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Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Feb 22, 2025
In General Memes
@Matt's Edge (FF) @Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW] @Fab (HS) @Anaya Wingfeather (FF and FAR) @Ellie Mee @Lili the Shakespeare Nerd (FF and FAR) @Batwhacker the Freedom Fighter @GentleNickel @Oskar N. Reteep @Rachel Blackburn (HS) (FAR) @Seth the MuffinMan (HS Captain)
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Feb 06, 2025
In General Memes
@Fab (HS)
@Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
@Mr. Banana [Freedom Ranger]
@Lili the Shakespeare Nerd (FF, FAR, TW, TC, SS, NoMS, CL, DK, AaPK(S), CE, CM, D)
@Ellie Mee
@Rachel Blackburn (HS) (FAR)
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Feb 05, 2025
In General Memes
there . . . might be a lot until the Trials are over?
@Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
@Mr. Banana [Freedom Ranger]
@Lili the Shakespeare Nerd (FF, FAR, TW, TC, SS, NoMS, CL, DK, AaPK(S), CE, CM, D)
I have so many good ones! but they're too aggressive!
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Feb 01, 2025
In General Memes
@Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
@Anaya Wingfeather (FF and FAR)
@Mr. Banana [Freedom Ranger]
@Raelyn Iggyfeather
How many emotional support animals are there?
so . . . any ideas for the dead person?
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Jan 26, 2025
In Wingfeather Tales
anyone else noticed Podo's name change? in N!OBE, he says they call him "Scale Raker" while in the Wingfeather tails, the crew cries "Scale Rider". Do the dragons have a different name for him or did he mishear the crew?
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Jan 24, 2025
In General Memes
@Wren [LR, TW, CE, CB, MF, BW]
@Anaya Wingfeather (FF and FAR)
@Wren [LR, TW, CE, CB, MF, BW]
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, here's some random headcanons I found;
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Jan 23, 2025
In General Memes
@Fab (HS)
@Wren [LR, TW, CE, CB, MF, BW]
@Mr. Banana [Lone Ranger]
@Lili the Shakespeare Nerd (FF, FAR, TW, TC, SS, NoMS, CL, DK, AaPK(S), CE, CM, D)
Band memes
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Jan 18, 2025
In General Memes
What happened in the past that caused a shift in the narrator's vision?
How does the relationship between the characters, particularly with Janner, Ka-Tink, and Leeli, evolve throughout the story
What exactly happened in the past that causes the characters to have such strong memories and worries about their past?
How does the shifting eye color relate to the character's abilities or experiences?
What exactly happened to cause the changes in the narrator's eye color?
How does the Annieran symbol connect to the story, and what significance does it hold?
What memories or experiences is the narrator trying to suppress when they think, “No. Don’t think about it”?
And to double check, does anyone need to know the answers to these?
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Jan 14, 2025
In General Memes
I use Grammarly some times when I'm writing, (though I do know ya'll would just ask if something seems wonky, so it honestly has no point, other than fun.) but I also like looking at he "Identify and gaps" and some of them are funny, so I thought I'd share.
What led to the king's abduction
who are the creatures guarding the bound victim
Why is Artham so willing to sacrifice himself for the king's safety
What significance do the doodles on the bound person's hand hold for Artham and Esben
What specifically is Artham so deep in thought about before Esben interrupts him?
How did the dynamic between Esben and Artham evolve over time
What is the significance of Arundelle potentially becoming their aunt, and how does it affect their family dynamics
What is the significance of the open window that the Throne Wardens forgot about
Why does Artham have such a strong admiration for Nia, despite her constant scowling at him
What past events or experiences have led to the friendly rivalry and playful interactions between the characters,
especially between Artham and Esben?
What is the significance of the ring that Artham and Esben were discussing, and why did it hold such importance in their relationship with Arundelle
What was the nature of the plan that involved Janner and the other characters
Who was the person looking back at Artham from the departing ship, and what connection do they have to him
(these are from Singing Stones, want one from Warden's Daughter?)
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Jan 06, 2025
In General Memes
I give up with the think I was trying to do, So Imma just tag the people I use quotes from.
@Wren [lone ranger]
@Ellie Mee
@Liz the Book Enthusiast
@Janna The Heart
@Artham // A Hobbit, running on obsessions and sugar/caffeine
@Gracie W. Beit The Freedom Warrior (FAR)
@Rhu (the Iggiest of Feathers)
@Sam the Ridgerunner 🍎
@Ickaw Warden
@Mr. Banana [Lone Ranger]
(@Spaghetti Thwap-HS, FAR, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ )
From TTH arts!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand . . . the rest of my "randoms" album
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Jan 03, 2025
In Spoiler Fanfiction
prev chapter
-kinda just a short goofy part to fill in until I can reference the books
-also adds to the background i guess?
