(Offline until further notice. Trying to get into university!)
My name is Ruth, but I’m better known as Rhu, the Iggiest of Feathers or the Kettle Quill. I am a missionary kid who grew up in Texas and in Scotland, and even as an adult, either of my feet are in both worlds. I adore both of my homes, and I hope to one day bring the gospel further up into the Scottish Highlands and Hebrides.
When I’m not banging my head over schoolbooks and Gàidhlig, I spend my time writing, reading, drawing, hiking, listening to and playing music, and playing and snuggling with my two vizslas, Pax and Albean. I live life with my beloved parents and three younger siblings, and most of all with Jesus.
"'No, not to thee! not to an earthly physician!' cried Mr. Dimmesdale, passionately, turning his eyes, full and bright, and with a kind of fierceness, on old Roger Chillingworth. 'Not to thee! But, if it be the soul's disease, then do I commit myself to the one Physician of the soul! He, if it stand with His good pleasure, can cure, or he can kill. Let Him do with me as, in His justice and wisdom, He shall see good. But who art thou, that meddlest in this matter? that dares thrust himself between the sufferer and his God?'"
"The Leech and His Patient", pg. 92 of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Rach air allaban — become a wanderer or take up wandering.
You can also follow me on Wattpad to see my other works, which include an original drama and a modern psychological adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Follow or message me at @kettle_quill
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Rhu the Iggiest of Feathers (and the Kettle Quill Herself)
Sock-Handed Throne Warden, Royal Bard’s Apprentice, Appreciator of the Gàdhlig, English, and/or Old Norse, Official Kilt-Wearer, and the Kettle Quill Herself