content media
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Nov 30, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Sorry everyone for the cliffhanger....Yea I go super hard on my favorite Oc In the next chapter😭.......I'll post that one soon!😁 Chapter 2 The Guardians of The Lost Galaxy    “The Guardians of the Lost Galaxy?” Janner said as Oskar handed the book to him. He flipped through the pages. All of them looked old and he noticed that instead of the words being printed they were handwritten. “I haven't read it yet. I wanted to wait for you all to see it before I did.” Oskar explained.  “So who's going to read it?” Esben asked. Janner flipped back to page one and began to read. March 14th of the first Epoch  “Dear diary…I'm starting this diary to catalog all my adventures as a guardian of the Lost galaxy. For today the reenactment of the guardianship has been passed down from generation to generation of rulers from each one of the planets. And now I was chosen to be a real Guardian of the Galaxy! I mean how cool is that! It is hard though, me being an only child and the heir to the throne. That means that I have to not only be a guardian of Aerwiar but also the queen of Aynara. I pray to The Maker that I'll be a good guardian. I couldn't bear the thought of letting my kingdom and my planet down.”  March 15th of the first Epoch  “Dear diary… today the Guardians had our first official meeting. It was honestly quite awkward. I had no idea what to say and it kind of seemed like they didn't either. There are seven of us, one Guardian for each planet. I noticed that Naida, I think was her name, kept touching her necklace which was in fact a pearl that I thought was really pretty. I wonder why she was doing that. The leader of the meeting was Umba, she is the queen of the Shapeshifters. She can transform into a dragon! That would be so cool! I really hope that as time goes on I'll get to know her better. “Doesn't really seem like much, just an old diary.” Janner said as he stopped reading from the book.   “It's not just an old diary. It's from Anyara. If it's that old there must be something important about it. Also, have you failed to remember the fact that it was hidden in a bookcase wall room!” Kalmar said,  “Maybe try skipping to the end,” he suggested. “Out of the mouth of Jiminy who danced a jig ‘Are you out of your right mind? One never skips to the end of a book!’” Oskar said horrified at just the very thought of doing such a thing.   “Do you really want to go through countless pages of just boring diaryness, rather than being able to figure out why this thing was hidden for so long and what made it stay preserved since Anyara?” he asked.  “If we must…” Oskar grumbled.  Janner flipped through the old pages all the way to the back and started to read where he noticed one of the page numbers was underlined. January 15th the year of the first Epoch “…. Dear Diary, today not only is it my birthday, but also us Guardians met for a meeting. It was about the Darkness…. Rosalin warned us about the Darkness. She told us  it originated from the planet, Milky Way, which is her planet and that the Darkness will only grow stronger. I fear that if the Darkness grows too strong, it'll infest the other planets and take over The Lost Galaxy. I pray to The Maker we will find a way to defeat this Darkness before it destroys us all ....” “Man, that's ominous!” Leeli said.   “No kidding!” Janner said and flipped a few more pages and continued reading. September 20th the year of the first Epoch “… The others all think I'm crazy. But who can blame me? War has broken out, old friends of mine have turned against me and stabbed me in the back. The Darkness is taking over the entire galaxy, and my home has been almost destroyed five times now! The forests of Aerwiar are getting restless, creatures of scary tales and nightmares have started appearing from nowhere. It's no wonder that I came up with such a dangerous idea. Isn't it worth trying? Isn't it worth the risk if we could banish the Darkness once and for all? I don't get why the others won't let me do this. I just want things to go back to the way they were before the Darkness and before my family and friends turned against me, before I was a Guardian… For such things that I cannot share with you, Dear Diary, have happened to me that are too dangerous for anyone to hear...” “What in The Shining Isle of Anniera is that supposed to mean?” Kalamar asked.   “I don't know, but something happened and if you could stop interrupting we could find out!”  Janner said, getting a tad bit irritated by the fact that Kalmar kept interrupting him. Janner turned to the last page in the book; actually, the page right before the last  and started to read: December 2nd the year of the first Epoch  “....Dear Diary…The Guardians finally agreed to my plan! We were about to put all of our magic into the map of the Lost Galaxy. When my best friend….. from my own planet, Aerwiar, betrayed us all….He tried to steal the Enchanted map. We luckily got it back, but we now know that the map isn't safe. It wasn't safe on any of our planets. So all of us agreed on casting a spell on this map. The side effect of the spell was that we would have to give up our powers, our magic, in order to do the casting. We combined all of our magic together to create a spell that would rip the map into seven magical enchanted pieces. One for each planet….We all agreed that we would hide the map pieces somewhere where only the chosen ones could find them. For if anyone else got ahold of the map pieces and somehow put them back together, we would fail our guardianship. We would fail our mission of what we are protecting. And what we are protecting would be lost forever.  I still have to find out where to hide that piece, probably going to be somewhere elaborate and over my head but I'll……..”  “And?” said everyone of the Wingfeathers.   “There's nothing left!” Janner said, as he turned the next page to see that the last page in the book was just a drawing of what looked like an exploding star with seven diamonds on it.  “What! There has to be more?!” Sara said, as she took the book from Janner and saw that, originally, the last few pages of the book were only ripped portions of pages.   “The last pages of this diary have been basically ripped out.” she said.   “Why would anyone rip out pages to their own diary?” Leeli asked.  “Maybe they wrote something on there that was too dangerous for anyone to see.” Artham said,   “It doesn't make sense, though; why would someone go to all this trouble and just rip the last pages out?” Janner said.  “And what is the ‘Darkness?’ and ‘Guardianship?’” Leeli asked.   “I don't know about guardians, but I do know about the Legend of the Lost Galaxy,” said Esben.   “What!” said each one of the children, followed by Nia and Podo.   “A long time ago, when I was just, maybe 6, my grandmother, Maida, would tell Artham and me stories. One day, we had settled around her and she told us a story that she had never told us before. It was about the Lost Galaxy. Artham thought it was absolutely preposterous because she had proposed the idea that Aerwiar was a planet and there were six other planets in the solar system. I was only six at the time so I thought it was the most dreamy thing that could possibly happen. The legend foretold a prophecy of something yet to come, something that still hasn't happened to this day. It was prophesied that The Maker would choose people to save the Lost Galaxy from the Darkness. He would choose people to find a secret place in the galaxy, somewhere where no one, not a single soul, knows where it is. It's a place only for the Chosen Ones. Only they could enter this place and only they could grab the power that was inside of this place. It was called "The Jewel of the Galaxy.” Esben explained.  “The Jewel of the Galaxy? Is that like the Jewels of Anniera because we certainly don't know where the Jewel of the Galaxy is.” Kalmar asked.  “No, at least I don't think so. The Chosen Ones could come at any time. The Maker will choose people whenever it's His time, not ours. I remember always dreaming that it might be Artham and me. I do hope that the Chosen Ones might be in my lifetime.” He explained.  It was suddenly about 9:00, They were all telling stories and playing hilarious family games and telling about legends and guardians in old times in the castle for so long that they had forgotten what time it was.   “I think it's best, you kids get to bed now. it's 9:00.” Nia said.  “Five more minutes?!” they all asked.   Nia sighed and said “You're going to be tired in the morning if you stay up later. We have plenty of time to tell stories and legends and even scary tales if you're up for it in the morning. Go on now, get ready for bed I'll be in to tuck you in in a minute.”  So that is what they did. They all got ready for bed and Nia tucked each one of them into their sleeping bags in one of the few parlors, downstairs, and kissed them goodnight. Everyone went to sleep without a sound. But no one could have known what would happen next.
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Nov 22, 2023
In Fan Fiction
(The Legend of the lost galaxy) these chapter are going to be very spaced out as I have only written up to 19, my friend is going to work on it with me, and my grandmother edits them, so yea.. Anyways this takes place a whole year and a half after Quest for the Crystals so all the characters are a year older. If the first bit seems wierd it's because I edited it for this website. Enjoy! Sci-fi Featherheads! Chapter 1  Our Story begins  “Okay, Janner, truth or dare?”  Kalmar asked.    All of the Wingfeathers were huddled around the warm fireplace in  one of the many parlors of Castle Rysen. The kids were sitting on fluffy blue and green pillows and a fluffy yellow rug while the adults sat on the couches that were a cream color with gold accents.  It was their game night. They had a game night almost every week that  everyone enjoyed. Given the past few years of their lives; they really needed something like this.  “Ummm… truth” Janner answered.   “Oh come on you never pick dare!” exclaimed Kalmar.  “I'm just not really a dare kind of person, now can you please just say the question?”   “Sure.” Kalmar replied, while he flipped through the cards in the game and then landed on one which made him giggle. He showed it to Leeli who was sitting right next to him. She covered her mouth and started giggling as well. Kalmar swallowed hard to try to keep himself from laughing and began to read the card. “Tell us your deepest secret?”  he asked.   Janner looked around nervously and said, “That can't be what's on the card!”   “Want to see it for yourself?” Kalmar responded.   Janner stood up and took the card from Kalmar to be amazed at the fact that the card actually did ask that very question. "I'm still no answering it!" Janner exclaimed, narrowing his eyes at his brother.   “You have too!” Leeli brought up and got a look of 'not helpful’ from Janner.   “Come on Janner you have to answer the question, we all know it already” said Kalmar.    “What! No….” "If you don't tell her already I will whack you with a sack of toatatoes!" "I'm not going to...Maybe ever now be quiet!"  Just as Kalmar was about to say something, they heard the bathroom door open and a knock at the front gates.   “Someone's here!” Sara exclaimed as she walked into the living room to see that Kalmar had a pillow over his head, about ready to whack Janner with it. Artham was breathing heavily while sitting on the couch with a magazine that was upside down. He was reading an article titled, “How to Perfectly Interior Design Your Castle.” Leeli holding a locket that strangly looked like her's, pointing to a detailed 8 year plan for something. And Nia, Esben, and Podo were sitting on the couch, chuckling to themselves, watching all of this go down.  She made a ‘what in the wide world of Aerwiar is going on right now?’ face, and said “Okayyyyyyyyyy…….., Come on, we need to go see whoever is here.”     They all got up and walked to the castle gates to see who was at the door. When they opened the door they were met by a large man holding a ginormous amount of books.    “Oh dear, it seems as though I should have brought along a backpack. Hello Wingfeathers!” It was Oskar!   It had been several months since the Jewel's coronation at Anniera. The Annierians actually dubbed it as Anniera’s Golden Age, under the rule of King Kalmar Wingfeather and his brother and sister.   Oskar had gone back to the Green Hollows to organize the Great Library of Ban Yorna.   About every month or so Oskar would come to visit the Wingfeathers from the Green Hollows. Today was, in fact, the day that Oskar would come. Oskar always came with some sort of news, like he found some new ancient book, or a new creature of Aerwiar that he never knew existed from old Hollish books.  The Wingfeathers, with the help of pretty much everyone, had been working together on rebuilding the entire Castle Rysen. They even made some modifications to the castle, like adding more bedrooms so that each one of the kids would have their own room, and they were all extremely excited about it! One other improvement that Kalmar thought was very important, was that this version of Castle Rysen would be, in fact,  fireproof.   Sara Cobbler moved in with the Wingfeathers into the castle. All of the orphans from the Fork Factory got to move to Anniera in the village where they were adopted by the many loving, caring and kind villagers.  “Oskar! Come in!” Nia said, as she held the door open for Oskar. He bustled through the door and plopped  all the books down on a very exquisite marble and gold table. Then he turned around to see the Wingfeathers. “Mr Reteep!” Janner exclaimed!   “Oh Janner, my boy, how you've grown since I last saw you!  “It's only been a month, Mr Reteep.”  “Still you're 15 now, now that is something to celebrate. You know people in the second Epoch, mainly in the Kimira Kingdom, but also in other parts of Aerwiar, held lavish celebrations for those who lived past the age of 15. For it was quite rare to live past 15, due to the circumstances of frigid cold temperatures or frostbite, but you get the idea.” “Thanks…. I think…” Janner said awkwardly. “I cannot believe how magnificently the castle has progressed since just last month. Only a month ago, it was still under construction.” Oskar said as he looked all around the room.  “It’s still in construction, but we've gotten the entire first level finished. Unfortunately the second, third and fourth levels aren’t finished so we all have to sleep in the living room.” Nia said.  “Well you certainly fooled me, it looks just like how they described it in the old books!” he said as he took in another breath of Annierian royalty air which of course was not a real thing but Oskar pretended that it was.  “How is it back in the Green Hollows?”  “What books have you found?”  “Did you say ‘hi’ to Thorne O’Sally for me?”  “Any new fantasy novels, Mr. Reetep?”  All four of the children were bombarding Oskar with questions.  “Why don't we let Oskar settle in a little more before you all start asking him all of these questions.”  Nia asked. Later, they all sat down in one of the parlors on the soft couches and cozy cushions and Oskar answered all of their questions. He also gave Sara the new edition of The Magic of Science which is a sci-fi fantasy novel that was just released in Aerwiar, actually hot off the presses. She squealed when she saw it; she didn't even know that the book existed. After answering all of the children's questions, Oskar swallowed hard and said, “I have something for all of you which is actually the reason why I'm here today. I was cleaning out the Great Library and of course, I was taking books off the shelves to arrange them in proper order,  and I discovered this book . This particular book was a bit different from the other books. It was also a different color than any book in the entire library. It was like a bronze color and had a streak of red at the bottom. I tried taking it off the shelf, but it wouldn't budge so I pushed it the other way. When I did, I was shocked to see that the bookcase turned from the wall, revealing a hidden room.”   “Wait what! You mean hidden within the Great Library of Ban Yorna is a secret bookcase room?!” Janner exclaimed with wide eyes.  “We've been gone only a few months and we missed a hidden book room?” Kalmar questioned.  “Yes, a secret hidden room behind a bookshelf. Of course, being an inspiring author and being a book lover of all sorts, I went inside of this secret room. I was underwhelmed to see that there was nothing inside the room except for one singular roundish table. It was a brown stained wood color. It was ornate with curls and stuff all around the base, but what amazed my eyes was that on top of the table was one large golden book. I went over to it, of course, and I saw that this book looked almost like a journal or a diary. I looked inside of it to see who had written this beautiful golden book, but I was surprised to see that there was no name. However, there was a title; The Guardians Of The Lost Galaxy.” Oskar said, waving his hands in the air for dramatic effect. “Where's the book now?” Sara asked.  “I'm glad you asked…”, He replied and pulled from behind him a large golden book with shimmering silver swirls on the cover. In big bold and black letters, the title of the book read,  The Guardians Of The Lost Galaxy.
