Acting on pure instinct, Nia entered a state of mind she only had when rescuing children from the black carriage and rushed toward the rattling sound coming up the road.
Before anyone could stop her or even say anything, Nia had already ran on all fours to the front of the cottage.
"NEEEEIGGHH!" went some horses, followed by the sound of an older man yelping.
"Easy now!"
Janner gasped and whispered to himself just loud enough that Artham heard him. "Mr. Reteep?"
"Oh no." Artham sighed with both worry and aggravation as he hurried to the front yard to see what had become of them. The rest of the family followed close behind.
Just up the road a ways was Oskar Reteep, steadying his horses after Nia's little jump scare. He appeared to be quite alarmed and troubled at the sight of Nia, as she was still on all fours a couple yards away from his horses. He went to turn the wagon away but stopped when he saw Artham running out to meet him.
"Artham! What *is* this creature?!" Oskar Reteep ignorantly shouted in the heat of the moment. "Are any of you harmed?!"
"No, Reteep!" Artham shouted in response as he quickly made his way to Nia in an effort to calm her down. He held his hands out to her to gesture her to relax. "Nia- Nia! It's just Oskar from Books and Crannies! He's safe!"
"He's safe? You're sure?" Nia asked, not backing down from her panther-like pouncing stance.
"Yes." Artham nodded with his eyes looking into hers so she would see he was sure of his judge of character.
Once she was convinced there was no danger, Nia slowly straightened up into a more human way of standing and just stared at Oskar like she was still unsure.
It wasn't like Oskar looked intimidating but with the wagon sounding like the carriages she would routinely take out every night, Nia had been triggered by her instincts to attack. Thankfully for Reteep, Artham was there to reassure her that he wasn't a threat.
Oskar let out a sigh of relief and adjusted his crooked glasses on his nose. "Now, I'm dreadfully sorry for stopping in on you Igibys without an appointment but it's been a couple days since my shipment and-"
"Oh, Mr. Reteep, I'm so sorry!" Janner interrupted in a profuse apology.
It was just days ago during the Dragon Day festivities that Oskar had asked Janner to come in and help him sort through his book and because of all that was happening with Nia, Janner's promise to be there had been neglected to show up.
"I meant to come but then there was a scuffle in town and then our mom showed up and- I forgot! I'm just so sorry-"
"Woah, woah, Janner, my boy! It's okay!" Oskar quickly responded as he carefully dismounted from his wagon. "I just came by to check on you and your family to ensure everything was alright. Since the festival... The fang patrols have become a bit more strict. It appears they're looking for something..." He warily glanced at Nia. "Or someone."
"Hold on." Artham turned his head to the side with his thick eyebrows pressing on his eyes. "What did you hear?
"Zouzab told me he heard the guards around the fang barracks talking about a half-beast." Oskar adjusted his glasses as Nia reeled back slightly at the news. "They say a creature has been intercepting their carriages for years but with the increase in interceptions and news of a fang being dusted days ago... They want to capture it and send it to Torrboro."
Within an instant, all eyes were back on Nia, who happened to be quite nervous. Everyone knew the report must have been about her but the question was, what would they do about it?
"... Reteep," Podo Helmer stepped forward and met the pudgy librarian at his wagon. "That lady with the kitten mitts is me daughter. I would appreciate if ye didn't say anything regarding her in town."
"Daughter?" Oskar raised his eyebrows and looked over at Nia and then at Wendolyn before looking back at Podo. "I didn't know you had a daughter. Are the rumors true- what I heard about the beast?"
"She's not a beast." Wendolyn quickly corrected Oskar's unintentional phrasing. "Our Nia has just been through the wringer."
Nia stepped forward elegantly, as if she hadn't just popped out of nowhere like a deranged thwap. "I'm sorry for scaring you... And your horses. I sincerely thought it was the black carriage coming for my children."
"Your children? You mean to say... You're Janner, Tink, and Leeli's mother...?" Oskar asked with surprise but intrigue nonetheless.
"Yes..." Nia nodded, trying to keep a strong face despite the pain inside she felt from not being there for her children all those years. However, she was determined to be there now and show that she wasn't afraid of the past.
Oskar looked at her a moment more before his eyes crinkled up in a smile. He extended his hand to hers, suddenly not as frightful as he had been. "Madam, I owe you an apology! Your children are some of the most well-mannered children in all of Skree I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. It is an honor to meet you."
Nia was taken back by the sudden change in demeanor but since Oskar wasn't hesitant, she felt lesser need to be on alert. She placed one of her paws in his hand and Oskar gently shook it in greeting. "It is... nice to meet you as well...?"
"Ah! Oskar Reteep is my name. Now, I mustn't pry but..." Oskar quieted himself to nearly a whisper as he put his had to the side of his mouth. "But if you are the one they are looking for... It isn't safe for you to stay in Glipwood."
The look in Oskar's eyes were grave and Nia knew it. She glanced back at her children and then back at Reteep with determination. "And where do you suppose I go?"
"Well... Seeing as you are clearly..." Oskar cleared his throat. "Against the fangs..." He pulled a rolled up sheet of paper out of his vest and handed it to her. "... You may be needing this."
Within an instant of receiving such a gift, Nia unrolled the paper and looked at it intently.
"It is a map to a secret vault in the woods..." Oskar said.
Artham looked over Nia's shoulder to discover it was a map of Glipwood with a trail leading to a large X near Anklejelly Manor. He narrowed his eyes at what he was seeing and looked up at Oskar.
"That place is crawling with horned hounds, Reteep."
"Well, yes... It is." Oskar twirled his mushtache in thought. "But there are... let's say... Things that will help you on your journey- I assume you all plan to be together?"
The plump man's question caused gears to turn in all of the Igibys minds. Seven people. Seven people and a dog to escape disaster. The odds of them all leaving Glipwood unscathed seemed quite slim when accounting for not only the fangs but also the dangers of Glipwood forest. Between the horned hounds and the toothy cows, and anything else with sharp teeth, this move was going to be very risky... but they couldn't waste time. For meanwhile, just in town, a certain ridgerunner happily gave a tip in exchange for a basket of fruit.
Wait, I just tried looking for part 23 — DOES IT NOT EXIST YET?!😭😭😭
clears throat and straightens tie Excuse my behaviour.
Now. I’m finally catching up. I CAN SEE A ROAD TRIP!! WALKING HOLIDAYS FOR ALL!!!
Is the groaning ghost of Brimney Stupe waiting for them at Anklejelly manor?
For fruit!