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Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Sep 22, 2024
In General Memes
More random things said and done at marching band rehearsals because I feel like it. -*Attacked by props and percussion* -Watch out, for the DRUM SET! -I want to hear you YELL! -*Random yelling* -Grandma! -It's a drumstick, not a boomerang -*Purposefully singing off key* -We lost a snare! -Will the guard hurry up, hurry up? (To the beat of We Will Rock You) -It's to trap the moose
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Sep 19, 2024
In General Memes
Random things done/said at our marching band rehearsals; -Break the stick! -I'm returning the children -*Throws drumstick across the practice field* -Why are you under the castle? -I would be concerned for you, but it would be more concerning if I wasn't concerned -SEVEN!!!!!! -ESPEN! (We say it as a word btw, not E-S-P-N) -Where are your legs? -I almost drank the spray paint -Do you want to get hit with a mallet? -BAZINGA!! (It was a word of the day. It should not have been) -It's StyRaPhoMe -*Random staring contest* -*The pod set*
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Sep 18, 2024
In Wingfeather Saga Memes
I did not make these quotes. It was an incorrect quote generator (Possible spoiler?)
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Sep 16, 2024
In Spoiler Fanfiction
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 -Sorry if the pacing is weird, the POV changes were hard to write Also, This one has a title The Change Suddenly, Arundelle stopped and looked over Artham’s shoulder towards the gate. “Come join us!” She yelled with a wave. Artham looked behind him and saw Esben dragging Nia out to dance with them. Though Nia continued to refuse at first, the others eventually pressured her to join them in the cold. She soon added onto the laughter filling the air until Wendolyn and Podo called out and drug them in to dry off. Esben shook his head, extra water from his hair splashing everyone, though most of them couldn’t feel it through their pre-soaked clothes. Artham ran his hand backward through his little brother’s hair so it stood up in spikes around his head. Nia marched over in an attempt to smooth it back down, only for Podo to throw a jacket over her face and have her walk into Esben’s painting. Artham suddenly remembered something he had meant to tell Nia earlier, “Hey Nia,” he glanced at Esben, wondering if his little brother would do anything. “Are you aware that-” he removed the hand over his mouth and continued, “Esben still draws-”  He turned around, and was promptly hit in the head with a bear. “Kalmar! What did I tell you about throwing toys!” Nia shouted. “Foo.” Artham covered his mouth and tried his best to hold back a laugh as Kalmar immediately waddled over to Arundelle. She knelt and put her hand gently on the side of his face, “Sorry, I don’t have any right now, maybe later?” Kalmar ‘humphed’ and walked over to sit against the grandfather clock against the wall. “Tick-tick. Tick-tick.” Nia turned around, “Kalmar, what?” He repeated, “Tick-tick. It go tick.” he told her, like it was the most obvious thing in all of Aerwiar. “Ar-” Nia started, then looked around the room. “Where’s Artham?” “Likely somewhere in Anniera. More specifically, probably in the castle.” Nia shot a look at her husband. Artham smiled from above as his little brother acted oblivious as he played on the floor with Kalmar. He stood on the plank and wobbled slightly as he found his balance. He heard Arundelle giggle as it echoed through the open room. “Up,” was all she was able to get out of her laughter. Artham took a few steps forward so he could use a pole for support, and looked at the group on the floor. He faintly heard Nia gasp as she saw him. Esben simply stood in shock with his mouth hanging open at his brother on the ceiling.  “Nia!” He called, still determined for her to discover his little brother’s tricks. “Esben still draws on himself!” She looked over at her husband. Though he couldn’t hear any words, he figured it was something about time it takes for the ink to dry vs how long he had between when he played with the kids. Artham had heard the conversation many times, but it was rare for him to have seen the drawings instead of guessing after they were washed off. Artham heard Podo behind him, and carefully turned around. “Ye need to get yerself down from there boy! Yer gonna get the children to bad habits!” His voice was much louder than need be, for the echoes off the walls let him hear even a few words Nia was telling Esben in her aggressively calm way. Artham stepped carefully around the column and stuck his arms out to either side as he walked over to the next pole, continuing the same way till he was almost above the stairs. Leaning over the edge, Artham easily found the spot he had hollowed out from years traveling like this as a kid. He pushed himself over the edge, holding on by his fingertips. Pulling himself along the beam, Artham slowly got above the highest point in the stairs – the top of the rail. He dropped down and waved his arms in small circles to regain his balance from the drop. Climbing off the rail, he noticed Janner trying, very poorly, to hide behind a curtain. Waving to the group in the open area behind him, he walked as casually as possible as if he were going back to his room.  ____________________________________________________________________________ Janner peeked out from his perfect hiding spot. Where’s Uncle Artham? He leaned most of the way out and stumbled into view of his parents and grandparents by the door. Suddenly, he gave a small shout that sounded like a squeak, and it turned into laughter as he was spun around by who he realized as Uncle Artham. “Put me down!” Janner yelled, though it was hard to understand through his laugh. Also, he realized, everyone else was laughing as well and likely couldn’t hear him. Nia was the first to get herself back under control. “Artham!” She shouted up at him, “You’re still soaking wet, and now you got it on Janner too!” Artham put his nephew down and Janner ran to everyone in turn to give them hugs. First Nia, then Esben, Podo, Wendolyn, and ending by giving the longest hug to Arundelle. “Now,” Nia said to no one specific, “We need to go change into some dry clothes, and then dinner needs to get started.” Janner ran over to his brother and half led-half drug him through a door to the sitting area. ____________________________________________________________________________ Nia smoothed down her dress and headed out of her room to Leeli’s. She cracked the door open and stuck her head in to make sure she was still asleep. Closing the door gently behind her, she walked down to the kitchen, hoping Wendolyn had something set out. Suddenly, she heard a scream from somewhere in the front area. She raced to the sitting room and saw a snake-like creature cornering Janner and Kalmar against a wall. Janner was holding one of Esben’s paint brushes out in front of him while he tried to shield Kalmar. She backed out of the room, but left the door open to watch in case no one else came. “Artham!” she yelled, hoping he could hear her from wherever he was. She heard footsteps along the stairway and risked a glance over. She just barely ducked as a knife was thrown in her direction. It went through the creature as it turned to dust from the impact, and stuck into the wall. She ran forward, scooping both of her sons up the best she could in a hug. Closing her eyes, she willed herself not to cry as they leaned into the embrace.Feeling someone else put their arms around her, Nia opened her eyes just enough to see Esben kneeling beside her while Podo and Wendolyn had a hand on each of her shoulders. “Thank you,” She wasn’t sure whether she was talking to the knife-thrower, the people around her or the Maker. There was a light tap on the open door, and everyone turned around, shocked back into the world they were now certain was more dangerous than any of them had seen. Arundelle stood in the doorway, Leeli held firm in her arms, “Artham’s checking for any more.” Artham poked his head around the wall and gave them a nod before disappearing to check outside the castle in the still pouring rain. Nia moved closer to Esben as Janner and Kalmar pushed past. Following them out, she decided she did, in fact, need to know about the creatures her husband constantly told her not to worry about. “Esben, what are those things called?” He paused, wondering how much to tell her. “Fangs. Or so I’ve heard. If there’s one, there are likely more somewhere on the isle.” He sounded disconnected, and Nia couldn’t figure out whether that was good or bad at the moment. She headed up the stairs to the room Janner and Kalmar shared. Grabbing a bag for each of them from their closet, she packed outfits to last a few days and arranged a few other things to go in each. Janner’s picture books, an old butterfly from Arundelle, and his bed toy. For kalmar, blanket, his butterfly from Arundelle, a sketchbook from Bonifer, and a small hand game. She closed both tightly and went to put them by the stairs. “Why do they need bags?” Esbens’ was the first voice she heard. Nia suddenly became aware of what she was holding and put them down, ignoring the question. The door slammed open and both of them turned to the sound. Artham was standing in the open doorway panting as if he had run across half the isle before arriving. (Which he may have) “Get to – the – river,” He said between