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Nov 17, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Ok so this is just the prologue and the book is very much not finished like at all...But I was too excited so here we go! Part One:       Aerwiar Prologue  ……About 36 years ago on one particularly stormy day in The Shining Isle of Anniera, they were sitting in one of the many parlors of Castle Rysen, around the grand marble and  stone fireplace. Esben and Artham were near a cozy, golden oak rocking chair. In the rocking chair sat their grandmother, Madia Wingfeather.   Esben, who was about six at the time, was jumping up and down on pillows that were scattered across the floor, pretending that the floor was in fact, smoldering lava.  “Come on, Artham, play with me!” he said, as he threw a pillow at his brother's face.   “I'm too old to play ‘Floor Is Lava.’ ” Artham replied, looking up from his poetry book.  “Grandma! Artham won't play with me!” Esben complained.  “Dear, how about instead of jumping around on pillows, I tell you another story?” Madia asked, and at this, Esben stopped jumping and Artham shut his poem book.  “Can you tell us the story of when the king defeats the dragons and the dragons fight back, but the royals chase the dragons out of their kingdom and the dragons fight back again?” Esben asked.  “Ugh not that one again! You always pick that one Es, I've heard it about 100 times!” Artham complained.  But just before Esben could respond, Madia said “Actually I have a new story for you two, a story that I have never told you before. I've been saving it for a day like this.” She said mysteriously.   “What is it?” both of the boys asked She got up from her little brown wooden rocking chair  and walked over to the bookshelf. She pulled one large golden book off of the very tippy top of the bookcase and went back to her rocking chair.  The book was decorated in beautiful silver swirls and on the top of it was a symbol, it was almost like an exploding star with seven diamonds on it, the 7th was in the middle.  “What is it?” Artham asked.   “Has anyone ever told you about the Legend of the Lost Galaxy?” she asked them both. Their eyes widened at the title.  “What is it? What is it?!” they both asked as their excitement grew more rapidly than ever.  “This story happened long ago, long before me; it occurred a few years after Dwayne's son betrayed him and it takes place with the new ruler of Aerwiar,” she explained.   “Who was the new ruler?” Artham asked.    “The name of the queen was never revealed, for this story is unfinished.” she said as she continued to read the story.  “It was said that at this time there was not just Aerwiar but also an entire galaxy. There were seven core planets with their own smaller planets and moons around them. This was called the Lost Galaxy.”  “Wait, hold on just a minute, so you're telling me that Aerwiar, the  world where we live, is actually not a world but instead, it is a planet?” Artham asked.  “Yes.” Madia answered. “May I continue the story?”  “Yes, I need to see how this goes.” he answered.    “Now where was I? Oh I remember, the names of these seven planets are: Aerwiar, Nebulaya, Milky Way, Backwards and Forwards, Lumiayara, Azure and Aquarius. All of these planets lived in perfect harmony with each other. And each one had a special power like no other, that made each one special and unique. It was said that there was one leader from each planet that was chosen to be the guardian of that planet. Each Guardian had  special magic that he or she would use to protect their planet. But long before the guardianship was established, one of the first books said to be written by Dwayne, himself, explained that one day, The Maker, would choose  a group of people to save the Lost Galaxy.”  “From what?” Esben and Artham both said at the same time,     Madia leaned in closer and said “The Darkness.”  “The Darkness?” they both echoed.   “Yes, The Darkness.” She replied, seeing the confused looks on their faces.   “You mean like night time?” Artham asked, confused at how something that occurs every single night needed special guardians that had magical powers to protect.   “Not that type of darkness unfortunately… This type is nothing like you've ever known.” She answered, and continued to read from the book.   “The Darkness originated from planet Milky Way. Milky Way was in fact the farthest away from all the planets; it sat on the very outer ring, the last ring, in fact, in the solar system of the Lost Galaxy. It is also the oldest out of all of the planets in the galaxy. It was talked about a lot with the Guardians about this Darkness, for at this point in history, The Darkness had not yet entered the Lost Galaxy; it was only affecting the Milky Way at that time and probably other smaller planets near the Milky Way. But one day, The Darkness entered the Lost Galaxy and came in a cloud of black and green smoke. It covered our entire galaxy. Suddenly, fear was spreading and things started to go wrong. The Darkness had entered our world. But the Guardians through all of this were worried, of course, but they didn't let this new challenge stop them. The main role of the Guardians was to protect the Jewel of the Galaxy.”    “The Jewel of the Galaxy???” Esben asked.   “Yes, the Jewel of the Galaxy. It is said that somewhere in our galaxy, no one knows exactly where; there is a dwarf planet, one that is a complete gold color. On this dwarf planet is a cave; a cave that leads to a world of magic and mystery. But inside this cave, placed by The Maker, Himself, is the orb of power. This power is more powerful than the type of magic that we have here. It is said that The Maker put this power orb in this cave for the chosen ones that He would choose to save the galaxy.” Madia explained, as Esben and Artham’s eyes grew wide.   “Why does anyone need that much power?” Artham asked.   “Because, my dear, it was prophesied in one of the first books that one day, The Darkness would become too great for any person to banish. This power was created by The Maker, only for the chosen ones. Though some people have misinterpreted this, some people think that we, ourselves, are supposed to defeat The Darkness once and for all. But my dear ones, don't be fooled by these wrong theories. For the one and only one that will defeat The Darkness, once and for all, is The Maker, when He chooses His time.” “Do you think it would be us? The chosen one I mean?” Esben asked hopefully.   Madia smiled and said “It could be anyone of us. It could be at any time or any place. But it's not up to us to decide, it's up to The Maker.”  “Tell the story again!” both the boys said, with excitement rushing through their voices.   “All right, it all began with the Kingdom Anyara…..”
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Nov 12, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Do any of you remeber when in chapter 31 I underlined a few lines and said to remeber them? This is why... Enjoy quest for the Crystals the final part. Epilogue  Outside of Aerwiar, sort of near the Green Hollows border was a group of islands, islands that were not on any map. Islands that everyone had forgotten about. That is in fact, how they got their name, for these islands were called “The Forgotten Islands''. One of them, the largest one, had sort of a broken down castle on it. It was all black and had red crystals jutting out of the sides. The entire island was destroyed and covered with these dark red crystals. The only thing that partially stood was the castle. In the throne room of the castle, sitting on a dark red velvet throne  surrounded by the red crystals was a man. He was tall and slender, and wore a dark crimson robe, with a black cape that went all the way to the floor. The cape had a hood that covered the man's face completely. But you could barely see him at all, due to how dark it was in the castle.  Suddenly a 19 year-old woman, wearing a dark black dress with  gold swirls all around it and a dark black cape entered the throne room.  “Hello, your majesty, I bring you news about your recent project.”  she said, her voice was cold and sounded deceptive. “What is it, Ivy?” the man asked, not even getting up from his  throne. His voice was as cold as ice and it was deep and dark and ominous. She took off her hood, revealing her bright crimson hair and her mean cold expression on her face.  “You're so called “Prodigy” Queen Opal Stars, failed you. She failed  your task. She was befriended by those little Wingfeathers and they brought her toThe Maker. She was changed by the Maker and she turned soft, your majesty. She even went back to her old name of Ruby.”  “WHAT!!!!” The man said, angrily getting up out of his throne.  Suddenly bursts of dark red fire and crystals burst out of his hands and red crystals rose from the ground, creating a miniature wall of red crystals. He went over to a little desk and shoved everything on it off the table, clamoring to the ground.  “I thought she had promised! She wasn't like Gnag all twisted and  soft; she was hard as a diamond. I thought she could do it!” he said harshly.  “Just like they always say! If you want something done right, do it  yourself!” he said in a harsh tone.  The woman whose name was Ivy looked scared as she said, “But father, you have successfully hidden your cover for years. Why risk it all now just because another one of your prodigies failed you?”  “Because I have tried hundreds of thousands of times to get rid of  those blasted Wingfeathers. But every single time that I have worked with these pathetic dark market villains, they've always failed me.”  “But if you reveal your cover now you'll never be able to get back  their trust.”  “Oh Ivy! Read a book will you?”  “I would but I don't have a lot of free time being the master of  disguise and all, but if I find some time, I will,” she said sarcastically.    “In the words of my favorite author Sir Yorgen Florgen the 8th, “The  greatest villain is always the one who you least expect!” he said, with an evil laugh. Ivy joined in and they both laughed together in the deep dark palace surrounded by dark red crystals.  I hope you enjoyed my fanfic😀😀
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Nov 11, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Hey! Oh my gosh! wow! this is the last chapter! (there's an epiloge!) Thank you all so much for reading and stiking with me for this! You guys mean a lot to me so thank you!😀 Oh so sneaky foreshadowing in close attention... Let us begin... Chapter 60 The End of This Story but the Beginning of the Next The Ball had ended, everyone had gone home, or the ones who lived a very long distance away stayed in the village. Ruby and her family found a little cottage in the village where they could stay. The Wingfeathers were sitting in front of a fireplace in the castle living room.  Leeli was braiding Sara's hair, while all of them were talking about  the wonderful day they had. Except for Janner, he was writing in his book. It was sort of his dream situation, actually sitting in front of a warm fireplace writing a book that he had been writing ever since Glipwood, with all of his family and loved ones sitting beside him.  Kalmar seemed to notice that Janner wasn't paying attention to anything that he was saying so he decided to have some fun with this.  “So Janner, what did you think when the space aliens from planet,  um…Nebulaya came and attacked the Ball?” No response, “Okay well what did you think when the....uh Nightmare stampede from uh... Lumiayara trampled over everyone?” Still nothing.  “Hey want me to tell Sara what we all disussed after uncle Artham left for Dugtown?”  “Huh?” Janner finally said, looking up from his book.  “Finally!” Kalmar said playfully, frowning.  “Sorry Kal. It's just that I only have one word left. Then I can answer  your questions. And oh, Nebulaya and Lumiayara are not places or planets. I don't even know what those would be.”  “Fine, write your word.”  Janner went back to writing in his book as he wrote the last word.  He closed the book and said, “Done!”  “With what?” Nia asked.  “Remember, back in Glipwood when you told me to write a poem but  I had too many things on my mind so you said to just write what I thought? Well, I've been doing that ever since then, cataloging everything that's happened in our lives up until this very second. Then a while ago I got the bright idea to make it into a book. So I did and I'm finished with the first one. I'm going to make more than one. I even gave this one a cliffhanger so of course I need another one.”, he explained.  “I want to see it!” Kalmar said. Janner handed the book over to him  and he quickly flipped to the very back and started to read where it said “Epilogue”.  “I just need a name for it.” Janner said, as Kalmar was eagerly reading, his eyes getting wider and wider as he read every word.  “What about ‘Wingfeather Wars?’” Oskar suggested.  “That's cool but…” Janner said, when Leeli interrupted him.  “How about “The Epic Tales of the Lost Jewels of Anniera!” she said, spreading her hands out, picturing what the book would look like in her head.  “That's nice too but….”  “What about “The  Adventures of the Wingfeather Family?” Esben  suggested.  “Those are all nice but…” Janner said, trying to say what he was trying to say, but everyone kept interrupting him.  “I think I'm going to call it: “The Wingfeather Saga!” he said. They all looked up at him, all except for Kalmar, and nodded in agreement because this sounded like an excellent name for a book series.  “What do you think, Kal?” Janner said, noticing that Kalmar never  raised his head.  “Yeah, just a second..” he mumbled. A few seconds later Kalmar started shouting at the book saying, “No, no, no, no, no!!!”  Then he turned to Janner, threw his arms up and said, “How could you possibly end your book with a cliffhanger! And not just any cliffhanger but you dying! Then on top of that, we are about to go to the First Well!”  “I said that I was going to write another book,” Janner said, amazed at the fact that he got such a reaction from his brother.  “Still you cannot do that to your readers. I mean what's going to  happen? Are you going to live? Are we going to go to the First Well? Does the First Well even work, if we find it? Is our father gonna come back? Do we get a coronation? Will Sara ever find her parents or not? Are you and Sara ever going to talk about your life choices? What happens, Janner!?” he screamed, shaking Janner by the shoulders.  “You know what happens, you lived it.”  “Still, answer me!” Janner stood up near the fireplace and said, “Kalmar, think about it,  who would ever end a book with a cliffhanger that is world ending and not write another book? That's just plain cruel.”, he said, maneuvering his hands to show how ridiculous this scenario would be.  “Still you have to write another book, Janner, you have to! I mean  you actually got me excited about a book!”  “I know and I know we will have many, many more adventures and I will write about them all in ‘The Wingfeather Saga’”.  You see what I did with the end?😏
