Random featherhead memes. FOR NO REASON.

(For reference, this is not my meme, but a friend of mine made this, who is not on TTH. This is not my meme☝🏻 If you know the contemporary worship song “Christ is My Firm Foundation,” and have attended a youth group or Bible camp, you will find this hilarious. This is all of our faces and poses during worship.)

(Also my friend’s meme☝🏻)

(This is my remake of my friend’s meme☝🏻 Notice Janner’s facial expressions are perfect for each book.)

Anyway, hope that was enjoyable!
🤣 these are great
Our youth group is so small, we basically have two people in chairs every other time, and the other times we are all on stage.
“Every Throne Warden has made this look” 😂😂😂😂 That’s 100% true. Unfortunately for me.
That one about patience was my favorite. 😆
Since when did we need a reason to make featherhead memes?
These are all so good!!
(Especially number 3 and the one about math 🤣)
Very good.
👏 👏 👏 All fantastic