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Thwapmoot on the Eleventh (Time Poll)

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

If we were to do a Thwapmoot on Saturday, what time would work for you?

If the poll doesn't work for you, please comment below.

What time would work for you?

  • 10:00 am CT

  • 10:30 am CT

  • 11:00 am CT

  • 11:30 am CT

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9 comentarios

Oskar N. Reteep
Oskar N. Reteep
08 feb 2023

7:00 PM would work best for Johannes and me.

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I voted for 7:00pm CT but it disappeared when I hit the “show less” button, so I don’t know if it registered.

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Anna J
Anna J
08 feb 2023
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