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Nov 09, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Hey featherheads! So I got Ranger's guild to glipwood! It's soooooo good but also frustrating. (I'll explain later) Anyways enjoy! Chapter 59 New Beginnings  After the Coronation Ceremony the children were showered with attention which they liked and they disliked at the same time (they all kind of just wanted to grab a snack from the dessert bar). They were all talking with the group and Nia and Esben were saying how proud of them they were when Janner looked over at the dessert bar to see Ruby eating some marshmallow mash.  He almost forgot that she was here which he felt quite bad about. Her wings were folded to her side and she was wearing a very pretty dress. It was again dark purple but this time it ended a little below her knees, had black swirls and lining all around it. And around her neck it had a black corset on top of the dress. She wore a little golden locket and her hair was a little bit curly and black with the plum tips; it was parted in the middle this time. However, the thing that he noticed about her that made him go over to her, was her face, she looked  lonely. He walked over to her and he asked, "Are you okay?”  This seemed to startle her but she said “Oh, I'm fine.. how about you Prince Janner?”  “I'm good, but that's not what I asked, I asked about you, are you okay?”  She sighed, knowing full well that Janner wasn't going to give up about this and said, “I guess I just miss my family. I don't honestly know where my father is right now, and my mother and sister have been missing ever since I was 10. I just wish I could see them…..”  He smiled at her and then said, “Can I have just one minute, I'll be right back.” “Of course.” she said and continued to snack on some marshmallow  mash.  He went back over to  the group and said, “I think they're here. I heard some noises coming from the doors so I really hope it's them.”  “I'm sure it's them. I mean she said that she knew them and she  said  that she would bring them.” Kalmar said reassuringly.  “You know you're probably right. Now do you think he's here?”  “He better be that poor girl's been waiting for this for so long he  better show!” Podo said, gruffly.  “Come on, let's go tell her” Janner said and all of them walked over  to Ruby.  “Ruby, we have something to tell you.” He said.  “What is it?” she asked.  Esben explained, “I am so sorry that we Annierians… I captured  your mother and sister and not only them, but your entire kingdom. I know you've probably been wondering for a long time now, where they are. I've known all along. I took them to a place where I knew they would be safe and I knew they could live happily, but up until recently, I didn't know how to get back there. You see, I sent them to Milky Way. But when you took us there just a week ago, we all met someone who told us that we had to type into this little rectangular-like thing that someone let us borrow and then it started to buzz.”  Ruby looked surprised at this and said, “What are you getting at?” “Well you see, the girl that we met, told us were she lived and she said if  we ever ended up back where she came from she would always help us, Kalmar explained.  “Still, what are you getting at?” Then they all turned their heads  around to see that coming from the castle door, was a lot of noise and rustling.  “You can let them in now!” Janner called to the guards standing in  front of the door.  They held the door handles and opened the door. The same  girl who had bumped into the Wingfeathers on the street in Milky Way burst into the Ballroom. Her mouth was wide open and she covered it with her hands as she squealed so loudly. She was dressed in a dark navy velvet dress that went a little below her knees. She had on silver glitter tights, black boots and her brown hair was let down and was wavy.  She also wore a matching blue velvet headband in her hair. She still had her pink clear glasses, and across her body was her blue and white striped purse with the little pink bow on it.  “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!!”, she squealed as she spun around the room looking at everything.  Next, her parents walked through the doors. Her mother was dressed in a beautiful long purple dress, black strappy heels, long dangly earrings, and a part of her hair was clipped back with a black hair clip.  Her father was wearing black dress pants, a blue and white checkered dress shirt, a dark green tie, and shiny black dress shoes. Both of her parents had their mouths wide open and it seemed like they couldn't believe they were standing where they were, either.   “I cannot believe I am standing in Castle Rysen on The Shining Isle of Anniera in Aerwiar!”, the girl exclaimed as her parents smiled at her, still absolutely shocked at the fact that they were standing there too. For they had watched and heard their daughter go on and on about the adventures she had read about and watched on the TV show. These adventures were about the Wingfeather family and the adventures in Aerwiar and about her favorite place inside Aerwiar, Anniera. And now they, themselves, were actually standing in the real live castle. They all walked together to explore the Ballroom, still absolutely  flabbergasted about all of this. Next out of the door came Mr. Stars. Everyone gasped as they saw  Mr. Stars, realizing that at this point, every one of the  Emerald Kingdomers absolutely hated Mr. Stars as they all believed that he had betrayed them, all without a word.  “It's okay everyone,” Kalmar said, above the cries of distrust.  “He's with us now," Kalmar reported, as Mr. Stars walked outside the doorway. He was wearing a different outfit and they got a better look at him; he looked younger. His hair was no longer white but a dark black color and he wore a blue tunic, navy pants, and his wings were no longer hidden behind a cape; they were now spread out across his back. They were a beautiful aqua transparent color and the bottoms of the wings were an emerald color.  “Father!?” Ruby asked, as happy tears filled her eyes. She hasn't  seen her father look this way since she was 10 years old. Right after the Great War, her father had hidden her and turned himself into Mr. Stars, the wizard. He went so far as to take an aging potion, just to enhance his disguise. Somehow, the potion was reversed and she saw her true father whom she had so longed to see.  “Ruby?!” He exclaimed, as he rushed to her.  “Father!” she also exclaimed as they embraced and hugged.  “But how? you were… and now you're…” he said through tears of  love and joy.  “It's a long story, but I have the Wingfeathers to thank and most of  all The Maker.” She said as she looked up at him happily.  “That's not all the surprise. That's just one of the surprises”, Leeli  said, as she happily glanced at Kalmar and Janner.  Ruby turned around and asked, “What? How can this not be the whole surprise?”  “Well, Mr. Stars wasn't in from Milky Way. But two others  were.” Kalmar said, as they all turned towards the door. Just then an older woman and a girl who looked around 30 walked carefully outside the door.  The older woman had more of an orange glow to her skin. She had a lot of freckles and her hair was pushed behind her ear on one side. it was a dark brown color and faded to green at the tips. She wore a green dress with brown swirls around the neckline and around the base of the dress. She wore a coat to hide something on her back. The younger woman had lighter skin, more of a medium-ish color. and bright  blue hair. It was also down and it was  quite wavy. She wore a navy dress with slightly lighter blue swirls at the neckline, a pearl necklace, and a blue coat to also hide something on her back. The two looked around nervously at all the people, when their eyes  landed on Ruby and Mr. Stars. Mr. Stars held his breath as he saw the girls. But Ruby burst into tears as she exclaimed “Mother, Skye?!”  “Ruby! Emerald!” the older woman said as she and the younger  woman rushed towards Mr. Stars and Ruby. Ruby and Mr. Stars did the same. Emerald Stars, formerly known as Mr. Stars, and Mrs. Stars (Harper) 😘, then all four of them sank to the floor in a hug.They didn’t want to ever let go. This was so beautiful, the Wingfeathers had tears in their eyes. Even Kalmar, who would probably deny it, if anyone asked. Ruby looked up from the hug at the Wingfeathers and said, “I am forever thankful to you all.” She smiled and went back to the hug.   The girl that they had met in Milky Way, walked over to the  Wingfeathers and said, “Thank you so so much for letting me come here.”  “No, thank you, for bringing Harper and Skye here.” Janner said.  The rest of the night, the Ball was one of the best times they had had in a long, long time. It was truly something that the Wingfeather kids would always remember for the rest of their lives.  1 chapter left.... But wait is that the end????....😏
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Nov 07, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Hey featherheads! yes I know I'm up too late but..I don't know! Anyways here's the next chapter! (Is this exactly what I thought the ending of WATWK would be like? Yes, yes it was...) 2 left! and a epiloge Chapter 58 Coronation Day  {There dancing in teams, it turns to a contest J and S win and Nia and Esben are in second place.}   After a couple more songs it was time for the main event, the coronation of Janner, Kalmar and Leeli. Something that should have happened when they were told that they were the Jewels. Due to the circumstances, they obviously could not have the coronation at that point, so they were going to have it now. The three waked up the stairs to the stage where their thrones sat, and waited for their parents to introduce them.  “Annierians, Biolumines, Ember Islanders, Aerwiarins, and Emerald Kingdomers; it has been almost 11 years now since Gnag the Nameless attacked this very castle. But that is not what today is all about. Today we are going to celebrate the coronation of the Jewels of Anniera! Otherwise, known as my children. Everyone give a warm welcome to the Jewels of Anniera.” Esben announced, introducing them as Janner, Kalmar, and Leeli. They walked up the stage to where the thrones were.  “Those are the Jewels of Anniera!?” Ferinia asked.  “But I thought they were gems in the ground!” Buzzard Willy yelled from the crowd.  “No, the Jewels of Anniera that caused Gnag the Nameless to attack and burn down this very palace are not gems in the ground but they are my living, breathing children. That is why back in Glipwood, we would never give them up.” Nia explained to all the Glipfolk who up until this point, still thought that the Jewels of Anniera were gemstones.  “The Jewels of Anniera are my kids, Janner, Kalmar and Leeli. You will probably know them best as Igibys but we are Wingfeathers. We've always been Wingfeathers.” she explained.  “Now it is time to celebrate this new era. By coronating the Jewels as royals in this kingdom.” Esben said, as Oskar walked up the steps to the stage holding a large red velvet pillow with golden tassels that had three large crowns on them. Each one of the kids beamed when they saw them and, honestly, the crowd did too. All the kids looked so royal that day wearing their new outfits, but not just their outward appearance seemed royal, even the way that they spoke and thought reflected royalty that day.  Esben lifted the first crown which was a silver color and had spikes on the top and blue gems covering the entire base. He walked over to Janner and said, “I now present to you ‘Prince Janner, the Loyal’, Throne Warden of Anniera!” He placed the silver crown on top of Janner's head.  The second that the crown was put on his head, Janner felt a tingle through his body. Every second of that moment felt unreal, almost like a dream. If it really was a dream, he wished he would never wake up from it, for this was the best dream he had ever had.  Next, Esben took a silver tiara covered with purple gems. The tiara was beautifully crafted and made to look like little silver leaves around the entire tiara. He walked over to Leeli and said, “I now present to you all ‘Princess Leeli Wingfeather, the Compassionate, Song Maiden of Anniera’!”, he said as he carefully placed the silver tiara on her head. She felt like she was in one of her favorite fairy tales where at the end all of the princesses' dreams, hopes and wishes come true. Esben then took the last and final crown off of the pillow. This one was larger than the rest and was a gold color with red gems on it and on the center spike of the crown the gem was bigger than the rest of the gems on the crown. He walked over to Kalmar who was excited and nervous at the same time just like the other two were. Esben said with the biggest smile on his face, “I now present to you all ‘King Kalmar Wingfeather the Brave’!” as Esben placed the golden crown atop his head.  Kalmar honestly couldn't believe that something so magnificent was sitting on his head. It was heavier than you  would expect and he was absolutely petrified of dropping it.  Esben turned around to the crowd and said, “I now present to you all of the Jewels of Anniera!”  “All hail, Prince Janner of Anniera!” they all cheered and Sara cheered the loudest, she didn't intend to, but she did.  “All hail, Princess Leeli of Anniera!” Everyone cheered for her as well. Leeli saw that Thorne was giving her two thumbs up in the air when he cheered.  “And all hail, King Kalmar of Anniera!” They all cheered.  “You may take your thrones,” Esben said, turning to them. They smoothed their capes and sat down in their thrones. A roar from the crowd sounded once they did so. The only thing they could do was smile a bigger smile than any smile that they had ever smiled in their whole life.  Nia and Esben looked at them with the pride that only a mother and father could have for their kids, and honestly, they couldn't believe that they were living this moment right now.
