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Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Mar 01, 2025
In General Memes
These are real quotes from people around me so yay! -You're dead you can't eat! -If we were the Wingfeathers we would die. -I'm better than cheerios! -I'm eating Bob the tomato! -Awww is Wren getting emotional? No I have rootbeer in my eye. -No! Hehe I told a commercial no! Fruit and cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍎🍎🍎🍎
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Feb 22, 2025
In General Memes
Fab: **taps table* Wren**taps back* Lili: what are they doing Anaya: Morse code Fab **hits table aggressively* Wren: **slams hands down onto the table* T AKE THAT BACK!! Fab: **smiles* nah **chase commences* ** Banana: you know it’s kinda muggy out today Arthra:**looks out the window* really. **mugs line trees all over the lawn and on the window sill* Banana: **sips cocoa from a mug* hehe ** **fire raging* Anaya: from my point of view this is your fault Lili: really, how? Anaya: cause otherwise, it would be my fault. And that can’t be right. ** **Wren is taped to the wall* Arthra: You said you had nothing to do with it yet you have tape on your shoe. Are you lying Spags: **looks at shoe* …depends on how you define lying? Arthra: Not telling the truth how do you define it? Spags: reclining your body in a horizontal position. **silence* Arthra: Get out. Spags: **smiles* Gladly!  Arthra Arthra: **realization* Ughh Spags!!!!!! ** Spags: My memory is great. Name one time I have forgotten something Wren: well you forgot me at Walmart a few days ago Spags: that was on purpose try again. ** Anaya: If we put Fab and Wren in a room who would come out crying first? Ellie: The room.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 30, 2025
In General Memes
more quotes! enjoy Lili: Who ate all the cookies? Wren: Wasn't me. Spags: There's literally cookie crumbs on your shirt. Wren **runs* Non-Thwaphouser: Who broke the printer? Lili: It was already broken. Spags: Define "broke". Wren: Is it not supposed to smoke? Wren: "It's not rocket science." Bats: "Unless you're building a rocket, then it probably is." **mass destruction* Lili: What happened?!  Spags: "All's fair in love and war." Wren: "And board games." Gracie: "Life is like a box of chocolates." Fab: "Unless you're allergic to chocolate, then it's like a box of disappointment."      Lili: "Keep your friends close and your snacks closer."     Kay: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Ickaw: "Unless the doctor is really persistent."     Spags: "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Gracie: "Or just throw them back and demand chocolate."     Oskar: "The pen is mightier than the sword." Banana: "Unless you're in a sword fight." Wren: "Money can't buy happiness." Anaya: "But it can buy fries, which is basically the same thing." Ickaw: "The early bird catches the worm." Wren: "And the late bird gets to sleep in." Kay: "Actions speak louder than words." Spags: "But sometimes, a really loud word will do the trick." Anaya: "The best things in life are free." Lili: "Like the samples at the grocery store." Lili: While I'm gone Wren you're in charge Wren: YAY!!!!! Lili: **whispering* Spags you're actually in charge. Spags: obviously
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 28, 2025
In Spoiler Fanfiction
This one's from Julie's perspective. Sorry this chapter is a bit short.  I begin another dull day of paring, I can hardly stand it; the work is mind-numbing. I can see the broken spirits in the eyes of the other children, and I fear that I will suffer the same fate. I need to escape before I lose myself and forget everything I love. I recall the conversation I had with Wren last night and hesitate. “I’ll come back for them; I just have to get out first,” I think to myself. A Maintenance Manager begins to scold a girl for spilling a pile of weapons. I glance at the other Maintenance Managers, whose attention is drawn to the spill, and ensure no one is watching me. Taking a deep breath, I run. I thought it would be fairly easy to find the doors, but the smoke and machines were disorienting. Finally, I spotted the door off the factory floor when I heard a voice call out, “Julie!” It was Wren’s voice, and I could detect a hint of hurt in her tone. I continued running, telling myself, “I’ll come back for her, I’ll come back for her.” Despite my efforts, I couldn't hold back the tears streaming down my face. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the factory door, three Maintenance Managers appeared before me. “Thought you could run, Tool?” The Maintenance Manager punches me in the gut, and I sink to the ground. Fists slam into me from all sides, and I curl into a ball. “A couple of days in the coffin will teach you.” I have only a second to consider what they mean before a sharp pain spreads through my skull, and then the lights go out. When I wake up, the first thing I notice is that my head feels like it’s about to explode. I let out a small cry of pain, trying to remember what happened. As I sit up, I hit my head on something hard, which only intensifies my pain. It dawns on me that I’m trapped in a box barely big enough for me to roll over. I kick and beat the top of the box until my legs and arms hurt as much as my head. I lay in the coffin defeated and wish I had listened to Wren. I close my eyes and drift into a deep sleep. In my dream, I see my mother, Ki, and Wren. Initially, the dream depicts a joyful meal together, but then their expressions shift. They look at me with disappointment and say, “We could be together right now if it weren’t for you!”I wake up with a start and bang my head against the top of the coffin. "Ow!" I exclaim, my hand flying to my head, which feels like it has exploded again. Suddenly, I become aware of my hunger and try to remember how long I’ve been trapped in this box. I drift in and out of sleep, and it feels like I’ve been here for days.I lay in the coffin, lost in thought when I suddenly hear a noise. It sounds like a stampede, but I also hear a tiny clinking sound. Bright light floods the coffin, forcing me to shield my eyes. “Get up, Tool,” a voice commands. I lower my hand from my face and see Mobrik.  I sit up and notice two Maintenance Managers putting a very bruised boy into a box next to mine. They close and lock the lid, then walk out. “Out! The Overseer wants to see you,” Mobrik says in a slightly bored voice. I stand up and climb out of the box. We walk to the Overseer’s office, and I brace myself for whatever he has planned.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 27, 2025