breaths. Spinning around, he raced back out the door while drawing his sword. The high King and Queen looked at each other for a moment, stunned. Podo and Wendolyn ran in from somewhere to the right, though Nia wasn’t sure when. “River. That’s where Artham said to go.” Esben relayed the message while Nia was still in shock of what was happening. She watched disconnectedly as Esben ran up the stairs to grab the boy’s bags and something she couldn’t see off a nearby table. “Where’s Arundelle!?” Nia snapped out of her trance at her mother’s voice and looked around. “Here,” someone called from nearby, followed by a cough as the air filled with smoke. Esben pushed the things into Podo’s hands and raced off to find a sword and join his brother. And a picture! Beam Seat
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Sep 10, 2024
In Spoiler Fanfiction
Chapter 1 Artham shifted to another branch, hoping to keep out of the sun (And view, for he was sure Esben would come annoy him soon). He found one with a decent view of the sky and perfect visibility of the area under him. Artham watched the clouds, wondering whether Nia and Esben had taken care of telling his nephews of his engagement or if they left it for him. Quietly, he mumbled a poem he had written years before with his little brother. In the sky so warm and blue A little cloud calls for you To bring rain or simply shade To the Maker I have prayed That you are mine and mine to stay While in the meadows where we lay   “Uncle Artham!” Artham looked down at the small boy calling for him. “Uncle Artham, why are you in a tree?” He laughed and climbed down through the thick branches with practiced ease until he was sitting on one of the lowest. He swung around carefully so he was hanging upside down in front of the child speaking to him. “Well Janner, it’s good practice and it helps me think.” He smiled a gentle smile and reached down for his nephew’s small, soft hands with his own, covered in spots his swords’ handle had rubbed raw over the years. Janner scrunched up his face, but reached up and held his uncle's firm hands as he was lifted up. “But why in a tree?” He asked, still visibly confused. “Because I like trees. And,” Artham added, “Es and I used to sit up here for hours. He would pick something for me to write about, and I would find him something to draw.” Janner looked up at the strange man in the tree, though he was sure it was only to make him laugh. He picked his small feet off the ground, and began swinging back and forth in his uncle's arms. “Birb.” Janner took his eyes off the swaying ground and placed his feet firmly back on it. Glancing up, he noticed Artham watching another tree in the distance. “What are you looking at?” Janner laughed, trying to figure out what his uncle had noticed. As if noticing the boy holding his hands for the first time, the Throne Warden, still upside down in a tree, looked at him and gasped, letting go quickly. “Artham! I told you not to!” Both of them looked to the person the new voice belonged to, and saw Nia marching toward them, Leeli held tight in her arms. She pulled her son close and tried to look annoyed at her brother in law as he swayed back and forth above her. “This is no way for a Throne Warden to be acting! Especially with someone new to protect.” She ruffled Janner’s hair as he tried to step away, only to back into the tree and be lifted into the air by Uncle Artham. Janner burst into giggles as Artham attempted to pull his nephew up in the tree beside him. “Oh no!” He yelled as Janner fought against him. When both Wardens were back on the ground, Nia handed Leeli to Artham and pulled her son back through the castle doors, but not before pulling a large leaf from Artham’s hair. Artham held Leeli gently, the same way he had held Janner and Kalmar years before. “Kalmar,” he sang, though he knew his new niece would easily do better once she found her voice. He heard leaves rustle behind him and turned around, expecting to find prince Kalmar trying to sneak up on him. Instead, he saw Esben running, rather slowly, towards a table in the middle of the court. Suddenly, he noticed something black on his hands, “Esben! Come here.” He looked over at Artham, and shuffled over. Artham smiled, glad that Esben was still able to act like a kid with all of the pressure he was stuck with. “Show me your hands.” Artham demanded. “And what if I don’t want to?” Esben asked. “So you’re admitting to it?” “I admit to nothing.” “Then show me your hands, unless you want to sleep in the tree tonight.” Esben tried to look offended for a Throne Warden threatening a High King, but his brother had clearly forgotten that it was he who pulled them to stay in the woods longer than the sun was out when they were young. He could only try for a moment, for then they both broke down in laughter. “Wait, no,” Artham corrected when he caught his breath, “Unless . . . un-unless . . . you.” He sighed and glanced up, trying to figure out his threat. “Or I’m taking your pens, which I may just do anyway.” Esben gasped, holding his hands up, palms forward, in fake shock. Artham grabbed one of them and turned it over to see the back. Esben tried to jerk it back, but his brother’s grip was firm.  