Hello, featherheads! The Wingfeather Saga Store has once again come out with new merchandise! All the merchandise featured in this post is now abailable for preorder or purchase2. from the Angel Shop.
1. First of all, we have Sara Cobbler's locket. It's very similar to a fan listing on Etsy, which has been around for some months and has been featured for Fan Art Friday, so that could have possibly inspired the official product. It's made of copper, and comes with a packet of lavender seeds.
2. Next, we have a thing that many featherheads have been waiting for: plushies!
The squeeblin was rumored to be double sided some months ago (cute on one end, and ferocious on the other), but it appears that they have decided against that design.
3. These awesome new mugs have been labelled in the store as "Coming Soon".
4. The Toothy Cow Bell ornament has made a comeback from last year, along with some new wooden ornaments.
5. There was also originally a listing featuring a bundle of merchandise, which included Wingfeather Playing Cards and an Oscar Quote Book. This listing seems to have dissappeared; however, a similar leak happened with the blu way disc before it's official release. We can probably assume that the listing will return shortly.
Is the ornament beside the W a sea dragon or owl?
Everyone loves the plushies!
It is good that they didn't put a face on each end........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