In Spoiler Fanfiction
This chapter is from Wren's perspective After a miserable night of forging all kinds of metal Mobrik appeared and said, “Follow me, the Overseer has a few questions.” I follow him and we walk to the Overseer’s office. We walk inside and see the Overseer sitting at a desk. He looks up from his work and says, “I need your full name. In case your parents ever find replacements for you.” I don’t answer, remembering Julie’s punch in the stomach the last time she spoke to the Overseer. “Oh, it’s all right,” said the man. “You’re allowed to tell me your name.” I look down and say, “Wren Black.” He writes in a big book and says, “What were the other girl's names?”  “The girl my age is Julie Black, the youngest girl is Sylvia and I’m not sure what the other girl's name is.”  The Overseer scratched the names into the book and says dismissively, “Mobrik show her to her bunk.” We walk into a room filled with bunk beds, Mobrik shows me a cistern and I get a drink. He walks out and I walk between the bunks looking for an empty one. I hear a soft sob and see Sylvia curled up on a bunk in front of me, I quickly walk over to her. She looks up at me and throws herself into my arms. I look down at Sylvia and realize she has a bruise on her arm. I gently lift her arm to examine the bruise and ask concerned, “Are you ok, what happened?” “He hit me 'cause I took too long cleaning a spill,” she starts to cry, “I wanna go home.” I hold her tight in my arms and murmur, “I’m sure we will soon.” I hum a small melody and we fall asleep holding each other. I wake up to a boy ringing a bell in my ear with a start. I look around and see Julie in the bunkbed next to ours, she is covering her head with her pillow. I lean over and shake her, “Come on Julie we have to get up.” I slide out of bed and lift Sylvia into my arms. Julie gets down and we follow the flow of children to a table. Julie and I sit at the table and I set Sylvia between us. A boy places a bowl and spoon in front of the three of us along with a cup of water. I suddenly realize I’m famished and quickly scoop spoonfuls of the soup into my mouth. I eat another bowl of soup and then stand, stretching. A voice from behind me says, “Back to work Tools, it’s my job to make the implements learn the system you eat soup, wash your face then head back to the factory floor to do your job understand?” I nod and start to walk away gesturing for the others to follow. Mobrik grabs Sylvia and walks her through a door. She looks back at us despairingly and I have to look away knowing there is nothing I can do. I forge sword after sword, fork after fork but as I work I realize the boy who works with me is producing twice as many as I am. Every so often I notice he glances over at my pile, which is embarrassingly small, and his face darkens. As I work I notice people are swinging from rafter to rafter. I ask quietly the boy, “Who are those people up on the rafters?” The boy doesn’t look at me but says under his breath, “They’re Maintenance Managers, they make sure we are doing our jobs. Don’t get on their bad side.” He looks at me quickly then turns back to his work. I go back to work trying, and failing, to catch up. A Maintenance Manager walks by our table and stops when he sees my pile of weapons. “Tool I haven’t seen a pile like that for a long time. Make quota or I’ll have to report you to the Overseer.” I just nod and try to work faster. I walk between the bunks and find Sylvia fast asleep in her bunk. I crawl into the bed careful not to wake her and try to sleep. Julie walks in exhausted and climbs into her bed. I scoot closer to Julie and say, “How are you holding up?” She has a gleam in eye and my stomach sinks, “I think we can escape, run while we are heading to the factory floor.” “Shh… we can’t escape Julie! We are outnumbered, haven’t you seen the Maintenence Managers, the people in the rafters?”  “Maybe so but I think I can make it! I did see them, I thought they were monkeys or something.” “Maybe you can escape but I don’t think I could. What about Sylvie, there’s no way we could get her and escape. We are not escaping.” “What if-” “No Julie we aren’t escaping! Go to bed,” I say exasperatedly and roll over to sleep.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 25, 2025
In Spoiler Fanfiction
This chapter is still from Julie's perspective. The carriage takes us to a large building with an iron gate. A large sign reads ‘THE FORK! FACTORY!’ The gate begins to rise and we ride into the gated court. The carriage stops and Mobrik escorts us out of the carriage. The Overseer walks out in front of us and says, “Welcome to the Fork Factory girls!  Mobrik untie them.” The ridgerunner cuts our bonds and pushes us forward toward the Overseer. I rub my wrist and glance at Sylvia, whose face is stained with tears. I step closer to her and gently rub her back. Turning to the Overseer, I ask, “What do you want with us?” He looks at me almost disbelievingly and replies, “What did you say?”    I raise my voice and say again, “What do you want with us?” A fist makes contact with my stomach. I double over, gasping for breath. I look up at the Overseer in confusion, and he says, “Mobrik, tell them.” “Tools don’t speak they nod like this,” he nods his tiny head vigorously, “Or they shake like this,” he shakes his head. The Overseer turns to me and says, “How rude I’ve been let me introduce myself,” He drops to one knee and removes his hat, then runs his fingers through his greasy hair. “I’m the Overseer. You’re a tool in my factory, no different from a hammer or a rake. The difference is, unlike a hammer, I have to feed your greedy face to keep you alive. Do you understand?” I consider responding, but I just nod, still out of breath. The Overseer looks at me and smiles a horrible smile, “She will be perfect for the pairing station, be sure she has no rest till morning.” He turns to Wren and examines her hands, “She’ll be good at forging.” He then looks toward Sylvia and the other girl and says, “Put them in the kitchen.” He makes a dismissive hand gesture to Mobrik and walks away. Mobrik rolls his eyes, turns to us, and says, “Come on!”  