Only half-aware he was still holding Esben’s hand, he shook it in front of his little brother’s face. “Stop drawing on yourself, you’re going to get it on the children. What’s Nia going to think about that?” Esben successfully pulled his hand away from Artham and backed towards the castle. “Nia! Esben has something he would like to show you!” Artham smiled at his brother as Esben’s hand covered his mouth. Esben stuck his tongue out at Artham, who tried to do it back. Esben yanked his hand away. “You licked me! How dare-dareth you . . . lick the highest of the . . . kingeth kind!?” Artham was glad when Wendolyn came out a moment later, offering to take Leeli. (Because, Artham assumed, Nia had realized it was not the best idea to leave her daughter with the brothers) “The highest of the kingeth kind,” Artham mocked, with a gesture of his hand. A cloud passed over the sun, and a small, light drizzle began. Esben took his brother’s wrist and pulled him under the shelter of the tree. Artham immediately stepped away and did two cartwheels back into the rain. He crossed his arms, silently challenging his brother to come get him. Esben sat down against the trunk and watched the Throne Warden get wet. A few minutes later, Esben gave up and walked mostly dry through the castle gates. Artham sat on the stone table and waited to see if anyone would be told to come collect him. He laid down with his face up to the now pouring rain He closed his eyes, so all he knew was the sharp stone on his back and the icy rain soaking him through. Along with . . . footsteps? He picked his head up, and saw Arundelle running out to him. She offered her hand, and Artham gladly took it. Pulling him to the middle of the courtyard, she spun around so her gown flared out around her. Unsure what else to do, Artham joined her so they were dancing to some music only they could hear.
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Sep 06, 2024
In Crafts and Creations
The Florid Sword! and Gammon, though I don't like it quite as much.
I present to you . . . content media
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Sep 02, 2024
In Spoiler Fanfiction
Esben held back a laugh as he walked into his brother’s room, expecting him to be hiding with a book under the covers or trying to escape through his small window from his nephews. He had larger ones, but was determined that only the smallest led to the roof for sure. Instead, Artham was pacing his room, clearly deep in thought. Of course, this was normal for Artham as well, but he murmured to himself quietly and Esben could only make out a few hushed words. Esben knocked on the open door, and Artham jumped like a bird failing to take flight when he realized his little brother was watching him. “Get, I’m busy.” He went back to his pacing, ignoring leaves blowing in through an open window. Esben leaned on the door frame, smiling as his brother walked straight into the leaves flying around his room without noticing. “And what exactly are you busy at? Delle’s been waiting for you to come down. Though I would recommend getting the leaves out of your hair first, they look about as strange as a sea dragon in the air.” Artham’s face turned red, and he quickly tried to come up with an answer that sounded realistic. “...No, not at all. I was…trying to figure out whether..the new Song Maiden looked more! You or Nia, I mean.” He could feel his face heating up, and watched the floor, not needing to try very hard to guess why his little brother had discovered his thoughts. Suddenly, he stumbled back as someone small ran into him, wrapping him in a hug that was supposed to be a tight squeeze. As the attacker was much smaller than Artham, their arms barely reached around him and had little effect on the Throne Warden. “Noooo!” Artham cried as he fell gently to the floor. He heard Esben laughing from the doorway and laughed along as he wrapped his small attacker in a bear hug. The attacker’s voice was high-pitched, but Artham thought it perfect for the young boy who now had a sister along with his brother to protect. “I got you Uncle Artham!” He yelled while his words were muffled by the folds of Artham’s clothing. The High King and Throne Warden quickly looked anywhere but each other, trying not to laugh at the boy who got himself trapped in a hug. The awkwardness of the