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Thwapmoot Today

Come join us for a Thwapmoot at 7:00 pm CT!

If you haven't heard about this but want to join, just comment below. You will get a link to the thwapmoot from

What will we have at the thwapmoot?

The Thwapmoot will be on Watchparty, and it will have live messaging and an optional video chat. All interactions in the chats will be monitered by some of our moderators from the forum, and parental involvement is welcome.


We will be watching episode 5 of the Wingfeather Saga, but no other videos have been planned.

To join, just comment below! You will be added to the list, and you will be emailed the link about 10 minutes before it begins.

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I'd like like to join for next time :)

Replying to

Okay thank you! I'll be sure to look out for it. So excited!!


Sorry I wasn't there. I'm very self-conscious about the (very rude) hair growing on my face 😂 It desperately needs to get off


Oskar N. Reteep
Oskar N. Reteep
Feb 26, 2023

It was fun! I was glad I could be there! Sorry I got a bit quiet toward the ends I think my brain was beginning to fall asleep again. 💤😅


Leeli Iggyfeather
Leeli Iggyfeather
Feb 26, 2023

@Anna J. When will the emails be sent?

Anna J
Anna J
Feb 26, 2023
Replying to

I'm so sorry about that! I think I just figured out the right way to keep track of everyone. Hopefully it will be less confusing next time. :)


Queen Kylie the Just
Queen Kylie the Just
Feb 26, 2023

I’ll join!

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