We walk through the front doors, down a long hallway and into a very warm room. He leads us down stairs and to a giant furnace. A teenage boy stands at a table hitting a piece of metal with a hammer, Mobrik clears his throat and the boy turns to him.  “Teach her how to forge the metal,” Mobrik tells the boy and shoves Wren forward. Wren lets out a stifled cry and struggles to find her footing. The boy says with some concern, “Are you ok?” Wren looks down and nods. “Let me show you how to do this. First,” Mobrik leads me away and I follow grudgingly. “Knubis! Teach this girl how to pare!” A girl cutting metal looks up and says, “Yes sir.” Mobrik turns to leave and I queitly lean down to Sylvia and say, “Everything will be ok, do what they say, I will get us out of here.” Mobrik turns and says, “Get to the paring Tool!” Mobrik grabs Sylvia and they walk out of the room. I stand defeated for a minute then turn towards the Knubis girl.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 25, 2025
In General Memes
Spags: Time for plan G. Kay:Don't you mean plan B? Spags: No we tried B a while ago and I had to skip over C due to …difficulties. Kay: What about D? Spags: Was that giant cookie about half ago. Wren: That didn't last long. Spags:Because of you! Wren: You can't just leave a giant cookie lying around! Kay: OK but what about E? Spags: I was hoping not to use it, Seth is imprisoned in E. Wren: I like that plan. Anaya: Where's Seth? Fab: Doing stuff. Anaya: I don’t like the sound of that, where's Bats? Fab: Trying to stop Seth from doing the stuff. Anaya:**sigh* And Spags? Fab: Trying to stop Bats from trying to stop Seth from doing the stuff. Anaya: I see… And what are you doing here? Fab: Supposed to stop you from trying to stop Spags from trying to stop Bats from trying to stop Seth. Nickel: You shouldn't insult people who are bigger than you. Anaya: But then I would never get to insult anyone! Kay: What time is it? Spags: I don’t know, hand me that trumpet  Kay: **hands Spags the trumpet* Spags: **plays trumpet obnoxiously* Wren: ITS 3 AM IN THE MORNING WHY ARE PLAYING A TRUMPET!!!!!! Spags: Its 3 am Kay: If you were arrested what would be the charges? Wren: Disturbing the peace. Fab: Theft Banana: Exploding something Spags: Destruction Seth: All of the above, in that order probably. Ember: I currently have 7 notebooks and have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Spags:Put spaghetti on in.  Ember: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Anaya: Wrap fries in the pages  Ember: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two Wren: PuT CooKiEs On ToP! Ember: OK I am no longer taking suggestions  **Chaos* Seth:I can explain Matt: Can you? Seth: Give me 30 seconds to think of something  **on computer ‘Accept cookies’* Wren: YES! **presses accept* Lili: You know there's no actual cookies right? Wren: What!?**cries*
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 24, 2025
In Spoiler Fanfiction
I did something a little different with this chapter, it's from Julie's perspective. I think I'm gonna go back and forth with it especially with some of the future chapters 😏 I step into the kitchen to find Wren and Tobias talking. “I just don’t know what to do with Julie,” I back up and stand out of sight and listen to their conversation. “she just keeps making mistake after mistake. I just can’t trust her anymore, especially with Sylvie. I can’t babysit her while taking care of Sylvie.” I wake up with a start and look over to find Wren sound asleep. I walk downstairs and hear a quiet conversation. I  walk towards the noise and see Samuel and Sylvia playing. “My doll is going to sail to Annieria on your ship,” Sylvia says. “Where is Annieria? What if there are dragons, your doll might be eaten!” Sam says with concern. “I’m not sure where Annieria is but Mr. Bard told us wonderful stories about it. Dragons aren’t that scary. I think it would be fun to ride one!” “What?! You want to ride one, that sounds scary, I’ve heard lots of stories of dragons eating little kids just like us!” “If a dragon tried to eat me I would say, ‘Don’t eat me Mr. Dragon, that's not nice! Do you want some candy instead? Let's be friends!’”  “Do you think that would work?” “Definitely! Then the dragon would say, ‘You’re right, candy is much better than human let’s be friends forever and ever!’” I try to cover up a giggle unsuccessfully and they look at me with a disapproving look. Sylvia exclaims, “How long have you been watching us?!”  “Not that long, I think a dragon would gobble you up!” I walk over, snatch her up into my arms, and pretend to eat her. She squeals and says, “No! He would be my bestest friend in the whole world!” Sam looks towards Slyvia and says, “What about me? I thought you said I was your bestest friend!” “After you! Julie, I’m hungry. Can we have breakfast please?” “Does Berry Buns sound good to you,” a voice says from behind me. I turn towards the voice and see Tobias. I’m about to respond when Sylvia beats me to it and says, “That sounds amazing! I love berry buns! Come on Sam let’s go eat,” Sam stands up and starts toward the kitchen Sylvia says, “Watch out Sam there’s a ship in front of you, I’ll get it.” She walks over and moves the ship out of Sam’s path. “That’s nice of you Sylvie but Sam has eyes, he can see the toy and walk around it.” “No!” “Yes, he has eyes. I can see them with my eyes.” “Of course he has eyes but they don’t work. He can’t see that I didn't want him to trip.” I look at Sylvia’s determined face, remembering the scared girl she was when we met her, and look toward Tobias who nods.  “Ok well then let’s go get some breakfast.” I sit outside on a small bench with Wren and ask, “What do we do next? Go back home or try to find Mom and Ki?”  “Where would we go? Our home is gone and I have no idea where to even start looking for them.” “We could try to go back to the Bard.” “I have no idea where he is.” “We could see if one of the Archers knows where the people of Glipwood went and see if we could find Mom and Ki.” “Alright let’s try that,” Wren said gravely.  