moment before Janner charged in was forgotten, and Artham was glad. He watched the ceiling and the bold light coming through an open curtain. He sat up, grabbing his nephew quickly before he could slip to the wooden ground. Running his free hand through his black hair, Artham stood up with the boy still in his arms, though now propped on his side. “What about Arundelle?” He looked up where Esben had been only a moment before, but his little brother had moved on, apparently satisfied that his son had disturbed his brother’s thoughts. “What about Aunt Arun.. Arundelle?” Janner asked when he could, gasping for air after his fit of laughter. Artham smiled. Partially at his nephew, the future Throne Warden of the Shining isle Anniera, and partially at the thought of Arundelle officially being their aunt. “Not yet she’s not, but hopefully soon.” The two Throne Wardens, current and future, raced down the hall, the open window forgotten about. Janner ran into the dining room, but Artham went past to the kitchen. “Can I help with anything?” He asked Nia, who was struggling with plates in one arm and young Song Maiden Leeli in the other “Actually yes, there’s a few more plates if you don’t mind,” Artham laughed slightly. “I meant with the plates you’re currently holding.” She watched him for a moment and Artham wondered, not for the first time, what his little brother saw in her. If he was ever able to get past the scowls that she constantly threw at her brother in law, he might just barely be able to find it. “Okay, take these then. I’ll get the smaller pile.” She fumbled slightly as she put the stack of trays on the counter, and Artham watched as she went to fetch the rest. He picked them up and waited for Nia to walk back through before heading out to the dining room after her. “Then,” He heard Janner telling Nia, “I tack-led Uncle Artham. But he still trap.. trapp-ed… trapped me.” “Well, I doubt Artham could have knocked Illia down like that when he was three.” Artham smiled when he realized who the gentle voice had come from. He loved her voice, just like he loved her work and everything about her in general. (Though he didn’t really enjoy when he was in her poems) Placing the plates down carefully in front of every occupied seat, he let his thoughts wander away from the simple task. How? How could someone as clumsy as I find someone like her? He found his answer rather quickly when he ran into a chair. She turned around just as the drink knocked into the chair back, splashing the front of her green dress with a new brown circle in the center. Artham’s face immediately turned the color of a totato as her laughter filled the tense air. It sounded like the wind, as if her joy had opened the windows and was letting the breeze blow away the tension of the moment. “Sorry Ru.” Artham could barely hear his own voice but didn’t trust it to be any louder than a mumble. He knew she wasn’t laughing at him, only at the situation, but he couldn’t find the energy to join the happy laughter now floating from person to person. Arundelle and Nia got up from their seats and went in search of anything to clean up the mess. Artham was vaguely aware of someone pulling him to a seat across the table, but smiled anyway when he realized it was Esben, likely the first left in the room to stop laughing long enough to do anything. Artham simply watched his hands in his lap until Podo said thanks to the maker. He then ate his meal in a disconnected silence, aware of Arundelle watching him from the other side of the table. He dismissed himself at the first chance. Laying on the outer lawn of the yard, he watched the stars through tree leaves. He had been careful to pick a spot as far away from the garden shed as possible, constantly worried Nia would finally decide it was time for revenge and cover him in soil and flowers. Hearing footsteps nearby, he pushed himself up, expecting to have a half-normal conversation with Arundelle before the garden edge was closed off. He couldn’t even fully stand. About half way to his knees, Esben rammed into him, pinning him on his stomach with his arms behind him. “Delle! I found him!” Artham held his breath. Mostly in hopes of disappearing into the ground, but also so he wasn’t breathing in dirt. He heard giggles above him, and was sure Nia and Wendolyn had joined the hunt to find the embarrassed Throne Warden. He managed to pick his head up enough to see two pairs of feet standing in front of him. Artham only had a moment to process this, for Esben yanked him up from the ground aggressive enough to dislocate a shoulder. “Ow, I’d like to keep my arm intact please.” He held back his volume, though it was mostly because he was struggling to breathe normally (As one does when knocked to the ground and jerked back