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Forum Posts
Janner the Igiby
Apr 04, 2023
In TV Series Discussion
I found the Website for one of The Wingfeather Saga tv show’s designers, his work is so cool! His designs for some of the characters and props and t-shirts are amazing. There’s also tons of little details and notes on his website for Wingfeather stuff. You guys should check it out.
Janner the Igiby
Nov 09, 2022
In Crafts and Creations
I wanted you to show you guys these two lego creations from LEGO IDEAS I found, they're super cool! Let me know if the links below work.
Janner the Igiby
Oct 28, 2022
In TV Series Discussion
I'm wondering what you guys think about if The Wingfeather Saga tv series was chosen to be a live-action tv series instead of being animated. Being animated, the show is more likely to have a wider age range for watchers. (And I looooove the animation) But do you think the show would've worked in live action? If so, the show might've had to have a higher budget, and might be darker (hopefully still retaining the same humor and mood of the books). What are your thoughts? Would you guys rather the tv show been in live-action or animation (as it is)? Would a live-action version even have worked?
Janner the Igiby
Oct 03, 2022
In Crafts and Creations
I recently found these really cool pieces of fan art on the Wingfeather Saga Facebook page, and I was wondering who made these pieces of art. I scourged the internet, but they're literally nowhere except the Wingfeather Saga Facebook page. Do you guys have any idea who the artist is who made these? They look like they belong in a comic.
Janner the Igiby
Oct 02, 2022
In Wingfeather Tales
So I've been thinking about the comic Shadowblade and the Florid Sword (from the new version of Wingfeather Tales). Ever since I finished the comic, I wanted more. A sequel specifically. A SERIES. This could just be me not being content; I'm pretty ambitious in general, and Shadowblade and the Florid Sword is a great fun short mini story that stands on it's own, but... I was thinking about an actual Shadowblade and the Florid Sword running comic book series, by Andrew Peterson and Jay Myers. I was thinking either they could be just separate mini stories, like the one in Wingfeather Tales, or they could be one continued story, with one villain, and it could explore Skree after the Wingfeather War through Maraly and Gammon. (If it's big enough, maybe it could be called The Strander War afterwards?) Anyway, I'm wondering what you guys think, I'd be glad to see your opinions.
Janner the Igiby
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