We walk inside and find Tobias and Mr. Archer fixing a small couch in the sitting room. Wren says, “Sorry to bother you but we have a question.” They look towards us and Mr. Archer says, “Fire away girls.” “We were wondering if you knew where the people of Glipwood fled after the storm?” “I think most went to Torboro and Dogtown, is that right Tobias?” “Yes, though some went further, some went where they had family and some even went to Kimera.” “Thank you, we are trying to find our family, we weren’t sure where to go, we'll start in Dugtown,”  I say. Tobias turns back towards the couch and says, “If that’s what you feel is the best plan of action, we enjoyed your company, we’ll miss you.” Wren blushes and says, “We’ll miss you too, thank you for having us.” “Of course lass, you’re always welcome to stay here.” We head towards Dugtown in the morning retracing our steps that we took just a few days ago. We see many wild animals that seem harmless but each time Wren warns me of the dangerous traits. Tired of being treated like a child, I ask Wren, “Are there any animals that aren’t dangerous in Skree?” “I mean there is the Gunkee, and Chorkneys are pretty docile,” Two Thwaps run across the path “And there’s thwaps they aren’t dangerous but they are annoying.” Wren goes into a detailed explanation of the different types of thwaps, where they live, what is actually considered a thwap, and how to get rid of them. By the time we can see Dugtown, it’s sunset and Sylvia is asleep in my arms. We quickly walked into town and towards the shop we stayed in the night the carriage took us. We wake in the morning, have some breakfast, with food Mrs. Archer insisted we take with us, and then head into the city. We start asking around for a Mary and Ki Black but the Dugtowners either mumble a quick “no” or shrug us off entirely. One thing I notice while walking around is people seem confused when they see us and then they look either mad or sad, often mumbling “lucky” or “poor little kids” after passing us. Around noon Sylvia starts complaining about being hungry and her feet hurting so I hoist her onto my shoulders and look for a place to eat lunch. We see an ally that’s out of the way, walk in just a few yards, and sit down to eat. I set out the food, made a sandwich, and leaned against a wall of an old building. I look up and see a sign reading ‘Tilling Court’ and remember seeing a sign earlier that said ‘Tilling Street.’ “Well that’s confusing,” I think. A sack comes down over my head and my hands are tied with a coarse rope. I hear a shriek that has to be Sylvia and a groan that sounds like Wren. I feel myself being picked up and thrown over somebody's shoulder. We walk for a little while and then I feel myself going down. I slam against the ground and let out a groan. I hear Wren do the same and know she suffered the same fate as I. Sylvia shrieks again. I try to get up and help her, but a foot slams into my chest. My head hits the ground hard and I cry out in pain. I can feel a warm trickle of blood on the back of my head and a headache spreading from it. A gruff voice says, “Stay still and you’ll find it much better for your heads.” I hear soft crying from Sylvia and angrily say, “What is this? Do you enjoy scaring young children or is this something else?” “Don’t worry you’ll find out soon enough.”  “How soon? If you had any bravery you would take these sacks off of our heads! Or are you scared of us, 3 girls, one only 4?” I feel the sack slide off my head and at first see nothing in the dark room. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I begin to see my surroundings. Many people are gathered around us, all appearing very dirty. A man with a grizzled chin and torn clothes stands in front of me. “You have a fiery spirit, don’t you?” He examines my face and says, “Good, strong face, the Overseer will love you.”I bite his hand, causing him to jerk it back and cry out. Cradling his hand close to his chest, he puts on a sly expression and says, “As I said, a fiery spirit.” He crouches down in front of me, frowning, and speaks in a voice only I can hear, “I’m going to enjoy handing you over to the Overseer you little wretch.” He stands up and walks away. I sigh and look over to Wren who has a concerned expression on her face and mouth, “I’m fine, don’t worry.” Her face softens a little and she gives me a small smile. I looked past Wren at Sylvia, whose face was red from crying, though she wasn't anymore. She gives me a big smile and I return it. A few hours later around sunset, the people around us start to stir and stand. The man who spoke to me earlier walked up to us with a barely concealed smile, “Time to go.” The man and some hags jerk us to our feet and Sylvia cries out in pain. “Be careful with her! She’s only four,” The hags laugh and I say with disgust, “You think it’s funny?” The hags lead us through the ally we pass the spot we had been taken from earlier and wish we had picked a different ally to eat lunch. We walk onto the street where a carriage is waiting, I look towards Wren and she looks defeated. I smile at her but she doesn’t see. I look toward Sylvia and realize there are three girls behind me, one I had never met. She is a small girl probably nine who looks terrified. A well-dressed man comes to meet the hags and says, “Mobrik! The ledger!” A ridgerunner skittered out of the carriage carrying a huge leatherbound book and handed it to the overseer, “Thank you Mobrik, name?” The man who spoke to me walks forward, “Mckee,” He says eagerly.  “Hmm yes, Jade Mckee?” “That’s her!” “She’ll be here at sunrise, who else?” An older woman walks forward and the same thing happens. My stomach sinks as I think about what could happen after we get in the carriage. The ridgerunner ushers us onto the carriage and shuts the door behind him as he climbs in.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 21, 2025
In General Memes
Here we are again. I think you guys are getting crazier...Or my brother's rubbing off on you anyway more out of context! it's been to long. This is just a fun picture but isn't this the cutest most genius thing ever? It's a spoon!