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Nov 02, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Hello Iggybirds! So this was a hard one to edit..But I'm working on finding some other place to post my fanfics to because I don't think the next book will be excepted... Anyways! Enjoy!😀 Chapter  57 The Ball It was Saturday morning, the adults let the kids sleep in even though they didn't. They were too excited for the Ball. Even Kalmar was excited, mostly just because of the sweets, but still, everybody who lived in Anniera and even everybody who didn't live in Anniera, was buzzing about the upcoming Ball.  “We still have a lot left to do,” Nia said, looking down at a list she had made for everything that they needed to get done before 5:00 p.m. “We still need to completely decorate the Ballroom, set out all of the food, make sure that someone got the music, and then after we do all of that we have to get dressed.” She said, as she looked nervously at the long list and was hitting her pen against the pad of paper over and over again. “It'll be fine, Nia, we'll get everything done," Podo said, reassuringly.  “Thanks Papa, but no more secret taste testing. I know you've been sneaking blueberry darts.”  “What me? A wee old pirate, why would you ever think I would do something like that?”  “You might have been a pirate, but you were definitely not a secret agent. You made the loudest noise when you were sneaking into the kitchen.”  “Fine, I won't have any more.” Podo said reluctantly, deeply wanting another chocolate globber.  “Kalmar, Leeli can you two please put the golden tablecloth on the tables?”  “Sure can!” Kalmar said happily, as Nia pointed to where the golden tablecloths were.  “Sara, Janner, can you please help hang the golden streamers?”  “Of course!” they both responded in unison, going to do the box with a bunch of golden streamers and tacks inside.  “Once they're done with that we need to set up all the food, did someone get the music?”  “Yes, Nia, the music is covered. I got Armalyn, the bard, to perform.” Esben comforted her.  “Thank you!” she said and they all went to do their jobs. “Ugh! Why won't this thing open?” Kalmar complained, as he tried to get one of the golden tablecloths open and spread across one of the round tables.  “You're not doing it right, it's supposed to cover the entire thing and drape off the sides of it. Yours is covering half of it and it's in the shape of a semicircle.” Leeli said, looking over at Kalmar’s.  “Yes I know that, I know there's supposed to be another layer here but there's nothing! Look!” he said, extremely frustrated,  Leeli walked over to him and took a close look at the tablecloth.  “You just have to grab it from both sides and kind of pull at it like this," she said, putting her hand on each side of the tablecloth pulling it in different directions. And then a little slip appeared.  “Oh yeah, I knew that.” Kalmar said defensively.  “It's fine, for my first three of these, I thought that it was supposed to be a semicircle”, she said and went back to doing her table.  “So are we supposed to put anything on here? Once we're done with the tablecloths I mean.” He asked.  “Well I assume something, maybe, like a vase, that would be pretty, but I don't know, Mama didn't really say”, she responded as she opened another package of golden tablecloth. “A little help?” she asked as she pulled up a chair and was about to get on it so that she could spread the table cloth evenly.  “Of course,” he said, as he walked over to her, helped her up on the chair and held her hand as she opened the tablecloth up. She had to try very hard to get the next layer open and then she thrust it over the table as it draped perfectly around the sides.  “That looked so cool!” He said.  “Thanks, and that did look cool. It was like a wave of water but instead of water it was a golden table cloth across the white table.” While the two did that Janner and Sara were hanging up the golden streamers. They took turns standing on the ladder and handing each other streamers and tacks..  “How many people do you think are going to come?” Sara asked, as  she handed Janner a tack. “A lot probably, we sent about, I don't know 250 invitations. I know we sent them to pretty much every part of Aerwiar including the other lands so there should be a lot” he said, as he fiddled with a tack for it would not go into the wall.  “I can't wait to see what this place looks like when it's all finished,” she said, looking around the room at what they had so far.  “I know it's going to look amazing once it's all done,” he said, as he stepped down from the chair.  “Your turn," he said, handing her a streamer and pushing the chair over to the next spot. It was around 3:00 p.m. when everyone was finished with their jobs and it was time to put the desserts out. It took the entire village, literally the entire village, to help the Wingfeathers carry all of the pastries and desserts to the tables. The sight of them made Kalmar's mouth water. It was the same for the other kids. For on the many tables was a lavish feast of desserts. It had everything from blueberry gooey balls to marshmallow mash. It looked so delicious and it was so beautiful that Kalmar actually had a tear in his eye.  “Are you crying?” Janner asked.   “No.. it's just so beautiful!” Kalmar said, dreamily.  “Enough slobbering over the desserts, it is time to put on your royal attire” Nia said. She was welcomed by a groan from Kalmar. ``Kalmar Igiby Wingfeather! You are the King of Anniera. You have to look your best for your subjects.”  “Fine…” he groaned, as they all walked to the village to get their outfits from Arundelle.   When they entered Buttons and Bobbins they were amazed to see their outfits. Even Kalmar was impressed and actually excited to wear them.  The dresses and capes for the girls were stunning and the suits and capes for the boys were very handsome.  “I hope you all like them.” Arundelle exclaimed, as she was greeted with smiles from all of the children as they rushed to their new clothes.  “I've never seen them so excited about clothes. You truly are amazing, Arundelle!” Nia said, smiling at her children as they were all expressing excitement over their new attire.  “It's nothing, really, but thank you," she said, smiling at her creations. “There are dressing rooms in the back.” she said, showing them the way to them.    It was now 5:00 p.m. Everything was set, everything was ready, everything had been touched up and the castle was as good as it could be for being done in less than a week. Everyone was wearing their brand new outfits. The royal family looked stunning, Janner wore a dark green tux, with a crimson cape pinned around the neck. Kalmar wore a red tux with a matching crimson cape that wrapped around his neck. Leeli wore a dark blue dress that was off the shoulder, and had light blue silk swirls all around it. Nia wore a mint dress with dark green ruffles all around it, a silver heart necklace, round silver hoop earrings, and red lipstick. She wore her hair down with one side tucked behind her. Esben wore a blue kingly outfit with a white collar and a white handkerchief sticking out.  Janner, Kalmar and Leeli along with Nia, Esben and Artham were all standing in the doorway, when Sara came rushing after them. She stayed a little longer at Buttons and Bobbins because Arundelle had told her that she could pick out some accessories to go with her dress. She said this as well to Leeli, but Sara took a little longer deciding.  “Are they here yet?” she said, rushing towards them. She was wearing a satin baby pink frilly dress that went a little below her knees and had golden swirls covering the skirt, black flats. She wore a golden Annerian necklace that had the dragon symbol on it, and she let her hair down into beautiful long brown bouncy curls. She also had a little golden headband placed carefully on it, and she wore on her wrist two gold bracelets that had little pink gems on them.  (*cough* there was a Hiccop from httyd moment...first movie uh read the next part...........) “ they're not here yet.” Janner replied😊 “Smooth…” Kalmar whispered to him.  “Not-helpful,” Janner said back out of the corner of his mouth.  “They should be here any minute now,” Esben said, checking a little Annerian pocket watch that he had gotten from Bonifer Squoon. Just as he said this, they saw sailing on the shores coming up to Anniera about 100 ships. Each ship had different sales, some belonging to Aerwiar, some belonging to Biolumia, some belonging to Ember Island and some belonging to the Emerald Kingdom.  Janner was amazed at how many people showed up. Then all the Annerians were coming from the village! “Lesson one of hosting a Ball is saying, ‘Welcome and greetings’ about 800 times.” Esben said, looking at Kalmar and then seeing the worry on his face about having to say welcome to each and every one of all of these people.  Janner couldn't believe this is actually happening, a Ball! And not just any Ball, but their Ball, a Ball that they put on and were perfectly safe doing it. No Gnag the Nameless crashing this one nor no Queen Opal trying to take them on another wild goose chase. There wasn't even a Toothy Cow trying to eat them, it was just safe and happy.  “Hello, your majesties!” said the first guests, they were Maraly and Gammon.  Maraly was wearing a red dress that kind of  resembled a dress that a girl pirate might wear. It fit her personality very well. She wore gold hoop earrings and a black choker with a little gold diamond at the end. Gammon was wearing his normal Florid Sword suit including the cape. But he left the mask at home.  They walked through the door and as Maraly passed by Sara, she whispered into her ear with a wink, “Hello to you, too, Princess!” “Maraly Weaver!” she whispered back. Even though Maraly had used this joke many times, it was still shocking to her.  “Hello your highnesses” said some Biolumines.  “Welcome,” Nia said.  “How many more times do we have to do this?” Kalmar asked Esben.  “Son, look outside the door.” He did, horrified.  There were about 300 people lined up outside the door.  “Oh no!” he said.  “Don't worry, you don't have to do this the whole night, you will for a little part of the night, but you're also a kid and you need to enjoy yourself.” He said with a wink.  It was quite tiring for Kalmar to welcome so many people, but one particular family who walked up made his eyes light up; sort of the way that only one person had made them do. It was Rose. She was wearing a dress that was about knee length; it was a light purple color with dark purple lace all around it. It was an off the shoulder dress with purple straps. Her purple and white hair was styled into a little low bun with a braid wrapped around the bun and with a bright pink flower in it, just  behind her ear. She was wearing little diamond stud earrings, and her bangs perfectly framed her face.  “Hello your majesty,” she said in a royal tone.  “You know you don't have to call me that right?”, he said to her  “Well you're technically King so technically I would”, she said.  “Yeah, but I'm also technically your friend so technically you don't have to call me king or your majesty or highness. Just Kal is fine!” "Okay Kal”, she said with a wink and then went inside with her family. He waved and watched her until she disappeared into the crowd. When he turned back he noticed that Janner and Leeli were staring at him.  “Oh, don't you even think about it!”, he said, shaking his head.   It was now 6:00 p.m. and Esben had let the kids go and have their fun while he checked in the rest. Leeli didn't go yet as she was still waiting for someone. Someone who had been watching her dog. She was about ready to go with Janner, Kalmar, and Sara when someone tapped on her shoulder; she turned around to see that it was Thorne.  “Hello there, Princess Leeli!” he said in a royal voice. This was the weirdest she'd ever seen him dressed. He wore a black and white tuxedo and his hair was smoothed down using some sort of gel (she did not want to think about what that was made of). He didn't look anything like himself.  “What are you wearing?” she said, laughing a little.  “Well this is a Ball after all. My folks said that I couldn't wear overalls to a Ball. And yes, I did ask," he said smiling at her.  “Where is Baxter?” she asked.   He walked over to his brother and took the little leash from him that was holding a little brown dog.  The second that Baxter saw Leeli, he almost pulled Thorne to the ground and bolted toward Leeli.  “Baxter! I missed you so much, good boy! Oh, but don't rip my dress.” she said as she noticed Baxter digging at her brand new dress. “Sorry Princess Leeli, he's been missing you real bad.”  “It's okay, Thorne, and by the way, you don't have to call me that. Just Leeli is fine.”  “All right Leeli”, he said with a wink and gave his brother the dog. “Shall we?” he said , holding out his hand to her.  “Of course!” She said, taking his hand It was about ready for the Ball to start. There were a few minutes before the music was going to start so Sara and Janner thought now would be a perfect time to grab something from the delicious delectable dessert bar.  They had everything, even things from Biolumia, Ember Island, and the Emerald Kingdom. Sara reached for a chocolate globber that was covered in white chocolate and pink sprinkles. And Janner reached for a cupcake. But what he saw next to the cupcakes made him drop the chocolate frosted vanilla cupcake that he had in his hand and backed away slowly saying “Never again, never again!” for what was right next to the cupcakes were honey muffins, something that Janner despised.  “What's wrong with honey muffins?” Sara asked.  “Never again, Sara, never again!!” he said, narrowing his eyes at the honey muffins and still backing away, slowly.  She shook her head, took the chocolate covered vanilla cupcake that he was going to grab and ran after him. She handed him the cupcake and said, “Okay, why do you hate honey muffins? They're so good.”  “Oh yeah, you didn't have to eat thirteen of them like I did, and the last one was stuffed with a vial type thing that was filled with, I don't even know what. That put me to sleep and then I was blind bopped on my birthday, and then oh, I don't know, a couple months later because of that I ended up in a war with Gnag the Nameless. If I hadn’t been blind bopped I would have still been in your home at Chimney Hill in the Green Hollows, going to school where everyone hates you because your brother's a Fang…Well, you know what, actually, it was probably good for me to get blind bopped. But still never again, honey muffins, never again!”, he said to her as he told her the entire story of his 13th birthday.   It was now time for the dance to begin. Everyone was partnering up and going on to the dance floor.  (all the kids pair up with someone you can guess who) The music started, it was the waltz. Leeli was sitting backwards on a chair with her arms resting on the backboard, looking longingly at the dance.  “Princess Leeli, would you care to join me in this dance?” Thorne asked.  She looked at him sadly and said, “I would love to but….” She looked at her leg and said, “I can't..” he noticed this and said  “I've seen you dance, you're good and you can dance with your leg.”  “I can just, I can't do that type of dancing, I wish I could…”  He noticed how sad she was and then he said coming up with a brilliant idea, “Just wait one minute, Leeli, I will be right back, just stay there and I promise you will be dancing on that dance floor.” He ran away in a direction that Leeli couldn't tell what he was doing. She just watched him run, curiously.  After the waltz was done there was a series of clapping and woohooing. Then it was time for the next song. Leeli noticed that up on the stage where all the musicians were was Thorne. “What is he doing?” she said out loud. He was speaking to all the musicians and they were nodding  their heads at him.  A moment later, he came rushing back down to Leeli and said,  “Like I said, you will be dancing on that dance floor in no time.” The next song was something so upbeat and so catchy that Leeli could for sure dance to it. Unlike the waltz, where you have to hit every point of execution perfectly; this was sort of a freestyle dance.  “So Princess Leeli, would you care to join me in this dance?”  “I would love to Thorne!” she said smiling and they ran to the dance floor.
