As many Skreens know, Armulyn the Bard has given us nothing but straight bops and this is no different occasion.
This week on "Bard's Got Talent", he gave us a song that has been rocking the top charts in taverns since. That new song is called "The Corn Song".
We at the Glipwood Muse asked Armulyn what his inspiration for this new hit song and he replied, "Ever since the fangs took over Skree, food has been hard to come by for the average traveling bard." He said. "But just recently, I got my taste of fresh corn for the first time since the take over and I got to say, it really inspired me. I could go on and on about corn... But I'll let my song do the job for me."
After his brief explanation, Armulyn broke into song on his lyre and repeated the last verse an additional five times more than he originally wrote it. We speculate that the man just really loves his corn.
Once the song was finished, he added just a few more words of comfort for Skreens still under oppression,
"Sometimes, you just gotta think about what's important in life. The Maker, family, friends, and corn. It's really that simple."
We aren't sure if the corn part is just as necessary as the first three things but we can appreciate Armulyn's passion.
The song's popularity has even become popular among the ridgerunner community, who have even taken to changing the word "corn" to "pineapple" to fit their lifestyle choices more closely.
Alas, not all are taking to The Corn Song. Janna, a Writer for The Glipwood Muse had this to say:
"The corn song is nothing more than noise." She said. "The song never ends. You go out on the street, it's there. The children sing it. The elderly hum it. It even gets stuck in your head. That's why I'm petitioning a ban appeal to Mayor Hamilton Nuisance. Wish me luck."
We'll keep you posted on whether or not the appeal is successful. Other Glipwood Muse Editors have yet to add comment. Thanks for reading!
LOL! I love this🤣
😂 That was great!
🤣I can't believe this has been out for two days and I just now am seeing it for the first time. Who would have thought that the conversation I had with The Stone Keeper and Sam would have turned into this?
This is hilarious! 😂