TTH out of context pt.6? content media
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 21, 2025
In General Memes
Hi! Welcome back! Incorrect quotes pt.2 this time I added more people enjoy! Anaya: Do you think I can fit 10 cookies in my mouth? Non-Thwaphouser: You are a hazard to society Wren: And a coward. Do 15. Non-Thwaphouser: I don’t think you guys should eat any more fries… Anaya: Fries cures insanity Non-Thwaphouser: I don’t think that’s tru- Anaya: Definitely is true! **runs off and does multiple cartwheels Spags: I will do a lot of things Spags: But admitting to Janna that I’m cold when she told me to bring a coat is not one of them. Wren: Seth I dare y- Spags: Seth isn’t allowed to accept dares. Seth: Apparently I have no regard for “personal safety” Fab: Here you are Spags, a nice hot cup of coffee. Spags **takes sip and makes a face* Spags: Its cold. Fab: Nice cup of coffee. Spags: It tastes horrible. Fab: Cup of Coffee. Spags: **looks at cup and swirls contents* Spags: I’m not even sure it’s coffee. Fab: Cup. Wren: Do you think birds get sad for not having any arms? Lili: Do you get sad for not having wings? Wren: Every. Single. Day. …What am I if I don’t have wings A BIRD IMPERSONATOR!!! **starts crying* Matt: I’ve got a bad feeling about this. Seth: What do you mean? Matt: Don’t you ever get a little voice in your head telling you something is a bad idea? Seth: No. Matt: That actually explains alot. Bats: Psst Janna! Janna: What? Bats: I made this friendship bracelet for you! Janna: I’m not really a jewelery person. Bats: **clearly disappointed* You don’t have to wear it. Janna: No! I’m gonna wear it forever. Thwaphouser: Ahhh!!! I fELl Of a cLiFf aNd I’m iN pAiN! Non-Thwaphousers: Oh no! Someone get a doctor! Bats: Step aside, don’t worry I got this. Non-Thwaphousers: **panicking* Why don’t you have any supplies?! Bats: Stop worrying, I do. **pulls out sugar packet* Non-Thwaphousers: What’s that gonna do!? You need bandages, medicine other doctory stuff! Bats: Just wait **hands sugar to Thwaphouser* Thwaphouser: Thanks! **Drinks Sugar* **is healed* Non-Thwaphouser: … Wren: You are now under my control! Bring me cookies! Lili: Uh… Let me check with Anaya first. Wren: What no. You are under my control, bring me c- Lili: She said no. Hehe! Have a cookie! 🍪 Or some fruit, for the ridgerunners! 🍎 Or a sock, for Fab or Peet! 🧦
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 20, 2025
In Wingfeather Saga Memes
@ArthamFanGirl usaually does these but I really wanted to do this crossover since I've been kinda obssesed with Marvel recently. Spoilers for all wfs books and marvel movies! So first, Kalmar is Bucky ...Think about it, it's kinda perfect right? Artham\Peet is Bruce Banner\Hulk, both anxious about their quirks. Gammon\Florid Sword and Steve Rogers\Captain America, Cap isn't a vigiltte but they are pretty similar. Rudric and Thor, come on they're pretty close, sheer muscle. Janner and Sam Wilson\Falcon Maraly and Natasha\Black Widow, bad guys turned good also their demeanors are close. Podo and Antman, Criminals turned good again, though they don't have quite the same demeanor. Thanos and Gnag, both bad guys, both pretty solid goals just not great ways of achieving them. Then ok hear me out, this isn't a perfect match, Thorn 'o Sally and Loki, they have the same demeanor, they are both chill guys with a funny attitude. I also kinda need help do you guys have any matches for Peter Parker or Tony Stark? Anyway credit to my bro for helping with some of these.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Jan 02, 2025
In General Memes
quotes... yes.. ok so I used a generator for these cause.... I can so here it goes may or may not be accurate. Umm... here. Non-Thwap Houser: What do you think Seth will do for a distraction? Non-Thwap Houser: He’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Non-Thwap Houser: ... or he could do that. Spaghetti: Change is inedible. Anaya: Don't you mean inevitable? Spaghetti spitting out coins: No, I did not. Wren: We can't lose. Because we have this. *points to their chest* Lili: We have heart? Wren: Heart? No, me. I'm pointing at myself. I'm going to win this for us. Wren: Thank you for not saying "I told you so." Anaya: When you’re as right as I am, you don’t have to say it. Wren: I hate to disagree with you, but- Spaghetti: Please, you love to disagree with me. Its your favorite thing to do. *Thwap-housers on a hike* Wren: It’s beautiful out here. Spaghetti: And quiet. Lili: Too quiet. Anaya: Did we lose someone? *cut to Azog with a bear in a headlock* Thwap-housers: *walks to cabinet, removes oreo box, takes half a sleeve, throws empty box out* Hi! Non-Thwap Houser: Hey- what are you doing-? Thwap-houser, shoving an oreo into their mouth: I am saving space :D Wren: LILI!! What were you thinking? Lili: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic! Wren: You released CHORKNEYS! Spaghetti: *watching their house burn down* Wren: WHAT HAPPENED!!!! Spaghetti: I forgot that Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! haha… Lili: How do Anaya and Spaghetti usually get out of these messes? Wren: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Dec 23, 2024
In TV Series Discussion Season 2
Guys, I know many of you are not in the guild, but many of you really want to watch season 2. The Wingfeather Saga just put out on Youtube that until Dec. 31st season 2 would be free. So if you want to watch it now is the time. sorry for the short post but I knew a lot of you really want to watch it but can't/don't want to pay.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Dec 19, 2024
In General Memes
Here we are again. the war has brought up some amazing out of context quotes. enjoy!