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Oct 30, 2023
In Fan Fiction
A HUGe brutal plot twist \ cliffhanger on this one!!! Enjoy Iggyfeathers! Chapter 56  Almost The Ball  Arundelle had finished sewing their outfits when they all came walking through the door. “Perfect timing!” Arundelle said as they walked in. “I just finished their outfits.”  “Thank you so much Arundelle, this means a lot to us.” Nia said, thankfully.  “You're quite welcome anything for you Wingfeathers” she said with a smile.  “Can we go now??” Kalmar said as he walked over to Nia.  “Yes Kalmar, we can go now. Thank you so much Arundelle!”, she called as they all left Buttons and Bobbins Seamstress Shop.  “So about that game of zizby?!” Sara said, raising an eyebrow and putting on her competitive face.  Janner looked hopefully at his mother for help so that she may tell him to do something so that he could get out of being humiliated by Sara in the game of zizby. But the only thing she did was chuckle to herself, smile and say, “Actually I don't have anything for you to do, you can go play zizby if you'd like”  “It's on Janner Igiby!!” Sara said, her competitive face seemed to look even more competitive than it had back in Glipwood.  “I'm doomed!” Janner thought to himself but he put on his competitive face as well and said, “You're on! Sara Cobbler!!” The kids ran off to the Village to try to find things to play zizby with. While the children were off playing zizby, Nia had been gathering a bunch of Ingredients she found in the village to bake what seemed like a thousand different pastries.  She lugged all of this stuff back to the castle and plopped it down on one of the little folding tables that they had brought.  “Well, I found this much. It's been a while since our competitive days but I think we can make it work.” She said to Esben as he looked through the ingredients.  “Yes, I think this will do fine. It's not the gourmet ingredients that we had at the Aerwiariann World Cup but it'll do,” He said, smiling playfully at  Nia.  The two brought these ingredients to what was left of the kitchen and poked around to see what still worked.  “I doubt the oven works but it's worth a try,” Nia said, as she tried to turn the knob on the oven to see if it would start. To her amazement the little light in the oven turned on and the oven started to heat up.  “How in all of The Shining Isle of Anniera does that thing still work?” Podo asked, bustling into the kitchen.  “I don't know, I would have expected that it would have stopped working years ago but it's still running.” Nia said happily and honestly relieved because she didn't know what she would have done if it didn't work.  Podo went over to the little Island that they had dumped all the ingredients on, looked through it and then said, “Are those chocolate globbers? I haven't seen one of those since you two went to that Aerwiarian World Cup.”  “Oh, Papa, don't be eating my chocolate globbers. I need those for the cookies, muffins, cakes, pies and cupcakes." She said, because of the fact that Podo was practically drooling over the chocolate globbers.  “But Nia, they're chocolate globbers!” He pleaded.  “Don't forget barry buns and blueberry gooey balls.” Esben said as he found some pots and pans that were scattered across the floor.  “Still you can't have any of my chocolate globbers!” She said as she moved the bag of chocolate globbers over to where she was sitting.  “Fine, I guess I'll just have to settle for a blueberry dart instead then.”  “No papa, no eating my ingredients!” She said, trying to hide the fact that she was smiling.  “Fine, I'll leave," He said, but not before taking one more plump blueberry dart out of the bag. “I still can't believe you won.” Janner said.  “What can I say, I've never lost as captain” Sara said back.  “You've only been captain twice”  “Still I’ve never lost as captain! and if I'm remembering correctly you agreed to not only eat boggle worms but also gloppity gloop.”  “One, Boggle worms don't live here, and two do I have to?”  “Yes you have to, that was the agreement, whoever the loser was would eat gloppity gloop.” Sara said  “Wait, does that mean I have to as well?” Kalmar asked  “Yes it was a boys against girls zizby match. The both of you have to eat gloppity gloop.” Sara said happily as they entered the Castle.  “What's that smell?” Leeli asked. There was a sweet yummy smell drifting through the air. Kalmar sniffed the air a few times and then said as he stuck his tongue out for dramatic effect, “Barry buns! and cake!” he gasped and said, “I think blueberry gooey balls as well! And is that pie?” he said, smelling the air. Janner shook his head as they all raced towards the kitchen smelling the delicious sweet smell.  When they reached the kitchen, Kalmar was practically drooling over what he saw on every table that they had in the kitchen including the island that was with trays and trays and plates and plates full of sweets and pastries. Kalmar made a delighted sound as his eyes went big and sort of sparkled at the delicious world of sweets that laid in front of him. They all licked their lips at the delicious mound of sweets.  Kalmar was about to walk over to one of the treats when two adults covered head to toe in flour batter and pretty much every other ingredient you could think of, came walking in front of him saying, “No taste testers, these are for the Ball remember?”  It surprised him so much that he jumped. “What's wrong?”, the woman asked.  “Mama?” Leeli asked, she couldn't quite tell who the adults were because of how much ingredients they had on them.  The two adults looked at each other and then burst into laughter as they saw that they were covered head to toe in flour.  “It's us," Nia said, wiping flour off of her forehead.  “Why are you guys baking? Don’t we have someone for that?” Janner asked. The two looked at each other, smiled and Nia said “We have something to tell you, in our spare time we would love to bake everything from cakes to galaxy gloop balls. One day your grandfather suggested that we enter a contest to see if we could win. So we thought why not? We entered and we won! Then we thought ‘Hey this is really fun’ so for years we would enter local contests and we even expanded to other places around Aerwiar.”  “We even had our own dance and song.” Esben added.  “Oh, don't forget you had your own winning category," Artham said as he entered the kitchen,   “Wait, what, you had your own winning category?” Sara asked.  “Yes for best performance. The year that you were born, Leeli, we got to go to the Aerwiarian World Cup. It was only a few weeks before your mother had you. We baked a 10 layer birthday cake that had chocolate gobs and blueberry gooey balls and marshmallow mash baked inside of it,” Esben said.  “And?” all of the kids asked in unison for they wanted so badly to know if their parents had won!  “We won!” Nia said, remembering all the fun times they had.  “How have you never told us this before?” Janner asked.  “Well, when I thought your father died, I didn't particularly want to do it that much anymore, so I decided just to bake for you kids. Also, I had to take care of you all in Glipwood. But now that we're all safe again, maybe we'll get back in the old competition ring.” She said smiling.   “Now go decorate something, just no peeking until it's done. We have a surprise for you and I don't want it ruined.”  “Artham, will you please take these mouth-watering kids to go decorate the Ballroom.” Nia said to Artham and Podo.  They all walked out of the kitchen and went not to the Ballroom but outside to a little fire pit.  “I can't believe they won the World cup!” Janner said, he honestly couldn't really picture his parents winning a baking competition. But he sort of could when he realized that it was them covered in flour.  “I bet their food is delicious!” Kalmar said, thinking of all the yummy food that was about to hit his mouth tomorrow.  “Oh you should have seen them, they were baking like mad people! You know in the World Cup your grandmother and I were there watching over you and your brother, your sister wasn't born yet. But your grandmother and I, actually your uncle made it his little mission to try and be the most embarrassing fans. Your grandmother and I went quite over the top. It was her idea to buy face paint, if anyone asks.”  Podo regaled all of the memories of Nia and Esben’s competitions and told them how much he embarrassed them.  {Artham tells them about give the two a team name and Kal turns it into a Janner teasing moment..] The invitations for the Ball had gone out a week ahead but some of them were only just getting delivered today. The ones in Glipwood were among those being delivered today. The mailman came riding on his brown and white horse with a bag full of mail heaved over the horse.  He dismounted the horse and searched through the bag of mail  and packages to find the right one to fit the house. There was only one thing for this one house and that was in fact, the invitation.  The Wingfeathers had sent out the invitations to everyone in all of Aerwiar which seems like a lot. However they've been everywhere in Aerwiar and they knew everyone, so they knew where to send it.  The mailman walked up the cobblestone path as he looked up from the letter to see that the house wasn't in good shape. The door was off its hinges and looked burnt. The roof was missing some of the shingles, the windows were barred and had wooden panels on them hanging by one nail. The mailman checked the address again to make sure it was right. He walked up to the little broken down mailbox and fought with it to open it and then put the invitation inside, remounted the horse and rode off.  After she was sure the man was gone an older woman who was about Nia’s age stumbled out of the house. She was wearing a dark blue dress with a faded and ripped apron. Her hair was a dark brown color with little streaks of gray and was extremely curly and was styled into an extremely messy bun, and she had faded green eyes and they were red from crying. But out of all of this, the woman's face was sadder than all. Her face looked broken. It looked like the woman had gone through a lot of hard times and was still going through them  She managed to stumble to the mailbox, opened it and took out the little invitation. It was a beautiful gold envelope and sealed with the official royal Annierian Dragon Seal. It was addressed to: Molly and Karl Cobbler.   “Anniera?” The woman, whose name was Molly, murmured as she carefully lifted open the flap on the envelope. She tugged out that little envelope, it read:  “You are cordially invited by the Wingfeather family formerly known as the Igiby family (for those who live in Glipwood) to the celebration of Anniera’s Restoration. The Ball shall begin at 5:00pm this Saturday, Don't be late! (delicious pastries will be provided). Your humble rulers,  King Kalmar Wingfeather, Prince Janner Wingfeather, Princess Leeli Wingfeather, Sara Cobbler.”  Molly had to read the last line again. For she could not believe who the last signer was. “Could it be true?” She said in disbelief and she read the last name over and over again “Sara Cobbler!” she looked to the sky as she said. “Oh, Karl, I found our girl!” She ran towards Main Street, not even turning back to look at her house or to gather things from it, she just ran with everything she had.  But Molly Cobbler never made it out of Glipwood Township because clomping down her street was the Black Carriage. Driven by a woman in a black cloak that covered her face, the only thing visible was a single bright red wisp of hair. “Hello, Molly, we've been expecting you!” The woman said harshly, with an evil grin.