-anything out of cannon? (Ignore the names in the story, I did them wrong on purpose)
Story Time
I hang from the tree upside down, writing in my journal like usual.
It slips from my hand and I call Tink over.
“Tink! Can you pass my book back?”
He lifts it from the edge of a page, looking at the words,
“yal ew erehw swodaem eht ni elihw
Yats ot enim dna enim era uoy taht
Deyarp evah i rekaM eht ot
Edadhs ylpmis ro niar gnirb ot
Uoy rof sllac duolc elttil a
Eulb dna mraw os yks eht ni.
What in Aerwiar and the Dark Sea is that?”
I laugh and take my journal back, “I write with my left hand, in case you didn’t notice. Writing normally would smear the ink everywhere, so I write backwards. It’s really not hard.”
I flip it right side up, reading the short poem mostly from memory,
“In the sky so warm and blue
A little cloud calls for you
To bring rain or simply shade
To the Maker I have prayed
That you are mine and mine to stay
While in the meadows where we lay”
Tink looks at me like I turned into a squeeblin, “You can read that?”
“Well, yeah? It is my writing, just so you know.”
“Hey, can you tell us another story about Anniera?” Janner asks.
“Yeah!” Leeli agrees, “The one about (add something later)!”
“Actually,” I tell her, “I have a different one this time.”
I swing right side up from the tree and drop down. When the other three sit in a circle with me, I start the story.
“Once, Uh . . . my thoughts left, the end!” I laugh, and Tink joins in.
“Maddie, I think that describes your life,” He tells me.
“Yeah, it does. Um, but actually. One time, the King-” I break off laughing.
“The King and his friend managed to set the kitchen on fire. At midnight. The day before a major conference.”
“So- Well, he was still the prince when this happened – I think it wasn’t the smartest move for his friend to be allowed to stay the night anyway. They decided they were going to try to stay awake all night, so they started by hiding in the library until everyone went to bed. The Prince’s brother was usually the last to sleep and heard them running around.”
Janner interrupts, “What were their names?”
“Names?” I ask, panicking for a moment, “The Prince was Jru, his friend was . . . Esben, and the brother was Artham.”
“Well, Jru and Esben found wood from an old book case they had removed as a safety hazard earlier that month. They took the wood and brought it into the kitchen when they thought everyone was asleep – they wanted to make some food to keep in their room in case they got hungry. Jru and Esben didn’t usually help cook and added more wood than they needed to the fire.
“The fire got too big for them to put out and they tried to put it out by throwing wood over the fire to stop air from getting to it. The wood they threw on caught fire and it traveled to other wooden stuff in the room. They managed to put it out, no idea how, and they went to collect Artham since they figured he was awake. They managed for him to get to the kitchen door before he asked any questions.
“He looked at them, and the first thing he said was, ‘And why am I awake at two in the morning?’ and no one answered for a while.
“Then Jru pointed at Esben and said, ‘It was his fault,’ and Artham asked what was Esben’s fault.
“So the rest of the conversation was about like this;
“Esben- ‘I didn’t know it was flammable!’
“Artham- ‘what was’
“Jru - ‘It’s wood, of course it is!’
“Artham - ‘WHAT WAS!’”
They flinched with the last line, I think it scared them.
“ ‘Well to put it short, the kitchen is on fire.’
“ ‘. . . What?’
“ ‘Correction, it was on fire. We put it out!’
“ ‘Why did you-! Go to bed.’ ”
Tink falls over laughing with the end of the story, and I almost feel sorry for giving him an idea. but then I realize it would be like hanging out with Uncle Esben again and am glad.
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 28, 2024
In Fan Fiction
( @ArthamFanGirl, here!)
Bark Thwaps-Live in forest around tree roots. entrances to tunnels in gaps between tree roots. Omnivore. main rooms/building line up with trees. (More needed?)
KNOWN THWAPS (more will be added as the story continues)
Clover-(Clove) younger brother of Allspice and Brush Cherry, black fur with purple-looking ears
Brush Cherry-(Brush) middle sister of Allspice and Clover, light brown fur with darker patches
Dragon Fruit-(Dragon) Friend of Clover, white fur with small black spots, Daughter of Holly Berry
Poison Oak-(Oak) Medium brown fur with darker ears and a lighter stomach, Captain of the Bark Thwaps
Holly Berry-(Holly) pinkish red fur with small ears, Young-watcher (Babysitter), Mother of Dragon Fruit
Allspice- (Spice) Oldest sister of Clover and Brush Cherry, Co Captain of the Bark Thwaps, mostly white with a grey ear
FAMILIES (Based off Eldest child of mother if only one child)
Spice Blood-Allspice (eldest), Brush Cherry (middle), Clover (youngest)
Holly Blood-Holly Berry (mother), Dragon Fruit (daughter)
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 27, 2024
In Spoiler Fanfiction
first of all, none of these are my pictures. They are AI from Canva.