TTH out of context pt4 content media
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Dec 17, 2024
In General Memes
I know some pretty interesting people and here are some things they have said. -This singer isn't very good (it was an instrumental song) -(talking about Christmas lights) Those lights are the strong fairy's and the blinking ones are the dying ones. -This remote controls Wren, it has three buttons, guess that's how complex she is. **I raise my eyebrows* Never mind. -Ohh evil, Yes! -(this is a kid i babysit) Don't flush my pee, the B-I-B-L-E -(same kid) Don't flush me! - I'm dead! -I want to lick it (I was painting a water mural) -You can eat your face or someone else's face it's a real bonding experience -Stop stabbing the salad! Four of these were @Mr. Banana [Lone Ranger] can you guess which ones?
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Dec 14, 2024
In Wingfeather Saga Memes
maybe just me 🤷‍♀️ this is my 30th post!
memes! content media
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Dec 14, 2024
In Spoiler Fanfiction
Yep 2 parts in 2 days, I was super motivated to write I'm getting excited. As always please give some tips, ideas or feedback and enjoy! I get down on my knees in front of Philip, Kiya and Jared and tell them, “Guys I'm going to go home. You guys are going to stay with the Bard and travel the world, ok?”  “Okay, but why can't you come with us or why can't we go with you?” Jared asks sadly. “I have to go home, and I can't take care of 4 kids by myself, plus you will have so much fun with the Bard and all your new friends.” “Where is Sylvy? Shouldn't you tell her too?” Kiya asks. I look at my feet hoping they won't be mad and say carefully, “Sylvy is coming with me… she doesn't like it here so I'm taking her with me.” “But what about us you still like us, right,” Philip asks very concerned. “Yes! I like you very much, I just can't take you with me right now,” I say reassuringly. The children look at their hands, feet anything but directly at me. I feel awful, is this the only way? Then Jared asks, “Will you come visit us please?” “Yes! As soon as possible I will! Okay?” “OK!” The children say .  “Mr. Bard plans to leave tomorrow okay? So get some good sleep and we will say goodbye tomorrow.”delighted.       The next morning the Bard left Dugtown with all of the orphans except Sylvia. Julie, Sylvia and I started towards Glipwood. I knew I would miss the children deeply but I would go visit them soon. I thought of that morning sadly and remembered how they had not wanted to leave me but wanted to stay with their friends. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when Sylvia cried out, “Wren! Look, it's fluffy!” She points to a gray ball of fluff from Julie's arms, and I wonder what it is. It turns around and I can see what it is, “Julie, come on! Let's go!” It’s a squeeblin, Julie looks at the creature and says, “Aww, it's cute! Wren, wait just a minute, look at this little guy!” “No, Julie! It's a squeeblin! They are dangerous! Come on!” I say exasperated and grab Sylvia out of her arms.  “How could such a little guy be dangerous?” “Their fur has little needles called fleshooks in their fur”  “Oh. Well sorry, let's just keep moving.” We walk for a little while when we encounter a family of travelers on some horses. A young man, on the lead horse, calls out to me, “Hello there! Where are you headed to?”  “Glipwood, we are heading home after… um some travels” Julie says. A grim look crosses his face, “Glipwood?....Haven’t you heard?” I feel my stomach drop as I ask, “Hear what, we left only a week ago.” The man looks back at his company, and they nod, he turns back with a downcast look and says, “Lass… Glipwood is in ruins, there was a massive storm, all the people left or were taken by the fangs.” I stumble backwards with surprise, “What? No, no no!” Julie takes Sylvia from my arms and sits down on a nearby rock with a stunned look on her face. The man says with regret, “I’m sorry, nobody is there any more.” I sink to my knees with shock and my hands go to my face. The man dismounts his horse, hands the reins to a younger girl and walks over to me. He places his hand on my back and says, “Lass, I know this is hard to hear. Glipwood was a good place and hopefully we can rebuild it soon. We are on our way to our house a little ways down the road if you would like to join us.” Julie stands and says, “Thank you very much, that would be greatly appreciated so we can figure out our next steps.” “My name is Tobias, and these are my siblings Charity, Issac and Rose. Follow me to our house.” We follow them to their house where we are greeted by a big dog barking and running towards us. “Nutmeg! Come here girl,” Issac calls out while dismounting his horse. The dog romps over to Issac and greets him wagging her tail. An older man and woman walk out of the house, I notice the woman is holding the hand of a young boy. “Ma! Pa!” Rose cries out, “Tobias found some friends and invited them to stay at our house!” Pa walks toward and says to Rose, “Did he now, and what would the friends be named?” He lifts Rose down from her horse. “Yep! Ummm,” she turns to me and says, “Hey! What’s your name you never told us?” I walk over to Pa and say, “My name is Wren, this is my sister Julie and this is Sylvia” Tobias comes running over and says, “Pa, they are from Glipwood they have no home to go back to, so I invited them to stay here. I-i hope that’s ok, I didn’t want to leave them all alone.”  “Hmm,” Pa turns to me and says, “is this true?” “Yes sir, we were coming home from Dugtown when we met your kin, who told us of Glipwood.” “And you would like to stay at our house?” “Yes sir, that would be most appreciated. Just until we figure out what to do next, we can pay and do chores!” Pa laughs and says, “You’re welcome to stay lass, no pay needed, though I might take you up on your offer of chores.” “Thank you very much, what can I do to help?” Tobias looks relieved and says, “You can help me put away the horses.” “Ok”   We walk towards the horses, I grab the reins of the horse that Rose was on and follow Tobias. Charity and Issac give us their reins and we walk toward the stables. We put the horses away and Tobias asks, “Wanna help feed and brush them?”  “Sure that would be nice,” He hands me a brush and I start to brush one of the horses, “thanks for inviting us, I don’t know what we would have done without a place to stay the night.” “I couldn’t just leave you out there, when I knew your home had been destroyed… so why were you in Dugtown?” I look at my feet in shame, “We were taken by the Black Carriage.” Tobias’s eyes widened in shock, “How are you standing in front of me? I’ve never heard of anyone coming back from the Black Carriage!” I smile a bit at that, “Well, this man named the Florid Sword saved us from the carriage, that’s where we found Sylvia.” “Really I thought she was just a sister, tell me more about your travels.” I tell him about the past few days after we got taken by the Carriage.  “I hope you don’t mind me asking but what was it like being taken by the Carriage?” I look down and say, “Maybe I should start with why we were taken.” I tell him about our journey to Glipwood and our encounter with the strangers and even about my mother and Ki. Ma peeks her head into the stable and says, “Sorry to interrupt you two, but it’s time for dinner.”  I blush and say, “thank you, Mrs. umm, what was your name?”  “Mary Archer, your’s was Wren correct?” “Yes,” we walk out of the stable and toward the house. We walk inside and a wonderful smell fills my nose, “it smells amazing Mrs. Archer.” “Thank you,” she says. We all take our seats and thank the Maker for the food. I notice the little boy I saw earlier with Mrs. Archer, sitting between Charity and Rose. I look toward him and ask, “what’s your name?” He doesn’t answer me or look at me which I find odd. Charity nudges him and whispers, “she’s talking to you.” He looks startled and says, “I’m Samuel, but you can call me Sam.” “Hi Sam, I’m Wren. Mrs. Archer, this food is delicious.” We spend the rest of the night chatting and playing games.
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Dec 12, 2024
In Spoiler Fanfiction
Here you go! sorry it's been a while! I have been busy and have had writers block but I think it's gone. Still if you have ideas please share them! Enjoy!  I stand there for a minute wondering what just happened and then I start towards the kids that the fangs had been escorting. I talk them into letting each other go, then tell them, “Hey, don't worry everything will be ok. Why don't you go back into the house.” We walk up to the house and the kids go inside. Inside I can hear the parents sobbing. Once they realize someone is  walking in they look up and gasp. I see them running to their kids and can hear their happy reunion. I suddenly feel sad, longing for my mom and Ki then turn back toward the Carriage.     “Julie, wake up!” I said as I shook her awake, “Come on we gotta figure out what we are gonna do with these kids.” Julie starts to sit up and rubs her eyes. “What kids?” she says sleepily. “The four other kids in this Carriage!” I say impatiently. She jolts awake, “Four!”  “Yeah, come on it’s after curfew if other fangs see us we are dead, we need to find a place to stay the night.” We rouse the two older kids, a 9 year old girl named Kiya and a 8 year old boy named Jared and carry the younger two, a 6 year old boy named Philip and a 4 year old little girl whose name we weren't able to figure out. We start towards the city trying to avoid fangs and we find an abandoned shop. We step through the broken door of the shop, careful not to cut ourselves on the splintered wood of the door. The shop is a wreck; there's broken glass, overturned shelves and dust everywhere. I walk to the back, the girl in my arms, and find a place relatively clear sheltered by a shelf. I grab a broom from behind a shelf and sweep an area for us to sleep then layed the girl down. I walk to Julie and carry Jared over to the little girl. Julie and I carry the other two over, so they don't cut themselves. I take off my jacket and lay it down for the kids to lay on. They fall asleep immediately, I quietly retell Julie what happened then tell her to get some sleep.  I stayed awake for the rest of the night, coming up with plan after plan of what I was going to do with these kids. I explore the shop looking for anything that might be useful. The shop has the main shopping area, a back room as well as 2 rooms above the shop. I find blankets in the rooms as well as some money in the back room. I walk back to our little area and put the blankets over the kids and Julie.   A little after the sun starts to rise Julie wakes up and turns toward me. “I'm gonna go and get some food. I found some money in the back.” I say confidently. “I'll come with you!” “No, stay here, keep them entertained, there's some toys upstairs. I'll be back soon, okay?” “Fine but be quick.”     