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Oct 27, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Prayer request please...Something really bad happened two days ago like 40 mintues from where I live and it's kinda scary...This also means my church can't hold the holloween event that was gonna happen tomorow so....I would say more but i don't wanna give away were i live so.... Anyways on a more happy note, this is a fun chapter so yay! Chapter 55 Rebuilding  “Okay, we need those over there, these over here and.. what's that doing there?” Esben asked, as he looked at the blueprints that he found in one of the old trunks that was dug up from the ground of Castle Rysen. Everyone, including children from the village, were helping the Wingfeathers. Every single person from Biolumia, the Emerald Kingdom and Ember Island also pitched in.  Leeli and Sara took a break from working on the castle to work on invitations. They didn't have much to work with but they had some sheets of paper and a pen. So they designed beautiful invitations even though they only had a single pen. They drew Castle Rysen on it and added a list of details. They determined the title to be: “Come Join Us for the Celebration of Anniera’s Restoration!” and they announced that it was to be held this Saturday at 5:00 p.m. They signed their names at the bottom and got Janner and Kalmar to do the same.  “Wow, those look great!”, Rose said, as she walked by, carrying a bundle of nails and stopping to look at the two of them.  “Thanks Rose!” Leeli said.  “I could do a lot better if we had more than one pen and more than one color, but I think it's really nice,” Sara said. "You know, one of my friend's parents runs a postal service. We can have those mailed out today, actually.” Rose said.  “Really!” Leeli asked?  “Yeah, just let me put these down and I'll talk to my friend. You should talk to your parents and then we can have those mailed out as soon as well, maybe in an hour or so.”  “Thanks Rose!” Leeli  exclaimed excitedly.  “You're welcome now, let me go find Zoe.” Rose said as she walked off, put the bundle of nails down next to Mayor Blagus and ran off to find her friend, whose name apparently was Zoe. It was now Friday afternoon. The Ballroom was almost complete, the only thing left to do was decorate.  That was not the case for the rest of the stuff as they still had to bake food, get fitted for new outfits, find music, decorate, and clean up the village.  “Ugh! Why do we have to get new outfits?” Kalmar whined, for one of the things that he hated most, was to get fit for new outfits.  “Kalmar, you're the King of Anniera. You need a fancy outfit for Anneria’s first ball since it was attacked by Gnag.” Nia said, she gave him a look that he knew meant to be on his best behavior.  Nia took Janner, Kalmar, Leeli and Sara all to the village to see Arundelle.  Arundelle owned a little seamstress shop in the village. It was a cute and quaint little shop on the outside and on the inside. The adorable wooden sign on the outside read Buttons and Bobbins, which Leeli thought was the cutest name ever for a seamstress shop.   They entered to see that right as you walked in, there was a dark brown desk with a swivel chair. There were many different outfits on displays in the window sills and tons of mannequins wearing different outfits. Some of the outfits were only half complete. There were mirrors and drawers and cupboards. In the corner of the room was a long table with a sewing machine and above it were cabins full of spools of thread and fabric. Arundelle was standing at the table with the sewing machine on it.  The moment Arundelle heard the little bell on the door ring she almost dropped her needle. “My, my you scared me!” she said, putting the needle down in a little tin case and closing the case.” “Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you, but I was wondering if you could get these children fit for new royal outfits for the Ball?” Nia asked.  “Of course!” Arundelle said, as her eyes lit up.  Kalmar groaned as he saw how excited she was and how many things she was pulling out of the cupboard.  “Hope you didn't have anything scheduled for today," Janner said, teasingly, eyeing the horrified look on his brother's face.  “Not-funny,” he said, sighing.   The boys were in one part of the room getting fit by the tailor named Toby and the girls were on the other side getting fit by Arundelle.  “So what color dress?” Arundelle asked Sara, once she finally got all the measurements.  “Well, what colors are there?”  At this, Arundelle's face lit up as she pulled a door on a large cabinet revealing about 100 different colors of fabric. “Anything you can imagine!” she responded.  “Whoa! that's a lot of fabric!” Leeli exclaimed, as she peeked over to the cabinet. “How are you ever going to choose?” she asked Sara.  They looked at all the beautiful colors of fabric. They were all arranged by color going from darkest to lightest.  “Well I like green but that light pink color right there is so pretty. It reminds me of lilly booms.” she said, pointing to a fabric color that was like a babyish pink color.  “Nice choice, I've always loved this color," Arundelle said, lifting the fabric that Sara had selected out of the cabinet. “This will look wonderful on you," she said kindly.  “And for you princess?” she asked Leeli, Leeli only took two seconds to pick out the one that she wanted. She chose a navy blue velvet fabric that just spoke to her.  “Also a very nice choice," Arundelle said, agreeing with both of the girls' choices.   They all spent about 3 hours there and they weren't even done then. Arundelle was done sewing all of their outfits, but was trying to make sure that they fit. She wanted to be sure that each and every thread was in the exact right place. This was really tiring for the kids, for all they wanted to do was to get out of that tiny little seamstress shop.  “You know what I realized?” Sara said, with her arms stretched out because of Arundelle as she was still sewing on her dress. They were all waiting and waiting for Arundelle to be done so all the kids were talking to each other.  “What?” Janner asked, raising an eyebrow curious to what this might be.  “Remember back when we lived in Glipwood? Before I was taken by the black carriage. Actually, it was a week after you three sang to the Sea Dragons. We were playing a game of zizby. But we only got to go two game blocks in, because your grandfather had to pick you up. You know we never finished that game.” she said, smiling uncontrollably.  Janner looked at her like she was out of her mind and said, eyes wide, “Sara, that was two years ago!”  “A game of zizby does not end until all of the game blocks have been completed.” she said, pointing her finger in the air. “Still 2 years! 2 years!”  “What, are you scared, Janner Wingfeather, or should I say Igiby?”  “Oh it's on! Cobbler!”, he said smiling.  “But wait, Boggle Worms don't live here in Anniera. What are we going to do to the loser?” Kalmar asked, fully on board with this plan.  “Um… from the stories that my father read to me, I remember there was something that grew here called, Gloppity Gloop.” Sara said, remembering the story about an old enchantress who concocted a potion for the king. But it went horribly, horribly wrong and instead of creating a potion for the king she created an entire type of species called Gloppity Gloop. The Gloppity Gloop almost took over all of Anniera but the Forest Rangers were able to contain it. But Gloppity Gloop still grows around Anniera so she thought it would be a perfect thing to do to the loser.  “Yes! yes yes!” Kalmar said, getting more and more excited every second.  “Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go play zizby!” Leeli said, and they all raced out the door forgetting the fact that Arundelle still held the string that was attached to their clothing.  “Wait! I'm not done!”, she called from inside the seamstress shop holding a spool of thread that was quickly unraveling as they ran.  “Oh…right” Sara said, as she walked back gathering the string that she had unraveled. Arundelle shook her head and said to herself, “Kids!”
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Oct 24, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Hey featherheads! Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I've been working on a fantasy book called Legacy and the Legend of the Seven Keys. That's not a fanfic of anything but a original thing and it's uh, way harder that writing fanfiction....But anyways enjoy the next chapter because it's almost done. Chapter 54  “We're Finally Home”  When they finished hugging The Maker, all of them smiled up at Him. Then The Maker said, “Janner Wingfeather, step forward.” Janner didn't know why The Maker was asking him to do this but Janner knew that whatever it was, he was going to do it. So he stepped up in front of them all and joined The Maker.  “Janner Wingfeather, you've had quite a journey haven't you?”  “Yes Sir I have,” he answered.  “I have been testing you on your character throughout this journey. Look back on your life, just two years ago, you felt burdened when you were asked to take care of your brother and sister. To you, having to watch over them felt like an annoying task that someone else should do. But now you feel a respect and a leadership towards your brother and sister to protect them and to keep them safe. You have been so loyal to your brother and sister, even when times were as tough as when you all were separated. You were so loyal and so brave to your brother that you were willing to take the price of healing for him instead of him taking it for you. That is a true sacrifice, young one.”  “Thank you, Maker,” Janner gratefully acknowledged.  “That is one of the many reasons why I am so proud of you, and that is why you will now be known as ‘Janner the Loyal’. ” Janner bowed to his new royal name and stepped back to be with the rest of them.  “Kalmar Wingfeather, step forward.” The Maker requested. Kalmar stepped forward as he waited for what The Maker was about to say.  “You, Kalmar, have been extremely brave. Just look back from when you  lived in Glipwood. You were afraid of heights back then, now look at you, you've crossed all of Aerwiar and even beyond. You went to places you never even knew existed, and you coped with challenges that you didn't even know how to face. That is why your royal name shall be ‘Kalmar the Brave’.”  “Thank you, Maker,” he responded after taking a deep breath. It was so unreal to be talking to Him that he almost felt like it was a dream.  “Leeli Wingfeather, step forward,” The Maker requested. She stepped forward.  “Leeli, there is no doubt that you have a sense of compassion like no other. For even people that no one else has had compassion for, like Slarb or your uncle back when he was Pete the Sock Man, you had compassion for them. You have a gift of feeling compassion for people who no one else can be compassionate to. That is a true gift, Leeli. That is why your royal name shall be ‘Leeli the Compassionate’.” At this she beamed as she curtsied and said in a dreamy voice “Thank you, Maker!”   “Sara Cobbler step forward forward,” The Maker requested.  “Me? But I'm not royal.” she said with a confused look though she did step forward.  “You may not be a royal by blood, but as long as you are my child you will always be royal. Plus one day it will be you, who will be sitting on one of the thrones of The Shining Isle of Anniera.” He said, looking over towards Janner with a wink. Janner’s eyes grew wide and he turned very red as he realized what he had just heard. Sara didn't get it right away but when she did, her cheeks turned very red.  “Sara Cobbler, throughout your life and throughout this journey of the past 2 years you have proven yourself faithful. I've put you through many challenges, the black carriage, the Overseer, even getting separated from your parents and from the Wingfeathers. However, through all of these trials, you have proven yourself faithful. The first thing that you did when you started these challenges, is you talked to me and you put your faith in me. And for that your royal name is ‘Sara the Faithful’.” He said, smiling at her.  Sara didn't even know how to respond. She was so surprised by what The Maker had said. The only thing she could do was curtsy and say, almost in a whisper, “Thank you”. She went back to standing by Leeli, not looking at Janner for fear that she would turn back to blushing.   “Nia, Esben, Artham, Podo, Oskar step forward.”  They all did so and looked at The Maker in amazement. “You all have done a wonderful job with these children. You have raised them right. and taught them everything they need to know and will continue to do so.” He turned to Nia and Esben and said, “I know you two have been separated for a while. Now you have found each other again, and I know that you both will continue to raise these wonderful children in the same manner and thereby, Glorify Me.” They nodded at The Maker and said “Of course, with all our love.”  “Artham, you've been through a long hard journey, haven't you?” He asked.  “Yes, your majesty, but it was worth it, I just have one question.” “What would that be, child?” The Maker asked.  “Back at the First Well I didn't tell anyone this but, I dipped my hands into the water. Why didn't it heal me?” he asked, looking down at his claws and then turning towards his wings.  The Maker looked at him sympathetically and said, “Artham, even though you might not know it, your wings and claws are a gift. They may feel like a burden, but they are a gift.”  “But why can't you heal me?”  “I can do anything I want.”  “So why won't you heal me?” Artham corrected, tears in his eyes.  “Artham, your wings and claws are a challenge, some might say a burden, some might say a gift. If I healed you right now, would that be a good story? For there are hundreds of stories where I've healed people. However, you get to live the story where I didn't heal you, but you have been faithful even though you have these challenges. Having difficulties not only makes your faith stronger in Me, it shows other people that through their struggles, through their hard times, if they have faith, they'll survive like you have. Having challenges in your life makes you stronger,  it makes you more cautious, and it makes you more faithful through the hardest of times. Now do you still want me to heal you?” he asked.  Artham looked up at him and said, “You know what, I think I'll keep my wings and claws. I want to see what more I can do with them.”  “Very good.” The Maker said, happily as he turned to Oskar.  “It is my pleasure, your majesty!” Oskar said, bubbling over with wonder and excitement. “Oskar, you have been on quite the journey as well. Going from a bookstore keeper in Glipwood to a legendary adventurer, always remember through whatever you do, I'm here for you and I love you no matter what you do.” The Maker said kindly.  Then The Maker turned to all of them, including Ruby, and said  “You all have been on quite the adventure, haven't you? I know that some of you have been waiting for this moment for a long time,” he said, looking directly at Janner who never took his eyes off of him. “It is time to go home now. This time it's to rebuild The Shining Isle and it's time to celebrate your victory.” The Maker said.  At this Leeli, decided to step up.  “What is it, child?” He asked.  “Maker, I know I should be happy that our adventures are over and I am, because that means that no one will try to hurt us, at least for a little while. I have to admit it was really fun. It kind of seems like the end though, is it?” she asked, shyly to The Maker.  He smiled at her and said “No child, your adventures are not yet over. They have only just begun. You will have many more adventures and face many more challenges along the way, but now it is time to celebrate this adventure. It is time to go home.”  Everyone joined The Maker in a hug and He said, “Now my children, I must go, for there are many more galaxies and worlds out there that need to know the truth. I'll be back for you all and remember I will never leave you, I am always with you. Now I must go and finish the work that I have started.”  It was an amazing sight because after He said this, The Maker started to glow, turned around, started to walk and disappeared into the horizon.  “Come on, it's time to go home.” Janner said in all his life he didn't think that he would actually say this. that he would actually mean their true real home. They all walked together smiling. It  almost seemed unreal to them that they were really going home.   When they arrived back at Anniera they were greeted by Maraly and Gammon rushing towards them with all of the other Annierians, Biolumians, Ember Islanders, and Emerald Kingdomers. All of them embraced them in a hug, probably the largest hug they've ever experienced.  “Kalmar! you're okay!” Rose exclaimed, running towards him as she gave him a big hug. Then she quickly said, “I mean you and the others of course….”   Arundelle was so happy about Artham’s return that she actually burst into tears. She really had thought that she was going to lose Artham again. He saw her, picked her up and spun her around.  They all were so happy that they were back and for the first time  for almost two years, they were safe.  All of the Wingfeathers walked in front of the castle, it was a mess. Boards were hanging down, the wood was burned, and it looked honestly worse than it had before.  “We can work with this.” Sara said optimistically.  “How?” Kalmar asked.  “Well… we can at least fix up the ballroom.”   “Why would we need a ballroom?” Kalmar asked.  “Because son, you will learn that being a royal, means attending and  hosting many, many, many balls; it's sort of a royal staple.” Esben explained.  “A ball? But I don't want to go to a ball!” Kalmar whined.  “That's what you do when you're a royal, you host balls. Also it's a  good way to tell all of Aerwiar that we're back and The Shining Isle of Anniera is not just a legend, but an actual place.” Esben replied for Kalmar’s benefit.    Janner smiled widely for he could picture what the ballroom would look like as Nia, Esben, and Artham cleared away some of the debris to see what was left of their old Ballroom.  He was so wrapped up in all of his thoughts that he didn't notice that Ruby was standing off to the side looking at the ground, as the Annierians passed by her, not even looking at her.  He walked over to her and asked, “Hey, are you okay?”  She looked startled as she looked at him and said, “I'm fine… I know this is how it's going to be from now on and I honestly don't blame them. I probably would do the same thing, if someone else had done those things to me.” She said, looking sadly at her feet.  “Do you want to come help us fix up the Ballroom? We could really use your help.”  “You really want me to help you? After everything I've done?” She said, confused at this.  “Opal...I mean Ruby, what you did in the past is in the past, you're different now. Of course, I want you to help us.”  He told her that he felt sad for her. He knew there were some things in his life that he wanted to forget as well. But he knew it was much worse for her as she had done some things that he knew she would never be able to forget. As a result, people would treat her differently until they realized she was made new by The Maker. But Janner knew that with a little kindness, he could make her feel at least a little better, right now. “Come with me," he said as he waved his hand at her, motioning to her to come with him to the Ballroom.