@ember wingfeather I used your idea, thanks! (Still might draw a closer-to-mental-image of the two on the left
middle-when Janner was born
top middle-Kal's birth (Artham explaining there being two Throne Wardens)
bottom right-week of Anniera's attack
bottom left-beginning of this story (I might add a hand-draw picture later since AI is wonky)
top left-end of story
top right-after the story
By the way, she is originally from beyond the edge of the maps and kinda just showed up in Anniera where Artham and Arundelle "adopted" her.
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 24, 2024
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 24, 2024
In Fan Fiction
Chapter 1
"Clove! Hurry up! We'll miss the start of the meeting!" A little Thwap called over her shoulder.
"I'm . . . hurrying! Sorry . . . I have . . . smaller legs than . . . you!" Clove called between gasp of breath.
Clove slid to a halt as his sister stopped with her face against a hole.
"Brush!" Clove hissed, "We're supposed to stay with the group! We're not supposed to be here for a reason!"
He placed his paws against the opening, barely able to see the group.
"We can't keep acting like nothing is happening, Poison Oak," someone was saying.
Clove recognized the speaker, a thwap with a gray ear, as his sister.\
"Allspice," Oak said, "nothing is going to happen. There is no reason for anyone outside this council to know of anything."
Clove and Brush looked at each other, "What are they talking about?" Brush mouthed, Clove shrugged.
"If it dangers my siblings, I think I would like to know. If you refuse to act, Clover, Brush Cherry and I will leave. Try explaining a missing CoCaptian to the city without bringing up 'the issue'"
Clove ducked from the opening as Spice turned to the gap.
"Allspice, you're being rash. You can't set out on your own with a threat like this!"
"So you agree?" Spice asked, "You say 'a threat like this', but you do nothing about it!"
Brush and Clove ran from the council and through the tunnel to the roots they were supposed to be waiting at.
Chapter 2
Dashing into the play area, Brush tackled her brother wrestling as if they'd been there the whole time.
A thwap pops out of a nearby tunnel, "Clove, Brush, did you not hear me call for food?"
They glance down while they respond, "Sorry, Holly."
"Come on then, Spice-Blood. The rest of the group is waiting for you."
Clove and Brush follow her through the familiar maze of tunnels to a burrow with strips of bark spread around and a few Thwaps at each table.
Clove goes to sit with his friends.
Brush goes to help the Grown pass out food through the tables.
"Two charrots, five totatoes, and Glipfruit if they want it," she repeated to herself.
"Dragon!" Clove calls, "I found a cool rock today!" He pulls out a rock. It's small, smoothe, heart-shaped, and has a pinkish hue.
Dragon whispered something in Cloves ear and they both start laughing and watching Brush.
"Dragon! Don't start giving him IDEAS now! I can't keep up with the ones he comes up with alone!" Brush yelled.
Dragon's ears went flat against her head for a moment, "Don't worry Brush, he doesn't need any help." Dragon and Clove break into more laughter.
-They are Bark Thwaps, not Bush Thwaps
-Clove, Spice, and Brush are all siblings. The oldest to the youngest (Full names) are; Allspice, Brush Cherry, Clover.
-They are referred to as siblings of the eldest child, in case "Spice-Blood" was confusing anybody.
-Bark Thwaps do typically live in trees and prefer being higher up, but most things they do are under tree roots.
-the charrots and totatoes are per table, glipfruit is per Thwap (One (1) piece)
-do y'all need any sort of clarification post?
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 24, 2024
In General Memes
I'm gonna start just finding all the screenshots of one or two people and do all of theirs I have
No actual stinkin way I've already used all of hers!
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 23, 2024
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 23, 2024
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 23, 2024
In General Memes
Ignore how many there are, I'm trying to clean out some of my pictures . . .
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Thwapling Member
Dec 17, 2024
In General Memes
I have some IRL no context quotes, and I want y'all to make context for them. you can do any number of them, I'm just looking to see what y'all think
-Sometimes people need to be stabbed
-oh no, I made her think too hard
-c o m e c l o s e r
-they're talking pigs I think they could eat you
-I don't think i'd fit
-don't ask the dead people!
-ohph, you dropped the cow
Spaghetti Thwap-ESST, TS, GB, FP, SS, SM, BK, TQ
Emotional Support Spaghetti Thwap, Thwap Speaker, Gnome Blood, Fry Provider, Shape Shifter, Song Maiden, Band Kid, Thwap Queen, Havoc Spreader, Friends and Relations Member, Mother of Clove, Aunt of Steph, Writer, Artist, crafter, Citizen of Anniera, Studdier of THAGS, Instrument Player, Kidnapped (Or adopted, either's fine) sister of Janna
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