I soon find myself in the city, I quickly figure out where we probably are, Dugtown, “Oh no,” I think to myself, “not as bad as Stranders but close.” I walk into a bakery and buy some bread. Then, I start back toward the shop. I start to hear a faint sound as I get closer I can tell it's, of all things, music. I'm intrigued, so I start walking towards it. This music is sweet and strangely familiar, though I can't think why. I soon see the source of it, a middle aged man with a whistleharp surrounded by children.     I watch for a while from behind a wall. Then, he stops and says, “I can see you, you know, come on over.” I walk towards him and can't help myself from saying, “That was beautiful! Who are you?”   “I'm Armulyn, the bard, I travel Skree singing songs, mostly about Anniera. What's your name child?” “I'm Wren, like the bird…I know you, you came to Glipwood not too long ago, you said Fangs were ugly, in front of Fangs,” I said in awe. “I did say that, didn't I, what are you doing this far from Glipwood, or did you come from Dugtown from Glipwood?” “Um.. well I do live in Glipwood, my sister and I um.. were headed toward Torrboro, she wanted to see the… cats.”  “This isn't Torrboro so how'd you get here?” “ we got caught by Stranders and put in the Black Carriage and then a man in Black named the Florid Sword saved us from fangs but then left, and now I have 4 kids under 10 with me and I don't know what to do.” The children just stare at me but the Bard says, “Wow… these children are orphans, if you would like I could take on your children.” “Ummm I’ll have to think about it. Would you mind if I stay with you for a few days?” “Not at all” “Mr. Bard!” Philip shouted, “Mr. Bard!” “Yes?” The Bard answered. “Watch!” He starts to whistle a simple tune, “I learned how to whistle, now I can be just like you!” “Good job, maybe you can be just like me, would you like to learn some more music?” “YES!” I laugh to myself, Philip would be just fine staying with the Bard. I looked down at the girl on my lap. We had finally figured out her name was Sylvia. I wasn’t sure how she would like staying with the Bard, any time someone else picked her up she cried. I had thought about taking her with us back to Glipwood but I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. The trip back to Glipwood would potentially be dangerous. We would have to walk back, which will be pretty dangerous, especially with a 4 year old. Kiya came running up to me, “Wren, Wren! Come play with us, please!”  “What are you playing?” “Ships and Sharks!” “Ooh, that sounds fun, is Julie playing?” “Yes! Please…” “Sure!” We walk towards Julie and the other orphans, I see Jared playing with the other kids and smile. I would miss the kids I had saved but I knew they would love staying with the Bard. “Wren, you and Julie are it!” Kiya says excitedly. All the kids line up and Julie and I stand in front of them. “Go!” I shout. All the kids run and Julie and I run after them. I grab Kiya into my arms and start to tickle her. She squeals and squirms away and then continues to run around. I watch her help Jared save a little girl from being tickled and turn to find another kid to tickle. We play until all the kids are worn out. I sit down and Sylvia runs up to me and sits in my lap. “Hi Sylvy!” “Hi!” She starts picking flowers, and says, “can you make a crown, please?”  “Sure, I’ll try,” I laugh. She stands up and collects more from out of reach then brings them to me. I start to weave the flowers together and make a crown. I place the crown of flowers on her head and say, “You are a beautiful little princess.”  “Mr. Bard?” I ask. “Yes?” “I think the kids would love to stay with you, except Sylvia… I don’t think she would like staying here but I’m not sure if I should take her. I don’t want her to be unhappy but I also don’t want her to be unsafe, what should I do?” “I think you should take her if you think you should. I know you will take good care of her. With that being said I would still be more than happy to look after her.”
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Dec 12, 2024
In General Memes
Here we are again. You guys keep taking the good ones so i am forced to go back generations to find good ones. these no one will remember, except the ones that are not so old anywho enjoy!
Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]
Thwapling Member
Thwapling Member
Dec 07, 2024
In Fan Fiction
You can help if you've read my Fanfic or you could just choose whatever sounds coolest or you could read it then help choose a name If you have a different one please tell me. Redemption can be substuited for hope, freedom or something else. Also how do you think Ships And Sharks is played? Please give me Ideas!🧨

Wren [LR, TW, CE, BW]

Dragon Rider/Bookwyrm/Non-Consistant Writer/Probably Princess of Somewhere/Lover of Books, Chaos, Freedom, Wingfeather Saga, and Food/Toothy Cow Enthusiast/Friend of Socked People, Nighttime Vigilantes, Dogs, Elephants, Ridgerunners, Elves, Orks,Cows(of the toothy kind), Weird people, Books and I guess Normal People( but I don't really know any)/Defender of TTH and my Brother (the King)/ Wielder of Frying Pans, Dynamite, Books and Treats/Awesome Throne Warden/Loather of Bonifer Squoon and Glitter/Proud Lone Ranger and Throne Warden/Collecter of Books, Art, Memes and Elephants (not real ones)/Master of Form/Protecter of Thwaps, Chorkneys, Toothy Cows, and other creatures/Bird impersonater/Loyal to TTH, being a Lone Ranger and a Throne Wardennd

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Bookbindery Guild
Royal Bard
Lore Wain
Fanfic Writer
Project Whiz
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