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Oct 19, 2023
In Fan Fiction
This is it featherheads, The chapter! This is my favorite chapter in the whole book. This one has the message that I want people to know. I hope you enjoy this special chapter and thank you so much for reading.😀 P.s this is NOT the last chapter Chapter 53 Called By Name   The moment that Opal had fallen and the amulet cracked releasing all of the dark magic inside, it seemed as though Opal’s army scattered. The Fangs, the trolls, and even the Titanium Dragon all stopped fighting, and looked at each other, looked at the Wingfeathers walking towards the hill and finally, they looked at the Biolumines who were ready to pour their water on all of them. They scattered like thwarps in a garden when Podo is in control.   The Wingfeathers all walked up to Opal. She was on her knees clutching her hands, weeping and sobbing uncontrollably. “It's time to go Opal," Janner said strongly.   “You will never defeat me, it's going to take a lot more than just an ancient song to take me down.” she said, raising her head at them. Her face looked broken. She looked deeply hurt, which she was. But this was the first time Janner had seen her let it show.  “We know that we are not going to defeat you with ancient songs this time. We're taking you to the First Falls.” he said, remembering what The Maker had told them.  “You do realize that I can blast you right now?” she said, looking at them like they had no idea who they were dealing with.  “Oh we know that, but we also know that you lost your powers for a short time. You foolishly revealed to us that you can lose your powers because of your wings.”  Kalmar said, remembering the fact that Opal had told them this. She groaned and said, “My powers can come back in a matter of hours.”  “Well, we better get moving then," Janner said, smiling smartly at her. She groaned again as Esben and Artham took one of her arms which she tried furiously to wiggle out of. Then they were off sailing on one of their Annerian ships back to the Golden Kingdom.  It didn't take too long; although, it felt like an eternity with Opal with them. She complained and groaned, moaned and whined the entire trip. When they actually got to the Golden Kingdom, they had to walk all the way to the First Falls, which Opal did not like.  “Any minute now, I hope you realize that I can blast you," she said, saying this naggingly.  Kalmar groaned and said to Janner, “Can we please switch? I'm begging you, I cannot take one more minute of her whining!”  “Fine, I'll take a turn with the queen.” he said, not really wanting to do this, but it gave his brother a break. They walked through sand, more sand and even more sand. Although Janner went back and forth on whether this was actually true, he decided that this in the long run was the worst road trip ever! Eventually they finally reached the First Falls.  “Finally!” Opal said, as they stopped walking. Esben and Artham released her.  She lifted her hands up and curled her fingers and suddenly a massive burst of blue screen fire blasted out of her palms. Every one of the Wingfeathers stood next to each other closely.  “I have waited 15 years for this!” she said, almost in disbelief that this was really happening. All of them held hands and held their breath for what she was about  to do. Then something so unbelievable happened that all they could do was smile with their mouths wide open.  “Say your last words, Wingfeathers, for they will be your last!” Opal said, as she raised her hands in the air, then balled her hands and suddenly her head burst into a flame as she said, “Goodbye Wingfeathers!” She laughed as she raised her hands even farther and the fire became so bright that it almost turned white. She didn't realize the looks on their faces, for they weren't scared but they were almost happy-looking. She was about to blast them; everything was perfectly going according to plan.  When a voice from behind her, one that made every bone in her body shiver, said, “Ruby Stars!”  Immediately, after hearing this, her hands dropped from their position, her face went pale and she gasped. It seemed to Janner like the next minute was in complete slow motion.  She turned around to see that standing behind her, the one that had called her true name, was none other than The Maker, Himself.  “Maker!”, she gasped, as she looked him in the face and immediately turned her gaze to the ground, putting one of her hands on her elbow.  “Ruby Stars!” The Maker said again, in the same kind yet stern voice. Opal did nothing, but tears pricked her eyes.  “Ruby Stars!” He said again, with this she breathed more heavily and the tears started running down her cheeks.  “Ruby Stars!” He said again, this being the third time, she started to sob of sheer terror, horror and sadness.  “Ruby Stars!” The Maker said again, this time a little louder than the rest.  She cried more loudly this time, as she managed to scream out, “That's not my name!”  “Ruby Stars!” He said again.  This time she was crying more heavily as she yelled again, “That's not my name!”  “Ruby Stars!” He said again.  This time she crumpled to the ground and she yelled “That's not my name!”  “Ruby Stars! He said again looking with great sadness at her.   She was completely to the ground now on her knees yelling out,  “That's not my name!”  “Ruby Stars!” He said again.  This time she was wailing and pulling her hair as she yelled,  “That's not my name!!!”, this time louder than all the rest. “Ruby Stars!”  “That's Not My Name!!!!” She said through heavy tears. They all looked at her with great sadness.  Leeli clung to Nia’s dress and they all came closer to each other watching this.  “Ruby!” The Maker said this time quieter than the rest, “Come Home!” He said softly. Opal stopped yelling. She stopped clumping her hair into balls and yanking it out; she was just there on her knees crying louder than anything Janner had ever heard.  “Ruby, Come Home!” The Maker said. At this she stopped crying and raised herself up. Tears raced down her face.  The Maker stretched open His arms as He said again, “Come Home!”  Opal’s face melted; she looked longingly at The Maker as she fell into His arms. He welcomed her in an embrace as she sobbed into His shoulder.  “You are mine!” He said to her which only made her cry louder.  “Shhhh.. shhh it's over now.” He said soothingly to her as He smoothed her hair. The crying became softer as He did this.  “Tell me child, what is your name?” He asked.  “My name is R-Ruby, Ruby Stars and I am yours.”, she said, crying. These tears weren't of sadness and horror and terror but they were of joy. She let go of The Maker and smiled at Him, something she hadn't done in 15 years. As she sobbed, “I'm so sorry, I…I didn't know what else to do. I thought it was the only way” she said, regretting everything that she had done.  “All Is forgiven, child, for today is a new day, and you are not who you once were, you are changed now. You are mine." He kindly declared.  She wiped a tear from her eye and said, “Thank you!”  “You are welcome, child. But you should know that Esben Wingfeather didn't intentionally break your wings or hurt your family.”  “What?” she said, turning around to face the Wingfeathers. Her face shocked them all. She looked like an entirely new person. Every part of her face was different. She looked new, and she looked like she had found something that she had been searching for her whole life. Her eyes were full of love. and she smiled, which was the first time Janner had ever seen her truly smile.  “It's true, I didn't mean to break your wings or to hurt your kingdom or family. About a few weeks before we attacked, my parents, King Jru and Queen Illia disappeared from Anniera and Aerwiar all to begin with. We searched frantically everywhere for them. They were nowhere to be found. Three days after they had gone missing, we had heard rumors from all different people from other lands that the fairy kingdom known as the Emerald Kingdom, was untrustworthy. People from the other lands had been taken by this Emerald Kingdom.   So we assumed.. actually I assumed that your kingdom had taken my parents. Therefore, we battled the Emerald Kingdom. Beforehand, I had learned that protecting the Gemstone Palace was a force field that no outsiders could enter. I knew that if I could just strike the ground hard enough in front of the door it would break the force field. But I didn't know that you would be right where I struck the ground. My heart broke the moment that I saw you. I remember seeing you with your face-full of betrayal even though you had no idea who I was. I dropped my sword to the ground. I couldn't believe that I had done something so cruel as this.  My brother picked me up, being a good Throne Warden, on the back of the dragon. I vowed never to assume anything about another kingdom ever again. I made sure that no one ever went through the Mist ever again. I never wanted this tragedy to happen again.  I am so sorry, Ruby, and I'm sorry to your parents and your sister and your entire kingdom. I have wished every day since then that I could take that horrible day back, but I can't. All I can do is say that I am truly sorry.” Esben explained, tears filling his eyes.  “It was all an accident?" she said shakily, and she looked from him to her broken wings to The Maker.  “Yes, child, it was an accident but nonetheless it still did damage.”  “It doesn't matter, knowing You and knowing that You saved me is better than any type of wings or kingdom.” she said, smiling at The Maker.  “Ruby, would you like to be healed?” He asked her as she looked surprised. “I don't need to be healed, just this day is more than I ever deserve and I don't deserve it at all. I have hurt so many people. I don't deserve wings or my kingdom,” she said looking down at the ground.  “Like I've said child, All Is forgiven, you are My child now, and to all of My children I give gifts of grace, whatever their past looks like. Now Ruby, would you like to be healed?”  She looked up at Him longingly and said in almost a whisper,  “Yes.”  He smiled at her and said, “Turn around and close your eyes.”  She did this as she unclasped her cape and it flew to the ground. He put his hands on her broken ripped wings, stared up at the sky, closed His eyes and said something to His Father. A second later, He told her to open her eyes, as He took his hands off of her wings. She opened her eyes and took a glance at her wings to see that the rips were closed. She gasped as she moved her wings, something that she hadn't done in 15 years. She smiled and breathed heavily as she made her wings lift off the ground. She was able to fly! She came back down from the sky and looked with tears of joy and her eyes at The Maker as she said, “Thank you! Thank you for everything!”  “You're welcome, my child.” He said. Next, He turned to the Wingfeathers as he saw the looks of amazement on their faces and said,  “Come forth my children!” They all looked at each other and rushed to The Maker, who embraced them in a hug.  The hug was like no other hug that Janner ever experienced in his life. It was warm, it felt like baking cookies, and bundling up with warm blankets on a cold afternoon. It was the most refreshing thing Janner had ever felt through the past two years of his crazy messed up, wacky and upside down life; he finally felt a moment of peace.