up). “Hey, Ru.” Artham said to no one in particular. The two in front of him and Esben behind could no longer hold back a full laugh when he spoke to someone who wasn’t there. “Arundelle went to bed already, I thought you’d be harder to find.” It took him a moment to realize it was Nia who had spoken. “Esben had the ring, you know. If you’re going to surprise someone, you may need a better hiding spot than under a pillow.” That’s why he came in, Janner was probably part of the plan as well. He realized as the brain-fog from the ground had mostly cleared. “Why did you take her ring?” Artham was glad his voice could now go back to its normal volume without struggle. “Well,” Esben said beside his ear, “I technically stole your ring, since you refuse to give it to her.” Suddenly, there was a gasp from somewhere behind the brothers. “ Artham! What happened!?” Esben, Nia, and Wendolyn suddenly broke away, disappearing into nearby shadows to annoy the Throne Warden again later. Artham saw something on the ground and quickly picked it up before Arundelle could see it. He turned around, his head bowed to hide scratches from the concrete sprinkled on the dirt. Aware of the people watching, he fiddled slightly with the thing Esben had dropped. “Arundelle,” He started cautiously. He pulled out what he was holding so it just barely reflected the hint of light around them. Opening his mouth to continue, Artham suddenly looked back for his little brother. So much better was he with these sorts of things. Esben suddenly burst out of somewhere to the right. “For the sake of sanity! Arundelle,” He took the band from Artham’s fidgety hands, kneeling between them. “Will you and Artham finally just marry each other!?” Artham buried his face in his hands, unsure whether to laugh, cry, or do something else entirely. “Yes!” He picked his head up, wondering if he’d heard correctly. Esben shoved him forward, laughing in his brother’s ear. “She said yes genius, do something better than stand there!” Knocked, rather aggressively, out of his trance, he ran up to her, lifting her into the air and spinning her around as they slowly became aware of the large crowd which had gathered around them. Esben took one of their hands in each of theirs,lifting them high into the air. “Behold, the Throne Warden has found his match!” Though most of the following sounds were cheers, Artham could also hear much laughing at a joke he seemed to have missed. When the crowd left, Nia, Wendolyn, and Arundelle had disappeared. Esben had also faded away with the group. Unwilling to be the reason for a joke, he climbed a tree, one with thick branches where even the thinnest ones were wider than most of the others in the court. He must have fallen asleep at some point, because the next thing he remembered was the early morning light and the feel of bark painful on his back.
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Aug 27, 2024
In General Memes
Janner-Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me Kalmar-Ok. But in my defense, Maraly bet me 50 cent that I couldn't drink all that shampoo. Janner-That's not what I'm- Janner-You drank shampoo!? Kalmar-...No? Maraly out of nowhere-Don't worry, he couldn't even finish half Janner-Is Stabbing someone legal? Podo-If they consent to it Maraly-Depends on who you're stabbing Artham-YES!? Artham-Where's Maraly? Sarah-Doing stuff. Artham-Jand where's Anner? Sarah-Trying to stop Maraly from doing stuff Artham-What about Leeli? Sarah-Stopping Janner from stopping Maraly from doing stuff Artham-Kalmar? Sarah-Doing stuff with Maraly Artham-*Run off* Sarah-Shoot. *Chases Artham to stop him*
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Aug 25, 2024
In The Warden and the Wolf King
ART content media
Spaghetti and Thwaps
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Aug 25, 2024
In Wingfeather Saga Memes
leeli-If I fall... Nia-I'll be there to catch you Kalmar-If I fall? Janner- I'll fall with you, never leaving your side Artham watching Artham-And if I fall? Podo-I'll be the one who pushed you Kalmar-I am darkness. I am power. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am- Janner-a doll Artham-cinnamon roll Leeli-sweetheart kalmar-...Shut up. Kalmar-Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Maraly-next time you're working out, do 15 puchups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of two. Burn someone's house down. You can do it, I believe in you! Artham-Sit on the floor instead of a chair, the founter instead of the coor, break societies mormal, along with their nind. Nia-I half understood that, then you lost me

Spaghetti and Thwaps

Song Maiden with wack hobbies and craft ideas. (And possible ADHD)

Thwapling Member
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