Disclaimer:I did NOT draw this content! I used a platform called canva and Ai to make it. The text is mine though)
Ookay so I have been inspired by Wingfeather to write my own fantasy series! ( that I intend on publishing!) And I’ve been working on it for awhile, but I just finished writing it! (Now it’s in editing) But I have made a book cover design and wated to know what you guys think! I also made the back of the book!✨ Oh! I should probably tell you what it’s called…
✨Legacy and the Seven Keys!✨
(Also, Celestie Winters is my pen name)
Now for the covers:

So tell me what you think! Like would you actually read this? (Be honest.)Or, is there anything you think I should change? That sort of thing.
Oh my goodness! That cover is BEAUTIFUL!! I'd love to read it if you publish it, but it kinda feels like the back tells a bit too much of the story? I'm not sure, I'm kinda picky about the backs of books😅
The book design looks cool! If I were you, I would publish it! Even if a lot of people don't read it, it would be a neat experience to publish a book. I haven't read a new fantasy series in some time, but if I found this at a library, I probably would give it a go. I personally think that the description at the back of the book is too long though.
*collapses under pile of Medieval primary sources* Eventually, maybe.
It's very intriguing! Will you post some of it? (Also, you wrote on the back 'Along the way the children's parents were imprisoned by these Shadows. Leaving the kids hopeless. Until a kind soul tells them directions to a safe place.' 'Leaving the kids hopeless.' and 'Until a kind soul tells them directions to a safe place.' are fragments, and not sentences. I'd suggest putting 'Along the way the children's parents were imprisoned by these Shadows, leaving the kids hopeless until a kind soul tells them directions to a safe place.' Also, I am also writing a story with 'Seven Keys' in the title, but the books sound very different, so I don't think that the stories will get mixed up.)
I second what Oskar said! Sounds very cool!
Sounds really interesting!