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Oct 18, 2023
In Fan Fiction
One chapter till fireworks! (Okay not really but it's going to be crazy!) Note this song is most likly gonna change alot because i don't really like it:( Anyways Enjoy Part 1 of Opal's inner war Chapter 52 A Song That Changed The World  “Ready whenever you are, Leeli,” Janner said to her. She looked nervous.  He picked up on this and said “You'll be fine. You're the best singer I know.”  “Thanks, but it's not really singing that I'm worried about though…”  He knew what she meant. He was worried too; he wasn't particularly excited or happy about the fact that he was going to have to  hear his father's darkest moments blasted into his mind. He felt pity on Kalmar for the fact that he would have to see everything. He thought that was much worse than hearing it, but he didn't know what was ahead of him.  “Okay, it's time.” Leeli said.   “You're going to do great Lee”, Kalmar said to her reassuringly   “Thanks”. She put on a strong face, took a deep breath and started to sing the song that The Maker told her to sing. “O, Holor`e lay thee low Holoel dark in the deep Down beneath the earth you go Go Holor`e fast to sleep…” Janner was confused as to why his sister was singing Yurgens' tune. But then he saw it. Every single dragon including the metal dragon that Opal had made stopped moving and turned their heads toward Leeli.  None of them knew it, but near the Cliffs of Glipwood and the edge of the Green Hollows, even in Anniera, every sea dragon, including Yurgen, himself, lifted their heads towards the music. Even though some of them were miles and miles away they could hear the song. Yurgen was at the deep bottom of the sea, he was incredibly weak from Gnag the Nameless using him, but he seemed to regain a little bit of strength as he lifted his head towards the sweet, soft music.  “The Jewels of Anniera.” Yurgen, thought in his mind, as two of the other sea dragons, helped him cross the ocean heading straight towards Leeli. “Dragons hear this song I sing,   And come near to me, as I sing louder,  listen to the words I say, And show her what she knows, Dragons hear this song I sing,  swirl around me like magic, show this queen the real truth,  That happened so long ago” Leeli sang, even though Leeli was all the way down on the ground and Queen Opal was all the way up on the highest hill, over the screams of the Fangs and the roar of the crowd, Opal heard the faint, soft song. The second that she heard the first word, her face went pale. She shook it off and went back to blasting everyone in their sight. What happened next actually frightened Opal, which was something Janner had never seen come across her.  For when Leeli repeated this last verse, every single dragon turned to her. About a thousand, maybe even 10,000 sea dragons came rushing through the waters as she sang: “Circle around me now and listen,  for the days are dark and stormy,   One among us has been hurt   oh dragons, show us who she really is.  Dragons here this song I sing  and come here to me as I sing louder,  listen to the words I sing.  Show Queen Opal what she knows! Oh, dragons hear me sing!” “Stop singing!!” Opal yelled and she grabbed her hair in her face and shouted over the clamor of the war. For the first time, Janner actually saw fear spread across Opal's face. But the next verse of the song really made her tremble. For now the dragons weren't just circling around Leeli, she had directed them to circle around Opal. “Oh, dragons show her what  she knows”, As Leeli began to sing again, she actually was singing to the dragons. They stopped staring at her and every single one of them, hundreds and thousands of them, turned to Opal.  “Stop singing!” she yelled again, for fear was running through her  veins when she saw the dragons’ eyes. Now it seemed as though the song wasn't directed towards the dragons anymore, but to Opal, herself. and this was when the Jewels saw it. “Queen Opal listen to these words,  and show us who you once were,  you weren't always this way,  you were once just a young girl,  all you wanted was family and friends,  but instead you got war in revenge.  Show us who you once were before this war between our worlds,” “I said, stop singing!!” Opal yelled. At this point she was crouched on  her knees, blasting every single one of the dragons with her firepower yet none of the dragons seemed affected.  “We have to get to her!” Janner yelled, over the cry of the war.  “But we can't leave Leeli!” Kalmar said, whacking a Fang in the  head with his sword. Janner, until now, hadn't looked at Leeli but when he did his jaw dropped. Leeli was not on the ground anymore but suspended in air with golden streaks of magic swirling around her furiously.  “Leeli!!” he gasped, it was truly a remarkable but frightening sight, seeing his little sister suspended in air with golden magic swirling around her. Her eyes were closed and she was singing like she had never sung before. Then words and voices, so painful to hear, popped into his mind, as Leeli sang the next verse. “Show us now what happened that day,  when your world collided with ours.  Show us what happened to you  when you were once just a young girl.  Show us what happened all those years ago,  Show us what happened that day  when the war between us began.” Janner grabbed his head, as his sword went crashing to the  ground. The sounds and words that he heard were too hard for him to hear. He heard the sound of fire crackling, he heard noises of a family who were trying to stay together, and he heard one particular girl who he assumed was Princess Skye, saying to who he knew was Ruby: “Never leave the castle door.”  He knew what was coming after this and he couldn't bear to hear it  but he had no choice. He knew his brother and sister were seeing and hearing and feeling the same thing as him, for he looked over at his brother to see that Kalmar had a look of disappointment on his face. It was one of the hardest things to keep going after this, to keep fighting for his sister and to keep protecting them when something so tragic was going on inside of his mind. Leeli kept singing.  “I said stop singing!” Opal demanded, now on her knees, bursting  into tears as she looked into the big dragons’ eyes. She looked at them with horror, seeing her past reflecting in their eyes, seeing the day that she so wished to forget, yet nothing would allow her to forget it. It was painted across the dragons’ faces. She kept yelling over and over for Leeli to stop singing. Yet even though Opal was yelling and Leeli could feel the memory, Leeli kept focusing on the words that The Maker put into her mind and kept singing with all of her might. “Show us what happened that day,  when you were once just a young girl.  Show us what happened that made  you what you are today.  Show us what happened back then,  show us what happened to you.  Show us what happened back then,  let us see who you once were.” “I said stop singing!” Opal yelled over and over and she continued to blast the dragons with her power. Leeli did not stop; she kept singing these verses over and over again until Opal was all the way to the ground, weeping and screaming for Leeli to stop.  (Janner and Kal have a vision for the past, of Esben hurting Opal) Leeli kept repeating the last verse over and over again until Opal screamed as loud as she could, “Stop singing!” Right then, Opal collapsed to the ground. The moment that she did, the amulet that she was wearing snapped off her neck and hit the ground shattering into a million pieces of dark magic.The greenish glow of the magic escaped the amulet in a burst of a green glowing cloud.  Janner saw that all of the dragons’ eyes went back to their normal shape and the green glowing magic in them disappeared. They all shook their heads and flew back to their owners, the Ember Islanders. “Show us who you once were!” Leeli finished. When she stopped  singing, she landed back on the ground, opened her eyes and the gold magic disappeared. Her cheeks were wet from crying and her eyes were red. The three children looked at each other longingly, wanting to talk about what they saw, but also not wanting to talk about it at all. They decided that the best thing to do was embrace in a hug. They melted to the ground in this hug. It was exactly what each had been wanting for the last 2 years. Their family joined them, but it didn't last long because they knew what they had to do.
Rosalina Wingfeather
Royal Bard
Royal Bard
Oct 17, 2023
In Fan Fiction
Ok we're getting to the deep stuff... Oh yea the uh thing I mentioned in the last chapter, well that dosn't get answered till the next book..... Enjoy Featherheads!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 51 A Message From The Maker  They were in the midst of a war, a war that would decide the fate of all of Aerwiar. Janner had now returned to the state that he was in before he was shot down by Opal’s power, he was able to push himself up from the ground and stand up. He was still a little woozy from the blast, but other than that, he was fine.  “Let's do this!” he said, with a new sense of confidence but also a new sense of worry for he still didn't know what the memory meant. But he knew they couldn't focus on some strange memory in which he had no idea if it was even true. The thing that he had to focus on right now was stopping Queen Opal once and for all.  “So what are we going to do?” Kalmar asked, hopefully, before he saw the look of determination on his brother's face. A look that he had seen a lot in the past 2 years. A look he knew meant that no matter what happened, Janner was not going to give up.  “What we are going to do is play to our strengths and we use her weaknesses.”  “She's Queen Opal! What weaknesses does she have?” Kalmar asked, thinking this was a ridiculous thought.  “Well not much yet, but I'm sure we'll figure something out. Right now we play to our strengths. We have a lot of  strengths between us all, Annierians, and even Biolumines, Ember Islanders and Emerald Kingdomians. We have magic apparently from the elves, we have Marina who has telekinesis which has already proven extremely helpful, we have Gracie's fire powers, and we have our own strengths. Kal, you're extremely fast, Leeli you can spin a song like no one else and Sara you can solve pretty much any scientific problem with nothing but things inside our pockets. Mr. Reetep you know everything about books, Uncle Artham you're a Throne Warden like me and you have wings and claws. Mama and Papa, you are the High King and Queen of Anniera, Grandpa, don't even get me started, you have a lot, as you were a pirate.”  “Ay that I am, I was Scale Rider, they called me” Podo said, chuckling at his days when he was young and rode the sea like a madman.  “Don't forget about you, you're one of the best Throne Wardens I've ever seen. No offense Uncle Artham, plus you are brave and you come up really crazy but most of the time your plans work.” Kalmar said  “Thanks Kal!” He smiled and then put his hand in the middle of them. They put their hands all on top of each others’ hands and they cheered!!  “For Anniera!”  This time was like no other, they were actually doing really well! Everyone was playing to their strengths which was a wonderful idea. The Biolumines were using their water powers to try and short circuit the Fangs and the trolls. Janner wondered why he hadn't thought of it sooner. While this actually worked, the Biolumines used powers mixed with Marina’s special telekinesis so that she could move the water from their hands to the specific spot on the Fangs and some of the trolls though the trolls were harder to short circuit.  The only problem was every time that they thought they were almost done, just when they thought they had won, Opal pulled out another batch of Fangs, trolls, and even dragons!  “Where is she getting them all?” Kalmar said, tired of fighting metal Fangs and metal trolls and dragons.  “She's had what? like 15 years to come up with all this. She probably made about 8 million in preparation!” Leeli said.  “Not helpful, Leeli!” he said back to her, frowning. Marina had just knocked out the last troll when something came rushing over the hill. Something bigger, scarier than they've ever seen before. Janner debated on if this thing was scarier than when Gnag merged with Yurgen. He couldn't quite tell, so he put it at the same level as the Yurgen merger. Rising up from the hill, was a gigantic, I mean bigger than Castle Rysen and the Dark Castle Darkness combined, was a gigantic Titanium Dragon! Its eyes looked like they were made out of rubies and dark green magic glowed around them, and its claws were as long as tree branches. Its tail swished behind it, destroying everything in its path, but the scariest thing about it was when it roared it was a sound like thunder clapping. When it opened its mouth, Janner could see its teeth. Its teeth were the sharpest thing he'd ever seen in his life, and up spewing from the dragon's mouth was a greenish blue flame. The same bluish green flame that Opal had as her power.  “We're doomed,” Kalmar said, dropping his sword.  “There's always a way, there is always a way," Janner said, trying to think of something else to say besides what he was saying, but honestly he didn't think there was always a way in this circumstance.  “How is there always a way? How can you possibly be saying that at a time like this? There is always a way! we might as well just give ourselves up to Queen Opal!!” Kalmar said, depressed at their situation. “We can't give up! Come on, we have worked so hard to get here. I mean think about it, 2 years ago we thought we were normal kids living in Glipwood. Now, we're here fighting an evil queen who has metal everything that we could ever dream of or ever have nightmares about. And we're just going to give up?!” Leeli asked, disappointed with her brother's suggestion  “I'm not saying we give up, I'm just saying we stop trying to stop her.” he said, realizing that this was in fact the exact same thing.  Then something happened that happened to them before, but this time it felt so good that it happened. They really needed it now, at a time like this. For at the moment that they were all discussing this, a gold swirling magic came around them. It swirled around them and made a sound like someone was singing “Oooooooh, Oooohhhhhhh!” that wrung inside their minds. It sounds crazy but in that moment, time stopped, literally. All time stopped around them, but they were still in motion. A voice rang out inside their minds, one that they had heard before but in this moment was so refreshing, like cold clear water when you're thirsty.  “Jewels of Anniera!” the voice said, “Don't be discouraged by your situation. I know Opal, she is not all evil. I know it may be hard to believe that, but it's true. There's good in all of us, but sometimes the darkness can enter your lives and corrupt the light. The darkness will shove the light into the darkest, littlest corner in your mind and make you even forget that it's there. I have something I need you three to do and you need to listen carefully. Don't defeat Opal. Only defeat her powers, so you can take her safely to  the Golden Kingdom. Take her to the First Falls, you'll know why when you get there. Remember, my children, no matter what, I love you. Even in your darkest moments, even when it feels like you're all alone, I'm with you. No matter where you are, no matter where you go, no matter what you do in your life, I am with you and I will always be with you. Now go young ones and do as I told you.” The Maker said, as the golden magic stopped swirling and time went back to itself.  “D…did you hear that?” Janner said shakily.  “Loud and clear.” Kalmar said, but Leeli was thinking about something that she heard that they both didn't.  “So how are we going to defeat her powers, but not her, and bring her to the First Falls without her trying to kill us?” Kalmar asked. “Well we could…” Janner started, but Leeli interrupted him and said  ”No, The Maker told me how we defeat her. He told me a song and I'm supposed to sing it no matter what happens, to just keep singing it. He told me that it would be hard for us when I sing the song because.. it's going to show Opal what happened in her past, specifically what Papa did to her.. and because we're the Jewels of Anniera, we're going to see it all.” she said sadly, as she swallowed hard.  “Oh, well, if The Maker told you to do it, then that's what we are going to do.” Janner said, as he nodded his head at this and Leeli went through all the lines that The Maker had told her in her head. “Mama, Papa, Uncle Artham, Mr. Reetep, Grandpa, change of  plans. We had another message from The Maker and He told Leeli to sing a specific song, because we need to defeat Opal's Powers but not her, and then take her to the First Falls.” Janner explained.  “Why do we need to take her to the First Falls? She was already there.” Nia asked.  “He just said we'll know why, when we get there.” Kalmar answered.  “Well, there is only one thing to do then” Esben said as he put on a kingly face which Janner had never seen before. Even though Esben still looked rugged and worn out and depressed, at least on the outside he wore a face that Janner had pictured him looking like all his life.  “Okay, everyone let's do this!” Janner said, as he and Kalmar stood around guarding her from the Fangs and creatures, as Leeli gathered all of her thoughts.

Rosalina Wingfeather

The Elven queen of Anniera

Royal Bard
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