A Campsite in the Dark
The sun was setting as Nia and company dismounted the dragons. Because of the dense canopy of the Blackwood, and because Kalmar only knew the ground route to the First Well, it had been unanimously decided that the remainder of the journey would be taken on foot.
“I think we should wait until morning to enter the forest,” said Kalmar. “The Blackwood is dark even at midday, and we are all tired from the flight. I say we set up camp here for the night.”
Though everyone was anxious to get to the First Well, they could not deny their shaky legs and tired faces, not to mention the toll taken on them emotionally. Each lost in their own thoughts, they began to unload their packs from the three dragons. Four tents were set up, one for Leeli and Sara, one for Artham and Kalmar, one for Nia, and one for Oskar, who warned them that he was an “atrocious snorer.” The last bundle to be unloaded was Janner.
While the others busied themselves making up their beds and taking stock of the supplies, Nia was left alone to tenderly cradle him in her arms. A cart had been prepared for his transport, but Nia couldn't bring herself to set him down just yet. “I love you” she whispered as a single tear dropped from her brimming eyes, leaving a darkened splotch on the cloth. How can such a great sorrow produce such a tiny thing? Nia wondered. She shook her head to clear her mind. Now is not the time, Nia. Stay strong. The rest of your family needs you too. Gently and reverently, she laid her precious bundle amidst the pillows in the cart and tucked a blanket over him as she had done on hundreds of nights when he was a little child.

Carrying a heavy heart, Nia turned and walked slowly yet resolutely over to the campfire Oskar had started. Kneeling beside the glowing coals, she tried her best to direct her thoughts fully into the task at hand: preparing an evening meal for the group.
“You know you don't have to do that if you don't want to,” spoke the gentle voice of her younger son, suddenly close to her. “I can do it if you'd like.”
Nia smiled and brushed a hair from his face affectionately. “Thank you, Kalmar. I truly appreciate the offer, but I want to do this. Really.”
Kal looked a bit confused, but he nodded, not pressing her further. “I love you Mama,” he said before turning and walking back to his tent.
The camp dinner was ready in no time. Nia had packed a fresh loaf of butterbread, and the dragons had brought back some fish from the swim they had taken in the ocean after being unloaded. It was the quietest meal Nia had ever experienced, and the quickest too. The only sounds were chewing, the snapping of the campfire flames, crickets, and the occasional call of an ickaw deep in the woods. Nobody felt like talking. After all, addressing the elephant in the room would only bring more grief, and any other topic would feel forced and half-hearted. Yet, the presence of others was itself a small comfort that Nia was grateful for.
After disposing of the fish bones and washing the few tin camp dishes in a nearby stream, good nights were exchanged as each person retired to their respective tents under the diamond-studded spring sky.
It didn't take long for Nia to realize that Oskar had not exaggerated in the least when he described his snoring.
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Haha, was that you in the woods, Ickaw??😂
Sorry I'm late! This is so good! I love it.
Next chapter is pending! :)
'the last bundle to be unloaded was Janner'
I don't know why but I laughed so hard at this
I get it. I'm a huge snorer too 🤣
Thanks for writing! It was amazing as always
Dude the drawing ties it together perfectly! Love it love love it 😊
That was so good!! I loved the detail! It was really cool that you included a picture! Oskar is definitely loud, though I am not really sure how Nia forgot that.... Probably grief. Anyway, I really liked it!!
This is so good Ickaw!
Also, I chuckled a bit at the ending.